1223.3 Have You Ever Danced With the Devil?

((If I may, as originally conceived, I had him out on the western part of Normandy Tribunal, and had figured that he had good knowledge of Paris, Normandy, etc, and minimal knowledge of the Champagne and Bibracte areas, and with the chief protagonists being from the western part Normandy Tribunal, as an NPC he was going to be helpful in that regard. He could still be helpful if you jiggered some of his knowledges back to where I had them as an NPC, and then I can funnel things through Renaud to whomever. I think Henri has enough operational knowledge of the local environment to answer most questions...))

((Renuad is very western France. The Bibracte lore is new and as of 1223.3 he would have it at 2. His other lores have not changed. He has a Lore Paris 2. And he has Lore Church 2( to write those nasty songs). Renuad is traveling and is not available. I was just looking through our other grogs/companions to see who Korvin could talk to for info.))

((Well, if I'm not overwhelming Peregrine, Henri is the best person to ask for information. If necessary, I can take over Henri, I'll leave it up to Peregrine. Right now, he's running nearly as many characters as I am!))

((no biggie, I'm just running a little behind. They have me working 36 hours this week, plus Mom has two doctor's appointments out of town this week, which kills at least another 3-4 hours a day.))

As Korvin is addressing the escort, he hears a polite (if phlegmy) cough behind him.

"Pardon me, Magus," Henri says. "But I understand that you intend to send the men to the Bishop unescorted? Far be in from me to tell you how to do your job, but are you sure that's prudent? After all, I believe that, under the Code, the mundane resources of a covenant cannot be considered to contribute towards the magical power of its members, and that the Tribunal considers them to be...fair game. I would hate to think what would happen if another covenant were to get wind of our caravan and raid it, with no magi present to at least protest, if not defend it."

Korvin sighs a great sigh. Contact Mistress Viscaria[*] and let her know that I have to travel. I'll go get my things for the trip to Givry. Henri, let me know of other possible residences or places the Bishop might be.

[*]IIRC, The previous Precept covers if something comes up.

I may be throwing the princeps issue into disarray. I hadn't necessarily expected it to become an issue in this story. Also, consider that this is perhaps a duty for the Imperator.

Outstanding!! I'm sure Alexi will not mind :slight_smile:

Makes a trip to Alexei's lab

Alexei seems to be making some rearrangements in the area near his sanctum. He has a young man who is discussing some options on the wall outside of his sanctum. He looks up to see Korvin approaching.

"Ah Korvin! My Sodale, how good to see you. What can I do for you this day?"

My friend, we have a ...uh... situation that seems to require your ...ahhhh.. abilities. Korvin shows Alexei the Bishop's letter while talking. It seems we missed our tithes this year so I, as Precept, am arranging delivery. We do have the money so that is not a problem. I put together 5 grogs to deliver it but as Henri pointed out to me, it is fair game if another Covenant wanted to try and take it. So we need a magus to guard it. Your abilities make you uniquely qualified for this. But as you can see it can not wait.

The priest the Bishop talks about in the letter is called Théofil. He is quite a corpulent fellow and seems to know quite a bit about the Order (under his breath) as does everyone. He was complaining about our lack of church attendance and I'm afraid I did not do a good job in reassuring him.

Alexei's smile turns into a concerned look. "We...have missed a tithe? My word, that is dreadful, we could face repercussions for this mistake! Who was in charge of..." he pauses and nods. "Reynault, yes this makes sense, I vaguely recall authorizing something while Princeps early on, really just letting Reynault do as he'd done for a long time. It must have been this. Yes, with the amount of money involved and the importance of the delivery, plus our state with the others I shall happily accompany you. I could use confession myself." he adds as he rubs his chin and regards the letter.

"To be honest I cannot fault him for his observations on church attendance. I have gone as required by Mother Church, and I encourage the men and allow them time. But the only ones I impress their duties to Church are the young and that's if they have no parents taking them. But it could certainly help all of us I feel."

"Yes, Magus." (Unless he hears, being a Busybody, or is told that Alexei will accept this mission*.)

If he knows of any other places that the Bishop might be (Int 1 + Area Lore: Bibracte 3 + die roll of 8 = 12, or 13 if his Specialization of "politics" applies), then he will tell Korvin.

* "This magus will self-destruct in five seconds."

((The episcopal residence is The Palace of the Dukes of Burgundy, in Dijon, about 100 miles away.))

((Was the intention that Alexei goes with the Tithe and Korvin stays? I thought that was implied but I'm not sure anymore.))

((Suggest it in character and see what happens. :smiley:))

Korvin looks a bit pained at Alexei. "I...u'hmm ...will not be going on this trip. With all of the preparations for the Tribunal coming I have found it impossible to have Viscaria cover for me as Precept. If both of us left it would make it even worst. Perhaps Jacques could accompany you."

Alexei was reading the letter a second time when Korvin responded. He looked up a moment later looking slightly confused. He scratches his head...and then smiles, it is not necessarily a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry Sodale...is it your intention that I...send a message to this priest? For I have done that several times in my career as a magus of House Flambeau. In sending messages, why we're only second to the Mercere and the honoured Redcaps!" he directs Korvin's attention to various banners and other trophies from Alexei's long military career that have been placed near a wall as the decor is changing. "The message was received in every one of these, though I daresay they did not care for the message I delivered. And to send Jacques with me...it almost sounds like a rather stern message is being sent." he looks at Korvin rather severely.

"We're not sending that type of message are we? We just wish to keep a long arrangement and not cause trouble, aye? That being the case, I'm sure it will be a lovely trip and I shall keep you and our investment safe. The Tribunal is still four years away by my count, it will keep. Come with me Sodale, we so rarely get to talk and I have been cooped up here so long. I sometimes forget that so few of my Covenmates have actually...truly seen what it is I do, as I have tried to gentle my condition since arriving at Mons Electi and leave behind so much of the...unpleasantness of my past. it will be an excellent trip that we shall both benefit from I feel."

He wraps an arm around Korvin's shoulders and then heads for the wine. Road trip!

Send a message? I am thinking more of send some money so the Church will not bother us. In this case we are... I mean you are a guard for our resources. rolls his eyes as he looks at Alexei's excitement about the trip . Alright. I get ready.

Alexei laughs as he hands a cup of wine to Korvin. "See? I might have misunderstood your intent completely. Come, I shall assemble a turb and we will be on our way!"

Hrmm, I'm certain I posted this once before...
((How many grogs and who are they? Doesn't matter who runs them.))