1228-1229 OOC

The Fool's role is not only to amuse, but to criticize. To point out errors in thinking, and blinding social conventions. To stand there and go "Hey, the Emperor's got no pants!". He is valued for that. But because he has to be able to criticize every layer of society, he stands completely outside the established social order... just as the Traitor does.

He also dances on the edge of the cliff :stuck_out_tongue:

And occasionally falls off.

On a completely unrelated note -- anyone have Cradle & Crescent? PM me, please?

"I, Alexei von Kroitsau, being of sound mind...well wait, that's a relative term is it not? There are many who might think my mind is quite unsound. Sound enough I suppose. And able body...well, if I was able bodied I wouldn't need this Longevity Ritual would I? I'm in good shape, have been for years and try hard to stay that way, but time catches up with all eventually.

Just do it, I'll either die in battle or from Twilight."

Yeah. Go ahead and experiment on Stultus's as well.

Both had nothing special as i did not push it. No side effects. No disasters. Just some extra points on the LR.

Okay. So with DLR, that Lab Total becomes 48. -9 to Aging rolls.
(I'm actually somewhat disappointed by the fact that there wasn't a side effect. Glutton for punishment, c'est moi.)
Thank you, Korvin. :smiley:

Aging roll for 1228.4:
+6 for age, -2 Covenant conditions modifier, -2 Lab Health rating, -9 Longevity Ritual. [1d10]roll of 1 (uh-oh) then 9 (oh crap!). Total of 11. 1 Aging point gained in Qik.


Aging roll for 1228.4:

1d10 → [10] = (10)

for his age of 61 add 7, and then for his LR of 98 and the conditions of the Covenant subract 22. He is good.

(( Is he a Corpus specialist?
If he is, does that make him a Cairo-practor? ))

As soon I saw this, I immediately thought of a cross between a camel and a pushmi-pullyu.

That's pretty much what it is. :smiley:


The drama in this story is reaching epic proportions. :laughing:

I have an all-day work marathon tomorrow, so my posting might be a bit slow for a few days. See you on the other side :wink:

I'm having a broken wisdom tooth extracted Wednesday and the other one on that same side is coming out, too. I have no idea what I'll be like after Wednesday, myself.

I'm still here.

NEXT week, however, I'll be in Dallas all week for a class, and then visiting some friends in Austin that weekend. Will have time to post in the evenings, but may not have the brainpower to do so... class promises to be EXTREMELY exhausting.

This made me chuckle...

and this dang near made me choke on my ham-and-cheese sammich :laughing:
You are too awesome, mon ami.

Carlos tells two three other grogs to spread the word. Roberto is calling for a council meeting, and is recruiting assistance for a grand adventure.

Why thank you. Warms the cockles of my heart, it does. :smiley: