Anulus Connectens: Andreva of Jerbiton

Fifteen rolls for ageing
lets say the first seven in the old lab. one of those years has the penalty for the season of overtime. the final year will include the bonus for the Bronze cord.
1 roll at +4 age +1 overtime -2 living condition - 11 for ritual = -8 result; no effects
6 rolls at +4 age -2 living condition - 11 for ritual = -9 result; no effects
2 rolls at +4 age -2 living condition -1 lab health score (of 2) - 11 for ritual = -10 result; no effects
5 rolls at +5 age -2 living condition -1 lab health score (of 2) - 11 for ritual = -9 result; no effects
1 roll at +5 age -2 living condition -1 lab health score (of 2) - 11 for ritual -2 for bronze cord = -11 result; no effects

Priorities for 31-45

In the last period Andreva went wild with her sword focus. She isn't really taken with the beauty of Maze of Swords and she's hoping to bring more beauty into her repertoire in the near future.

With regards to Jerbiton leagues she is interacting with the ponderers of weight and distance as a result of her quarry.

bigger deals
Andreva wants to get a little more skill with hermetic politics
She needs to get some skill in Muto for wizard's communion and for enchantments fro Grace
She needs Animal and possibly Corpus for Grace
She needs Vim for the wizard's comunion
She still wants just a little more finesse
She'd like to be able to have grace transform into something with hands and a size smaller than +3 preferably a human but if not a monkey might be handy
She wants to have a way to search for vis (something she never did address in 15-30 but she did some preliminary work with dragon slaying)
more stuff for comfortable underground spaces

smaller deals
She'd like to increase her single weapon, penetration, and concentration
if she could get to parma 6 that would be quite a bit better than 5 as there are lots of might 30 creatures in the books
While she wouldn't put a lot into magic theory perhaps part of the way to level 8 would be appropriate
She still likes jewels and hasn't forgotten about finding a way to harvest them

Somewhere in some book (perhaps Tellus know where?) there is mentioned that 'gems reproduce asexually underground'. A sculptor/architect Jerbiton I played in Tellus' and my Thebes/Constantinople saga was looking into this. We had one or more magi interested in the menagerie from Hermetic Projects, and as my Jerbiton had already created a wonderful cave for the bats to reside in and a lagoon for the fish he was looking into using Cr(Mu)Te to affect the rock to be more ideal for the gems to reproduce in. IIRC we decided that the CrAn guidelines to bring animals into maturity were too efficient for gems, but never got round to quantifying in any way how to improve the conditions for the gems. We had some simple system of applying 'points' to each animal or plant in the menagerie to accumulate from time spent by skilled individuals, useful spells cast regularly, and devices in constant use to keep track of growth and progress.
After the saga was discontinued Tellus and I kept on with a little pbem and we may take this project up again. But there is an almost endless list of projects for this magus.

I remember reading that as well. Perhaps it was in Art and Academe

Andreva's plan is to enchant a dagger to swim through the earth and stone like a fish through water. She will also enchant the knife with target hearing intellego spells to detect gems and, if her arts allow, vis.

She puts this plan in action by activating all of the enchantments then sending the knife to "swim a prearranged path" if the knife encounters and vis or gems it changes subtly. I was thinking of having a face on the pommel that has eyes which open or shut and a mouth that smiles or frowns depending upon whether the dirt-fish-knife has heard anything on a particular trip.

It doesn't seem as efficient as breeding gems but it appeals to my personal sense of style.

Very stylish indeed.

I think it fits Andreva's style very nicely. Plus it is faster and more efficient than some half-baked plan to cultivate gems. That one made more sense back then when we already had breeding for animals and cultivation of plants going on.

For breeding gems, may I suggest taking inspiration from the work of Herisson, in Legends of Hermes (p70+).
His techniques for breeding animal for virtus could be translated for breeding gems with some interpretations and creativity.

Andreva has lots to do during this period pushing her to spend lots of time in the lab, but she has lots of holes in her knowledge as well that push back. At 30 years out she still only has 2 forms above level 1 and her spell list is 96% terram spells.

So ten years in study for 300 xp (don't be surprised if this post gets heavily edited as I go through lab work).

xp cost item
15 concentration to 3
15 penetration to 3
5 code of Hermes 1
30 finesse to 9
5 faerie lore 1
5 magic lore 1
30 parma to 6
15 aquam to 5
15 ignem to 5
35 vim to 8
6 intellego to 6
34 Muto to 10
35 Corpus to 8
35 Animal to 8
20 30 xp terram bringing it to 23 (10) +3

I left out magic theory, single weapon, folk ken, more lore skills, and more etiquette but she needed the emphasis in arts to get what she wants to do done.

One of the first issues that Andreva will deal with considering the dragon issue, is a ward against fire. Are any of the other magi considering this (specifically Hector with his impressive rego score) or should Andreva be the one who develops it?

Andreva will instill the shapechange power from the core book page 105 with an additional level for 2 uses per day into her familiar bond. This will take three seasons. ( I hate things that take three or more seasons and I imagine that the characters I create would as well. Yet every now and again they are unavoidable)

As a result of this effect being instilled Andreva develops an urge to sprint across wide open outdoor spaces when she encounters them just for the thrill of it and Grace develops a fondness for having her mane elaborately styled.

Any ideas on how Andreva's sigil might manifest here?

Janus considers Ward against Heat and Flames as charged devices for grogs and scouts. Maybe even both a Minor and a major version considering I recently suggested the old dragon had a brood if minor wyrms as for soldiers. Janus has a fair ReIg lab total and can invent a lvl 30 version of the spell (giving +20 soak vs fire and heat) in one season.
Considering the core book's ancient dragon Stellatus has the power to breathe fire for +15 damage I this si a fair start. But as BoAF is good for +30 Janus is going to want better protection against the huge mother dragon. But it's doable.
As a charged device D. Sun for +15 soak Janus can make 10 charges in a season (with his apprentice assisting).
If he spent an entire season creating a single charge he could have it give +65 Soak! The following season he could create 15 more charges from the lab text.
He could even experiment for further effect. Unless the lab explodes minor oddities are acceptable when talking about charged items. A little time may be lost, but no vis.

With two seasons work Andreva can get a level 25 version. She'd much rather spend one season reading someone else's level 30 spell than two seasons inventing her own level 25. I do think that she'd put in the work to invent her own spell rather than relying on a charged device: 10 charges per season isn't a good value.

Drakes of below might 30 aren't going to be an issue for Andreva as they're unlikely to penetrate her parma and she has a large bag of sword spells to draw from in her dragon slaying endeavors (and also, not coincidentally, a bag full of swords to cast them on).

Grace is going to get xp as well. She'll definitely have at least the time that Andreva is studying to spend on her own study. The errata takes a reading of the core book that says that Familiars do not suffer penalties to their study totals for their magic might. So Grace might be entitled to 30 xp per year like a magus.

I'm only going to give her 25 xp per year however because she's a horse and presumably has less patience for reading and practice than a human.

So 10 years gives 250 xp

She'll get
Artes Liberales 1 (5 xp)
Athletics to 7 (35 xp)
Brawl to 5 (25 xp)
Awareness to 4 (20 xp)
Folk Ken 3 (30 xp)
Area lore 3 (30xp)
Magic theory 6 (105 xp)

Sure Janus will invent the spell but also needs to write up the lab text to make it useful.
But the charged devices may be appreciated by grogs.

That's what his apprentice is for. Isn't it?

Doesn't she need to decode Janus' shorthand first?

Edit: Or is that not necessary for an apprentice, because one assumes she knows her parens' code?

But that is exactly what apprentices are for! I'm sure Vesta will be copying a lot of Janus' work to sell. The charged device texts I always find very nice, so you can easily make a bunch of things with no vis cost. The invested devices may be more specialized, but several of the lesser devices should have universal applications to any covenant.

That was my assumption.

I am going to go with that interpretation. it makes sense for tha apprentice, who spends a lot of time with the parens, likely as a lab assistant, and may even be the one actually writing the notes The alternative is needlessly complex.
However this may only apply during apprenticeship (just to set a firm threshold). Once the master and pupil part their ways both of them may evolve their note-taking methods in different ways and 10 years post Gauntlet the filii may not necessarily understand the parens anymore.

After some discussion in the Bausas thread it became clear to me that learning the mentem attribute boasting spells was much less realistic than getting them as casting tablets. As a result I've gone back and modified the 16-30 period for Andreva. But since I don't expect folks to go back and re-read the previous pages I'm posting four new spells she developed during the two seasons that she gained here for comment.

Clearly those three spells can be sponted but by learning them as formulaic she can eliminate the possibility of botching and she automatically masters them for precision giving her a slightly better chance to make the hugely difficult finesse rolls. At three spells per one season it was more worth while.

One one season for this spell to make armor more wearable

Here are the two casting tablets traded for in the 16-30 period

Janus would like to have Vesta included in the circle when casting,twice for both of them please. If he provides vis for two of the castings is that ok?
I'm assuming this happens some time early in year 31-45, or did Andreva count on doing it immediately after getting them? If so, when? It doesn't really matter vis-wise since Janus as a Mercere can just borrow the vis interest free and just earn the vis later and pay off the debt.