1228.2 The Alabaster Lioness

((Wen's actually 24.))

"My father?" Wen says, looking slightly confused. "[strike]He's still back at Bibracte. And[/strike] I'm not that young...Mom's been trying to marry me off for years. But I'll have none of that!

"Anyway, where do you want me to start?"

(My improvised rank system works thusly: Magus, Captain (call him Commander while we are on ship), Leiutenant, Sergeant, & Corporal; then Advisor & Specialist are tangental and not ranks, assigned to work with specific individuals (Ache works for Pedro, Wen works for Allen)

I think Deykin is Wen's father. Correct?
I stand corrected on Wen's age. I thought she was a teenager. But 24 is cool. Allen still misunderstands her though :mrgreen: . But Roberto follows along with Carlos.
Allen! I have promoted Wen to Specialist. I like the cut of her jib and her bold spunk. She is to take orders from you. Her main specialty is scout/recon. I want her to pick up what she can casually about seamanship in the next two days. After that, in Cairo, utilize her for recon and scouting. Teach her a few self defense moves when you can.
When we hit ground, I am having Pedro secure and set up a base of operations. I want you two to make a quick survey of the immedeate area and see if you can hire a translator/guide that we will put to work under Wen.

((Yes, Deykin is Wen's father. My bad, I had forgotten that he was on here, too. She's probably hiding from him, though. :laughing: ))

Wen looks back and forth from Roberto to Allen as they speak in Latin (she think she hears her name once or twice, but isn't sure), and thinks, not for the first time, that she really should learn Latin one of these days if she's going to keep dealing with the magi. She rises up and down on the balls of her feet, hands clasped firmly behind her as she waits.

Roberto and Carlos walk off to find Pedro. Allen turns to Wen (looking slightly embarrassed).
Um..., go explore the ship. Get an update on our progress and when our eta is. Find out what is for dinner tonight. And get a weather report.

Aeolus answers, when asked, "We will put to the water, or just above the waves, as we approach Alexandria. Just before we arrive in port, we'll drop into the water and make our way up the Nile."

"Yes sir!" Wen says, and sets out to do just what he said. She starts off with a very thorough exploration of the ship, starting down below, poking around everywhere she can get into. She avoids her father if she sees him (he thinks she belongs back where she's safe...but, unlike Catrin, he's given up on trying to tell her what to do and contents himself with telling her that he wishes she wouldn't do it).

She will ask whoever's in the galley what's for dinner (hopefully they speak either French or Welsh), and the captain...or at least whoever's in the cabin with the charts and the wheel...how long until we get there, and if we're about to hit any giant squids or whirlpools or anything. Finally, she will climb the rigging to get to the crow's nest ((Dex 1 + Athletics (Climbing) 2 + die roll of 3 = 6)) and ask him how's the weather, as she climbs in next to him and thinks what an awesome view it is from up here.

After a couple or three hours of doing all this, she will try to track down Allen and tell him what she's found out.

Sailing, sailing, over the open sea ...

((Call it a combination of what hijinks you want to pursue, knowing if you are done and some pretty craptacular Internet access. I'll move this forward sometime tonight or tomorrow, depending on Internet access. Probably get a couple of posts together Sunday, if you're able b))

groovy :slight_smile:

Aeolus lands the ship in the water, just outside of Alexandria and sails under 'conventional' means into the city. A small boat comes along side and hails the ship. He talks with Aeolus for a bit, they are speaking in Arabic.
Feló says to Roberto, "We're being directed to dock and prepare to be boarded. Inspection."

The dawn of the morning they are expected to arrive, Roberto makes sure to put protective spells in place upon his entourage (and offers to do the same for any who wish). He also shares his Parma with Carlos, Pedro, Allen, Albert, and Wen. He also makes sure everyone is dressed well. Groomed as best as we can be :smiley:
Upon being informed of inspection, he nods.
Understood. Alright then, Carlos! Have the grogs line up for inspection. Pomp and circumstance, standing at attention, orderly and well disciplined!

"No, I'm afraid you don't. This is an inspection of the cargo, for duties, it has nothing to do with your men. They need to play the part of sailors. Normally Aeolus conjures illusions to act as sailors. But, we don't have much cargo which will create some questions that will need to be answered with silver, if you understand my meaning."

I think you are confused. Yes, they are here to inspect the ship not the men. But which looks better and least suspicious? A crew of well kempt disciplined men, or a motley crop of thugs and ruffians?
And yes, I do understand your meaning. They are corrupt government officials. It doesn't matter that we may be here for the purchase of goods. They want their cut. Having a load of cargo has nothing to do with how suspicious we look. Rather, it would mean that we might have powerful clients awaiting delivery so it is better not to interfere. And empty ship implies that no one cares if we are here or not.
I am sure Aeolus has gone through this before and has the matter well in hand. Ask him how much of a bribe he thinks he will need, and I will get him some cash.

Sailors of military vessels, perhaps. Other vessels, not so much...

You have a point. The only ones in combat gear are Allen and Albert. Perhaps we should have them disarm and stow their equipment out of sight? If we have time that is.
And if Aeolus need money, let me know and I will cover the cost.

Roberto isn't in combat gear at all?

"As I said, we have silver enough, part of our cover." All the while Roberto and Feló are talking, Aeolus and the harbormaster are discussing the particulars of what's about to happen. Roberto gives Allen and Albert a nod and they go below and stow their combat gear.

After about twenty minutes a pair of seedy looking men come aboard and begin scouring the ship for contraband. They don't seem to be interested in taking a bribe, however, and it takes over an hour to search the ship. Feló is with the chest while they come in, and they don't bother it.

Yes he is. Roberto shall dress down as well, and any grogs that are suited up. Roberto makes sure that he and others have the Doublet of Impenetrable Silk going on their shirt/tunic/etc.
He even has everyone put their swords away, though he and they each still hold onto a knife or dagger.

Interesting. Roberto goes over to Feló. What's all this then?

"I said we had a lot of silver with which to buy goods. Buy here, sell there, rinse and repeat. Aeolus has done this several times."

I meant the inspectors. What's going on? They seem to be looking for something.
Roberto patiently waits with calm confidence, yet is alert in case he needs to enact plan B.

((Wow, I hadn't meant for this to languish, kept getting sidetracked with other things.))

"Looking for a bribe. But something about them is off, and I'm having trouble determining how much I should bribe them." Roberto can't really determine anything specific about these men (maybe with some rolls). What are the rest of his retinue doing in relation to the pair that have come aboard?