1260.4 Fragile Things

The giant scratches his chin for a while while thinking. Mother will not mind if the baby is dead since it is to go in a pie. Hand it over now and you will not get hurt.

((Ick...not what I thought was the baby's intended use))

Zoltan doesn't bat an eye at the baby's potential fate. "Even so, even so, I think you'd like my idea. I just so happened to find another baby on my journeys through the forest. And this one...this one is even bigger! You'll really feel the weight when you pick it up. I didn't really want to keep it anyway for all the grumbling it did, but he's a sturdy fellow, you wouldn't be able squish it at all! But would get so tender in your mother's oven. 'Twill make a much better meal I think than this one..." he looks down at the baby in Rat's hands, and reaches down to stroke his face and pinch his cheek, causing it to squawk even louder for a moment. He shakes his head. "No...I don't think you want this one. Judging by the noise it's making, it's likely sick." Zoltan undoes the swaddling clothes just a bit and recoils. "Oh ye gods! And the smell! Oh this one is rotten! Trust me, you'll want the other baby. What do you say we make a trade?"

Give me other baby then. And be quick about it.

In the not so distance, a wolf howls. It is soon answered by several more.

The Giant is looking nervous now as he glances to where the howls are and back to Zoltan.

Zoltan looks up and around him at the sounds of the wolves. "I think you're right. One moment, I left him over here..." Zoltan walks over to a nearby bush "Oh baby? I have a friend who'd like to take you home for supper! Won't that be nice?"

((Zoltan is going to cast The Stony Goblin while out of sight:

1d10+26 → [10,26] = (36) 36

I'm hoping this is Simple, since we're not in combat? I'm not sure what the aura is, assuming it's a Faerie, which he'd benefit from and since he's native it shouldn't be harder for him either))

"There you are! Come on now, up, up, up! Hector! Give me the blanket you brought! We don't want him to get cold!" Zoltan is bending over and concealing the stony goblin he just conjured until he can be wrapped up.

((No this is stressed. ))

((Doh! Why?

Here's for the botch:

1d10 → [5] = (5)

So no botch, and he'd still cast it successfully. If this is a Faerie or Magic Aura of +4 or higher (I doubt it) then he's not fatigued. If it's not high enough then he got within 10 of the level of the spell, 30.))

((You are trying to not let a giant see what you are doing there is a chance that this could become combat. Now you are stressing because you botched. :mrgreen:

No aura in the area. ))

((OK Fair enough. It cost a fatigue))

"Hector! The blanket, quickly!" demands Zoltan as he hovers over the stony goblin and motions for it to keep quiet.

Hector produces the blanket at Zoltan's request, while keeping his eyes on the giant.

Rat will try and keep the baby she has calm, rocking it and murmuring to it.

Zoltan wraps the Stony Goblin in the blanket. "He's going to take you to a new home! Won't that be nice!" Between he and Hector he holds up the bundled, animated rock. "Here you go...oh wait! You never told me your name or your mother's name. Tell me and then the baby is yours and we'll both leave away from these wolves."

((Need to get the names of the fae around here))

The Giant does not look at the "baby" he seems to be in some haste. I am Bogden. You will do well to remember that little man.

With that he grabs the baby goblin and heads off to the west almost at a trot. He is looking over his shoulders as he does so.

The howling of wolves is getting nearer and there seem to be many of them.

"Bogden..." Zoltan mumbles, committing the name to memory. "Well...let's get out of here, shall we? But first." he points to Rat. "Guard that child well, we must hurry home. Let's watch for the wolves, don't fight unless we have to. And for a distraction..."

He pauses and gestures and begins chanting.

((Casting the Chattering Man; conjures a fae with 5 Might in the form of a human skeleton:
1d10+42 → [8,42] = (50)

The level of the spell is 30, with Penetration Ability he has a Pen total of +23, assuming that matters))

A skeleton seems to form from the air itself. Its bones are white as marble and between the shifting bones and the clicking from its teeth and jaws, it is easily seen why it's called the Chattering Man. "Chattering Man! There are some wolves that wish to play! We are going this way, you go that way!" he points in the direction opposite their intended path and also away from the giant. "Make sure to dance and make your music for them to hear!"

"Let us go players, we must exit the stage! I shall conjure a wind if the wolves get close, do not look them in the eye!"

Rat mumbles thanks to Zoltan for keeping the baby safe. And hurries with the group.

Those with second sight lead the group back to their camp site thought it is touch and go. For those without second sight, the woods are very dark with shadows confusing everything. The wolves' howls are close as they enter the camp. Zoltan and Ivan can see shapes moving around them. Some are wolf-like and other seem to walk on two legs.

"Ivan! Protect the babe!" Zoltan hisses only now wondering who was in fact the baby's parents? "Hector stay close to me, Abdul, Amazon! Be ready. Do not look them in the eye, leave that to me." Zoltan gathers himself and stands tall and imperious looking.

"Who dares?! Who dares lurk at the threshold of Zoltan? Who dares risk the thunder and lightning, the spirits that haunt the night? Come forward foolish one who walks on two legs and howls like a beast! Show yourself to Zoltan the mighty!"

There is no answer from the trees. Zoltan can see wolf shapes walking around about 30 yards from the camp. Some just sit there and watch. After a short while Ivan and Zoltan conclude that they are roughly surrounded by wolves and these other humanoid creatures. Nothing has come into the fire light ( I assume that the others will get a fire going quickly).

((Yes, get the fire going, if necessary Zoltan can likely light it with a non-fatiguing Spontaneous spell, 21 CrIg, but we can probably get it started either way))

Zoltan's challenge goes unanswered and his eyes narrow. "Very well, I shall bring in the spirits of the air! Come forward and speak or slink away into the night!"

((Zoltan will summon the Tempestuous Pixie: Might 10 (Aurum)

For the Tempestuous Pixie if you want to save time you might just use Juriska's stats for now. Can you roll for me please Jebrick? +34 Spell casting total, level 40 spell))

1d10=5 No aura

((Gah, another Fatigue...rather than be at a penalty (he's already spent 1 fatigue) I'll spend a Confidence point and raise the total casting roll to 42 then and stay out of the fatigue zone for now, plus have a little bit of Penetration left over))

In Zoltan's outstretched hands there stands a light blue skinned winged young girl with sharp teeth and sparks instead of hair. "What is your name little one? There are some wolves that might wish to do all of us harm, you will not let that though, will you? Wait for my word and then you may do with them as you wish!" he says to her in hushed tones. "Is the fire built?" he asks Ivan and Abdul.