1228-1229 OOC

Question. The SxF thread happens in Fall of '29. That Spring, Fiona enchanted her Talisman with a variant of The Unseen Porter that's ReTe(An, Co, He, Vi), Touch Range, usable six times a day. Would it be possible to basically reach out, grab one of the toughs with the end of her Talisman, use it to grab him, and fling him skyward?

No, Unseen Porter doesn't allow flinging, and technically only works on inanimate objects. As a compromise, we can say it holds him immobile, though. No damage, no flinging and no attacks on his part.

I was 21 or 22 when I had mine out. All four at one go. Three days of codeine and chicken noodle soup. Basically, my routine was sleep, get up, take medicine, eat soup, lather rinse repeat.

Works for me. I had envisioned being able to lift bodies (living or otherwise) and move them from one place to another, hence the Corpus requisite, but I thought using it as a sling might be pushing it. Can't hurt to ask. So, hold him immobile, maybe lift move him slowly(?) but no flinging and no damage?

Well, I think I'm being generous with the holding immobile, so no lifting/moving. Unless it's a corpse, of course...

Should I go ahead and advance Fiona to Fall 1229, with the assumption that all her lab activities go as planned?

And if so, does the work she does with Alexei warrant seasonal Exposure xp in, say, Brawling? (Only 2 xp a season, but she's only practicing a handful of hours a week)

Unseen Porter as from RAW, I would say no. A Rego Corpus spell, yeah. ReCo25 Fling the Menacing Knight V/M/I (base 15, +2 Voice).
It is generous to even immobilize him. More likely you grab a solid object he is attached to, like a shoe buckle, and he gets a strength roll to break free.

I should butt out. The spell should immobilize him and force him to tell the truth :mrgreen:

Which is why I gave it all those requisites. Animal to affect leather, bolts of wool, animals; Corpus to affect people, lift them up and move them around; Herbam to affect wooden crates, uprooted saplings for transplant, etc.; and Vim for, I don't know, large bulky things made of pure magic? Basically, the description for The Unseen Porter says "Casting requisites of an appropriate Form for the target are required,[/i] so I figured I'd enchant the Talisman to lift and slowly move any object she would reasonably need moved. shrug

Don't forget that she and Tranquillina are about to resolve a bet in the Vis-i-Tour thread (as soon as she's done talking about Stultus's penis), with a season of teaching on the line. :smiling_imp:

A standard price for a mundane book would be like a pound of silver (Covenants page 95). Tranquillina is offering to pay actual vis for someone else to take the trouble to find suitable books and get them for her. At least that's my thinking.... :question:

You are paying magi. Silver means nothing to them. Vis is currency.
I use the following rulw of thumb...
1 pawn of Form vis equals 4 Quarter Pawns of Vis (naturally).
The QP value of a book is the same as the Build Point cost. Quality + Level for Arts, Quality + (3 x Level) for Abilities.
By this estimate, I would rate the value at Ten & a Quarter pawns of vis.
You can get 10lbs of silver for a pawn of vis, but it takes 10 pawns of vis to buy a pound of silver.

Edit: Maybe half that. This is causing me to rethink my own estimates. Five & one-eighth pawns.

If it was Enchanted with Requisites (reflected in your lab total and level of the effect), that is totally different. You can lift, move, carry, and hold him. But the effect is not designed to "fling", is it?

The reason I'm bein so conservative here (with regard to using the Unseen Porter effect) is that the bases for moving a body don't align with the base for The Unseen Porter. So, it becomes an end run around ReCo guidelines. When the effect was enchanted was the lab total limited by the additiona Arts or were additiona magnitudes added to the spell?
Adding more magnitudes might make me more generous.

I'm receptive to your opinion in general (would love it if others weighed in too); but I'll point out that I'm proposing to pay a Redcap to do this, and silver definitely means something to Redcaps - it appears in canon more than once that they get tipped in silver (as well as in vis, on occasion).
I also maintain (I think you're seeing this yourself to some extent) that the Build Point costs for various covenant commodities are wildly inconsistent with one another, and should never be used to create "currency exchange rates" among the items thereon.

In the end, if I'm proposing 3 pawns and you're proposing 5 pawns, then we're already in the same ballpark, which makes me happy. Bargain roll perhaps?

I would guess the vis is for the trouble the Redcap needs to find the books in question. Adding silver to purchase the books would be in order.

Totally agree.

I guess part of Tranquillina's motivation is that if the vis bribe is nice enough, she can get them to worry about the modest silver cost themselves.
((I mean - OOC, I could care less about throwing silver at them, since we're hand-waving covenant finances anyway. But IC, she'd want to save the silver cost if at all possible.))

Bad roll my price, good roll your price :slight_smile:

My economic averages are based on what I percieve as the value of a pawn of Vim Vis (the most comon and most in demand), This scale here is what I have been using in my game. It works relativly well so far, but I am now thinking I charge too much for paper goods...

I'm down with that - just want some confirmation from outside our duo :mrgreen:

Just ran the numbers again (and will be posting her Seasonal Advancement to get her to where we are in that story shortly). The Thrusting Stone has an Enchantment Level of 15, and the Unseen Porter variant an Enchantment Level of 8, with no additional magnitudes for the requisites. She has Corpus 15, Herbam 10, Animal 7, Terram 5, and Vim 6, so her lowest Form is actually the base Form. Her Lab Total is 47, which enables her to do both enchantments in a single season; I didn't include the +5 Talisman Bonus for the lab work on that part, but adding a magnitude for fanciness would make the Enchantment Level 13 instead of 8.

Basically, the visual I had in mind when I originally posted this was she would use the Talisman as like a grasping claw type thing. She would reach with it, touch the crate/boulder/sheep/person/whatever, lift it with the Talisman, and move it to wherever. If that doesn't/won't work, I can drop the requisite and it won't affect the Effect or Enchantment Level any.

Speaking of vis. Fiona needs some. 12 Vim for Winter of 1228, 3 Rego or Terram for Spring of 1229, and so far 2 Rego or Herbam for Summer of 1229. She has enough in deferred allotment, but she feels she should let Gerulf know before she starts pillaging the stores.

Be VERY careful with the Vim. We do not have much and must have enough for our AoH. I'm going to adjust the expense for the AoH to include some Rego vis so we can build up some Vim.