Chapter 1: The guesthouse

[color=red]" I respect the concerns of Wirth for his noble wife, and of the mage Roberto for his freind the friar and will be happy for them to dwell in comfort at this covenant. However I must concure with Aelinus that the governance of a covenant of magi must be by magi.
I am curious as to what duties the magi will owe to the covenant and what resources they will be able to draw from the covenant. As if the cost of the duties surpasses the benefits for the magi I will need to consider matters carefully. I am also of course interested in the legacy we will have access to from two centuries of our forebears in this covenant

((the strange sounds of a Spanish guitar echo distantly from where the servants are having dinner. ))

Roberto feels much at ease having been told that our companions are well cared for (truth be told, he was making a show to impress everyone, and my concern was actually greater for Clara (Wirth's wife) than it is for my Grogs and Companion. They are men, and can take care of themselves. Yes, Roberto is a bit sexist, but does struggle to overcome this when it comes to a maga who is a peer). As for the servant, I didn't intend to threaten him, just intimidate him :slight_smile:
I was thinking that the servant might stare at me blankly having no common languages. I was figuring he spoke French, then I realized we are in Flanders (stupid Flanders...)
As for food, I am not worried. You should see what passes for rations on campaign in New Castile :laughing:
Just some character insight

As far as the Guest House goes, I do believe that the characters there include Clara, Marcello, Carlos and Pedro (the Grogs), and Dragor.
Friar Marcello (the companion, Jebrik's character) and Carlos Guiterez (the grog, community character) are the two guitar players. They have equal skill, but I am thinking that because of difference in their sizes, Marcello plays a larger bassier guitar (they actually came in many various sizes back then), and he is the one the magi hear playing off in the distance.

Carlos Guiterez (Pre +2, Com +0, Venus’s Blessing, Weakness for Women) attempts to strike up conversation with Clara. He honestly isn’t flirting with her, though he wants to. He isn’t stupid though. However, he does sense her discomfort and he feels compelled to make her feel more at ease. He also trusts that the behemoth Marcello (three sizes bigger!!) will gently pick him up by the head using one hand and set him aside if he goes too far)

But they share no languages!

So he does what he can. He plays guitar along with Marcello. And he sings a ballad in Spanish.

I don’t know any medieval Spanish ballads, so you have to use your imaginations :smiley:

Being that they are all Romance languages, one might slightly comprehend that the song has something to do about a knight who battles to save his heart. Pretty generic, but women always seem to like it when he sings that one and he has no idea why.

If one understands the language a little better, other details can be picked up on. The warrior feels ugly and rejected by all except for his love, who is only hope and salvation. He will move heaven and earth to cross the barrier that divides them. He is improvising a little bit. His song is inspired by Clara's love for Wirth. He understands that the bad vibes magi give off are because of the Gift and they cannot help it. Still, he doesn't like it and it isn't something he can get used to. New magi bother him more than those he knows well, and Wirth certainly creeps him out.Carlos can tell how much Clara loves him anyways, and this inspired his song. True Love does conquor all.

Then again, they are mediocre musicians. Venus' Blessing may have an effect on the sole female member of the audience, but Pedro could care less and Dragor is getting annoyed (though he keeps quiet)

Sometime around now, either they are brought food or taken somewhere where there is food.


The fasionably late Okenos should be coming accross them by now.

Oh, hell, there should also be yan axel, since he arrived with Okeanos. And I still need to write his background, and i'm away from sunday to tuesday, busy saturday... T-T

By the way, between him and Marcello, they're gonna be cramped, as he's giant-blooded too :laughing:

hum... Methinks I'll build her like a grog, for things like this.
Anyway, clara seems happy with the distraction and kind attentions, visibly thanking Carlos for his efforts (Something like "Je suis désolée, messire, mais je ne vous comprend pas. Je le regrette bien, mais vous remercie beaucoup de votre gentillesse") [color=blue](The usefulness of being from another country :wink:)
She does seem to like the song, or at least the intend :smiley:

Dragor seems pleased actually. The magi are meeting and things are progressing. He tries his best to make friends with those present.
[color=blue]Com +1, Pre +1, Charm 3 (wit), Folk Ken 2 (covenfolk)

I still gotta come up with a speech pattern for Dragor that sounds different than Roberto and is not an overly campy parody. He isn't truely friendly, more of a sycophant that seeks approval and attention. No flaw for it though, it doesn't compel him. What does compel him though is Duty. He sincerlt feels the bbest way to serve Master David is to build a following of agents that he can use to serve David and House Tremere. He is starting with these fine folks right here.

I will be unavailable all weekend as well, so I shall return on Monday.

~Happy Easter~
To most of you.

The Greek Tradition celebrates Pasca, Passover, which we call Greek Easter. We time it with the Jewish Passover (Pasca is the Sunday that follows Passover).
Just some cultural literacy :slight_smile:

Mark D Faulkner

As the wind begins to pick up to a particular shrill howl, the door to the Guest House bursts open ( more from the wind than anything else ) and Okeanos enters with his very large traveling companion ( Yan) ducking in after him, looking around the room, then proceeds to remove his scarf gloves and cloak. Their fey blood also very prominent, Yan's immense size, and Okeanos's green hued skin and his very oily dark green hair.

[color=green]Aelianus Robur:

[color=red]Regarding the resources and the duties of magi I can only state the following. Aelianus clears his throat. [color=red]The only duty that I impose upon the magi of this covenant is that they participate in the three seasons required for this covenant to make its income. To give us all an equal burden I suggest that we take turns in this income gathering. We have some trading relations with Dragons rest that require some work but supply us with rather large amounts of silver. Each magi who does a seasons worth of work will be given a share of the vis harvest. That is the vis that we have left after giving Florum their vis from our trade deal with them and the casting of the aegis.

In exchange for this modest service you get an equal voice in the council, I only reserve the right to make a call and force through an action when the discussion reaches a dead end and we can’t decide by voting. My intention is to rule this covenant with my new soldaes not trying to subjugate them.

Oh by they way it has been common practice of magi here in the past to set their apprentices on the income gathering duties and collect the vis themselves but for now there aren’t any apprentices.

Once upon a time this covenant had an vis income of about forty pawns. But now a days we can gather about twenty five and of those there are ten sold to Florum and a few used to raise the aegis. Our vis stocks are completely depleted. The vis sources that have disappeared over they years are now controlled by Florum.

Each magi have access to the library that is located in the chamber near the entrance in the grey tower, it is a fairly large collection though may tomes have disappeared over the years. That library is more than one can expect from a typical spring library.

There is a public laboratory in the temple between the towers that one can use. That laboratory is focused upon vis extraction and is intended for work to fund our income but when it isn’t used for such things then other magi may use it.

I hope that these duties won’t be that demanding so that you decide to join another covenant. Aelianus looks at Iolar in order to see what response he gets. The tone in Aelianus voice suggest that he has made a generous offer that it would be ridiculous for any magi not to accept.

[color=red]Regarding our mundane incomes Havlard I can only say that there aren’t any. Once upon a time Novus Mane had a large fishing fleet and some trading ships but those days are gone now. If you venture closer to the water you can see the remains but as this covenant passed into winter they where destroyed. One of the elder magi of this covenant was in a wizards war with some other magus, can’t remember the name of that one as it where before my time. During that war the mundane income where destroyed. If we can restore the mundane incomes of this covenant then we can rid us of the time consuming work with gathering mundane wealth.

I can also inform you of a rather happy circumstance, most of the servants of this covenant where born and raised here so that they speak at least a little Latin, though they tend to be a bit strange as they years pass by.

[color=red]As there are more than three of us I suggest two alternatives to determining who may draw upon the covenants resources either a rota where we split the three seasons of yearly work among the magi of the covenant so each of us would owe one seasons service roughly every two years given our numbers . Or we say that each magus must make a contribution of a season or equivlanant resources to the covenant every year to draw upon the resources so that we each work a season a year three of those upon the covenants established duties and the rest upon other duties to restore the covenant to its former position of power.

Whichever we go with I do not consider such conditions unduly onerous particularly considering the wide range of options I have open to me. I beleive that there are some covenants in Novograd who may be willing to consider me as a member.

I also think we would do well to consider that a strong showing in the tournemant at the tribunal of 1221 would help us a lot,

I pay close attention to Aelianus speech, visibly very concentrated

[color=red]We'll have to take them back. How can we achieve this?

After Iolas speech
[color=red]A season's service is fine. It'll help us all.
I also agree upon the tournament. Let us show our strength.
To Aelianus:
[color=red]Your conditions are very generous. If my wife agrees, we shall make our home here.
What are the mundane services to perform?

The fire blazes in the hearth and food is laid out on the table. Two men with strange instruments are playing for the others. One of the men playing the guitar is nearly as big as Yan. He pauses and then speaks in Latin.


[color=red]Greetings! I'll wager that you are looking for a different party. The other Magi went up to the Covenant about a while ago. Perhaps one of the servants here knows the way. Non-Gifted folk were not invited. Your companion is welcome here by the fire.

Okeanos nods to the 2 fellows and turns to his companion and waves his hand to the side as if to say "go ahead and take a seat", then he turns and proceeds to go after one of the servants and ask to be led to the other magi.

Muttering complaints at being turned out of his nice warm room on a cold and miserable night one of the servants leads Okeanos up through the town to the covenant , and leads him to the council chamber
[color=red]"It looks like the meeting has already started , but go right in I am sure no one will mind"

David listens to Aelianus, his face emotionless. At the end he speaks, his voice smooth with just a hint of his accent. [color=red]And you have let the docks rot for years while doing mundane work? Is there some difficulty that I am unaware of, or have you just been too shut away in your tower to notice it rotting around you?

[color=green]Aelianus Robur
[color=red]David, Aelianus seems to slightly more angry and he looks at the magus, [color=red]Until about six moths ago I was not the master of this covenant and the events that I told you about where does when this covenant passed into winter. We shall look forward not past guilt upon those that where before us.

Iolar smiles warmly at David
[color=red]"Thank you David for taking responsibility for the repair of the docks and fishing fleet. I am sure we all look forward to the great progress which will be made when you apply you energy and talants to this project.


[color=red]"Aelianus, do you know of a book or journal from the days when this was a summer Covenant? It my help us find Vis sources that have been forgotten."

At the barracks, [color=green]Yan Axel
A giant of a man enters behind Okeanos, clad in armor, his rough black shoulder-length hair barely held by a piece of cloth. He looks around, feeling slightly cramped. His gaze stops by the musicians, and a large smile lights up his face.
He goes to them, seeking a place to sit, and pulls out a drum he carried at his back.
Speaking in French (Norman): [color=red]Hello guys! My name is Jan Axel. Mind if I join you? :smiley:

At the tower, [color=green]Wirth


[color=green]Aelianus Robur

[color=red]I regret to tell you but there are not any books that I have found concerning the history or the secrets of Novus Mane. Unless there is one in the library that I haven’t noticed then there isn’t any. The only opportunity is for one to search this white tower for hidden secrets though I have not ventured above this floor. There are sure some ugly things that guards the old sanctums above, if I remember correctly then my master where proficient in the heinous mysteries of Himnis. Any more questions from anyone else? I have tokens here that will give you immunity to the effect to the aegis and I have the covenant oath for those of you who wishes to swear it. Aelianus produces the items and documents that are needed.

Iolar smiles
[color=red]"The secrets of the covenant would be less than secret if they where recorded for all to read. No doubt our Forebears knew their own secrets and shared them only with those they wished to know them. We will no doubt discover many of these in time"

Assuming a more serious expression
[color=red]"I will swear the oath of this covenant , if only so I can discover how Davids battle with the docks goes"

[color=green]Okeanos enter's the hall just as at the mention of secrets...
"Secretes? now that sounds very interesting. Oh, and can i possible get one of those tokens as well?"