1227.2t It's Not What You Know

"Then, would you like to table this issue and hold a special tribunal to decide the matter with a sense of finality, and also, if necessary designate the site of the next Tribunal?"

[color=blue]"If you are asking my opinion," Fiona says, [color=blue]"I believe it would be best if we table the matter until the next Tribunal, whether regular or special, and that we choose the site of the next Tribunal as normal. Then, if the Grand Tribunal does decide to re-create Lotharingia, we will have a better vision of the landscape and how best to address the matter."

"What if the next site of the Normandy Tribunal would end up changing to the Lotharingina Tribunal? What then? I like your original idea of tabling the discussion. We will convene a tribunal in two years time at this same site, to determine the site of the next Tribunal, and also address whether Mons Electi will be the permanent site. I'm assuming we can count on Mons Electi to attend, we need at least 12 magi from three additional covenants to make it a legal Tribunal. I'm calling for the question. Vote aye to table the discussion and reconvene in two years."

Alexei nods and holds up his voting sigil, a decorated iron spear tip and thumps his staff once on the floor. "Aye."

Fiona votes Aye.

It seems that the question will pass by acclimation; Tranquillina merely nods her head. She scans the crowd to spot anyone who seems put out by the suggestion of Mons Electi as Tribunal seat, rubbing her eyes blearily. ((Per 2 + Intrigue 2+2 + stress die 2 = 8.))

((Korvin, I love you! :smiley: ))

Roberto: [color=brown]Aye

((Don't forget to vote!!))

The server swallows my votes :slight_smile:

Korvin aye

Jacques nay

If the forum isn't letting it happen, let's have everyone chime in with their player vote with a post, then. Unless people want it to be a secret ballot....

I/Fiona voted Nay, and the one No vote in the poll so far in mine. shrug

((I think there is some confusion as we are having a Tribunal vote plus the poll for the thread. I think our character's are voting to delay the decision on ME for 2 years. I think we the players need to learn the pros and cons of becoming the fixed site for the Tribunal before they vote in the poll. I think the pros will out weigh the cons.))

((The tribunal poll about the site is a player/troupe decision, I'm fine either way. Fiona does raise a very reasonable point, and Celeres extends it out, that if there is a new Tribunal created, it is possible that if the next side selected is Cunfin, or Florum, Spider's Rest, or even Novus Mane, that they would be part of the new Tribunal, and thus be an ineligible site. As to whether Mons Electi becomes the permanent site for the Tribunal for Normandy is an exercise for the players to decide, as it will shape some of the saga. Keep in mind, that I've pretty much sacked the existing Guernicus infrastructure of the Tribunal. Then again, that might be a bad thing... :smiley: So there will be a Tribunal in two years time to establish the site of the New Tribunal. Be it Mons Electi or a lottery to determine the site.))

((Just out of curiosity, what does "Yes, but we're gonna get ours" mean? That we want to be the permanent host, but we're gonna make the Tribunal pay through the nose for the luxury of knowing where it's going to be every time?))

Something like that.

"Very well, since Fiona has provided wise council to this Tribunal, and in furtherance of our agenda, I move to the next task at hand. Election of delegates to the Grand Tribunal. The chair is nominating Fiona ex Miscellenea. As this is coming from the chair it needs no second. All in favor signify by saying aye. A chorus of ayes can be heard. "Opposed?" crickets can be heard chirping. "Very well, we require three other nominees and seconds, from different covenants. Despite their absence from this Tribunal, magi from Florum may be selected as delegates, we will notify them by Redcap. Nominees?"

Roberto: [color=brown]I nominate Wirth of Flambeau from the covenant of Novus Mane

Tranquillina tries to determine who will be a popular and easily confirmed nominee, so that she can be the one to quickly nominate that person. Preferably someone less popular with House Guernicus than with the Forces of Good ... but either way. And even a Bonisagus if possible. ((Int 3 + Intrigue (alliances 3+2) + stress die 9 = 17.))

Fiona had been making eye contact with that gorgeous maga over there, winking and basically flirting across the chamber, undressing her with her eyes and indulging in a mild fantasy about her when she hears her name. Which is soon followed by a lot of voices. She snaps back to reality and looks around, then leans over to whichever covenmate is next to her.

[color=blue]"What happened?" she whispers. [color=blue]"What did I miss?"

Korvin leans in to whisper/nibble on her ear. Congratulations madam delegate.