Chapter 4b Twilight and Gloaming

Okay. Rock is just a rock. I say we should start thinking on finding a way out of here. Who knows "Leap of Homcoming"?

Marie shrugs doubtfully:

[color=red]I thought it wasn't there some time ago. Methinks, I was wrong. The fact that it doesn't react to my everyday telekinesis spells shows that something must be wrong with it. I am not used to failing my telekinesis spells when a few (she smiles wryly as she pronounces the following word) MEN can easily lift it. There must be something unnatural about it!

(ooc: at least +24 Penetration for Unseen Porter, so failing is only explicable as a botch or as a might score or parma - and I see no reason for her to botch that spell - she's used to casting it and nobody stresses her)

[color=red]More imortantly though, wWe haven't found a way to cure our afflicted collegue yet, and that was the point of the exercise. I mean - I - could easily LEAP back to Andorra - but the spell's range is personal.

(ooc: if timing matters - we'll have to ask the storyguide for a Deus ex Machina - if not - well we still haven't tried ceremonial casting to turn the stone into somthing more talkative. Or maybe we move on - but we are lost, aren't we?

It is stuffy in here. I cast "Chamber of Spring Breezes" to freshen the room up.

did I miss a deictic joke
:question: :unamused: :question:

don't think so. I don't know what diectic means :slight_smile:

Well, the ceremonial casting is still going on. Are you planning to try anything else before it's finished?


I create some torchlight and check out the walls of the room. There is no way out I presume from what you described. Is this correct?

OK, you walk back to where the entrance was, and then trace your way along one of the walls. After about 100 paces, you do find another opening.


[color=red]Hey guys! Over here!

[color=green]Dimir Taar
Heh! You're funny, in your own, childish way.
Nonetheless, you're right about the rock.

[color=red]Let me see...

If we've got a torch, something like it, I put the fire out, and then carve a ring on the wood with my dagger.
Then, I cast the following spontaneous spell on it:
[color=blue]Circle of light - Level 10
(Base 3 - Create light equivalent to torchlight, +1 touch, +2 ring duration)
Casting total (14+5+die)/2
This should be better. Now, let me just replenish my energies

That spell works. So, are we going ot abandon the ceremonial casting?


Sure why not, we can't have spen much time casting. Decimus gets ready to follow the others.

Marie casts Unseen Porter at the Rock again. If she succeeds now (Formulaic ReTe10, +34 on roll +1 for yelling=+35, no stress) she'll take it with her and follow the others.
If she doesn't she'll remind the others that something unnatural is going on and tells them to sit down and relax for however long it takes to magically explore the rock.
After all, we've got something strange here, and we don't want it creeping up behind us.
If the others cannot be convinced - she'll abandon "project rock" and hope the others will survive this (she's not worried about herself - nothing bolsters self-confidence as much as knowing you've got a leap of Homecoming as a Waiting Spell cast on yourself - and she's a Tytalus, too - that means she's to stu... er stubborn to worry).

(ooc: and if we all wait meekly - then this shouldn' take up too much game time).

The rock still doesn't yield to the spell.


I talk Marie out of obsessing over the rock. [color=red]We'll get back to it. It isn't going anywhere. And if it does, well, that just proves you were right.

Marie keeps frowning and muttering unintelligibly under her breath but also nods curtly and comes along.

What do we see down this new passageway?

... using our time-honored method of sending ahead a glowing stone using telekinesis?

Whoops, sorry, seem to have missed a reply notification again--and I was also sick as hell. Finally going to the doctor tomorrow....

This passage looks remarkably like all the others: smooth, featureless, dark....


Well, at least, with my magical "torch", we won't suffocate.
This is getting us nowhere.
I step forward, following the left wall.