"My travel did not afford the leisure to do so." he admits, although it rings hollow.
The Tremere looks past impassively with pupiless green eyes. "Master Ludovico, it is inaccurate and impolite to judge others by appearances or your own preconceptions." He bows slightly in apology. "However, I must apologize as I wasn't quite clear during our previous exchange. I serve the Order in the capacity of a Quaesitor." he explains as if it were sufficient.
"By your statement, master Ludovico demonstrates both a rudimentary respect for the Code and for my own power. I have set aside an area of my tower outside my Sanctum."
Ludovico stands unmoving for a long moment, his look of appraisal remaining all that is on his features. He takes his time folding his arms across his chest and looking down in thought before returning his eyes to Octavian's with something of an intensity. [color=red]"You give the impression that in your home tribunal that is an office held in a trusted esteem. An interesting contrast with my former home and the politics of Rome. Magvillus most decidedly included. Now. I've decided not to be insulted for now, so that perhaps in due time we can be friends. You may yet prove to be other than you seemed. Or other than you seem now. We shall see, come let us continue. Do lead the way. And I know little of you, or your power, as of yet. Not that I have no respect for you or it. No less than you for me and mine I suppose."
He speaks in an easy, almost amused tone. As he does so his manner becomes more light, one hand gesturing with his words. When or if Octavian leads, he follows at a polite distance.
[color=red]I got the impression from this census that we supported both wives and children. Sure we can make them an offer as I can still see virtues in having a staff that can read and I can’t see why anyone does not wish to learn how to read. We just ask for compensation at times if they choose to get their education.
I got the impression that we where a covenant within a covenant and as such supported both the staff, their families and cared for the buildings that we let them use. I must ask the steward for updated information. Perhaps things are turning even an there is not a large amount of silver bleeding from the House. Though I must insist on that the House exist on behalf of the Order and not for this covenant there is perhaps a sound way that things function in, after all how can I know I have only been here for a season.
Any way I will proceed in making higher education available to our staff, they should speak Latin and be able to read and write. And I need to make sure that we get an additional lab. I will ask the council of permission to erect another tower so that we get more space and perhaps build a second floor of one of the storage houses so that we don’t need to get more space.
I imagined that a clearer division between the House and the covenant where a way to see to that loyalties does not clash. Anyway to whom does the responsibility of the Mercere house lie now that you are back? I got the impression that I where in charge until you returned but I am most happy with the task and the honour of caring for on of our Houses.
Oh and another matter. Do you or anyone else here celebrate the gods? The ancient Roman gods that is. I have not gotten any impression about the religious affairs of this covenant and I would not like to some sort of disruption here with my reverence for the old gods.
[color=red]Oh, you want to take charge of the Mercere quarter, then it's all yours. And membership can be yours as well. I'll sponsor you. I think it is a huge hassle, but a wonderful benefit. Look, when I developed the Gift, the Redcaps and Mercere magi were all enamoured with me, some claiming that I was Mercere reborn. You might be one of them, I attracted a lot of attention from the Cult of Mercury. They were willing to pretty much give me whatever I wanted. They think I am ten times more powerful than I really am. I created the Mercere Quarter concept, shifting assets away from the corruption of the Roman Tribunal, placing them in a neutral territory goverened by neither Iberia or Provencal. There is another vault beneeth the one vis is stored in. I saw your accounting, very nice. But do you realize how many hundereds of pawns are owed to that bank? How much profit it makes in interest every year? It's a symbiotic relationship.
Eh, you'll learn. You want to run the Mercere Quarter, it's yours. Inigo still runs the council too. He is the commander on duty. I am done. My longevity is strong and I am physically pretty young still, but my soul is old. I honestly just want to be left alone for a while. You guys run things.
When he gets the chance, Rodrigo seeks out Inigo to make sure he receives possession of the Phoenix Sword and puts it back in the vault of Valdarius. [color=red]You guys (the Knights of Seneca) need to have that thing seriously investigated. It is getting to become stranger than it already was. The one power it has, the Rego Vim compartment storing vis, it always comes out messed up now! The first time is when Antonio botched and reconstituted that damn efreet. Just the other day, seven years ago (swears under breath), I drew a chunk of Rego out of it to spontaneously carry myself home, I missed my mark by seven leagues, and then I went into Twilight.. That was most displeasing (scowls). Not only that, but now I lost my Spontaneous magic. I get a horse and ride here with no difficulty. As soon as I approach the cliff, Khyron suddenly appears out of nowhere to mock me. “I’ve only come to welcome you home, and to let you know I am always here. I am embedded in the deepest nightmares you will never know!†[color=red] Then he grows to a humongous size and tries to step on me! His magic resistance must have gone up, but even with all the powers deactivated he still repelled the sword. I thought it was some kind of ward, but on a hunch I stabbed his toe with my dagger when that barrel hit him. Who launched that? They deserve a commendation. ]
Then afterwards, after you filibuster him back (:lol:), he asks a few questions. He asks about what has transpired in the past seven years. Who are the new faces? Octavius, Decimus, Viola, are new. Dragan is not fully here yet . He knows Inigo, Marie, Carmen, Dimir Taar, and who else?
As far as who is in charge, Antonio left you with the gavel, and it is still yours. That’s part of the deal. You are the Commander on Duty.
[color=red]Oh, I want to meet with that visiting Titanoi magus. Perhaps he can assist us with eliminating that efreet once and for all.
Ludivico's glare is met at first with a bemused smirk and unblinking green eyes.
"House Guernicus and Praeco Terrace of Jerbiton devoted many resources and much manpower in combatting the threat of Rasus and his followers." he says solemnly. "Any esteem for their sacrifices is well-deserved." One can't help but feel an [un]natural malevolence in the very essence of his eyes.
"Master Ludivico is most kind to say so." It is difficult to gaze away; a nagging compulsion to maintain eye contact.
Octavian nods, only then breaking eye contact and leads the way to his tower. He stops occasionally to look back or to apologize for the seclusion of his tower away from the hall. The tower is guarded by two sturdy portcullis. The gates open at Octavian's request to the custos "Gatekeeper, if you would be of service and provide entry into the tower." The sound of a metallic mechanism is heard from behind the gate and to the right. The exterior gate opens, followed by the interior gate but only after the first is firmly returned in its place. From a murder hole, one can spot the custos operating the winch controlling the portcullis.
Inside the gate is a small vestibule with a coat rack and a rest for an umbrella. Past the vestibule is truly where the comforts of the tower begin. First a salon, followed then by a conference room with a triangular shaped table. Octavian bids you to take seat. The hall is richly decorated and adorned with mirrors and other strange trophies as well as lenses that reshape the light and perception of the room to be far bigger than it is.
To the far side of the room is a door with a sanctum marker displayed prominently guarding the stairwell to the upper levels. The sigil is carved into the door, ornamented by two slices of brilliant jade.
Okay, Ludovico is conferencing with Octavius, Rodrigo with Decimus and Inigo in turn (both you guys can still reply, neither conversation is over until you say so). Carmen is trying to talk to Viola,
The custos are singing some serious praise for Marie. To all appearances, smacking the efreet upside the head with a barell of water seemed to banish it. Theu are making sure each tower is supplied with a full barell of water as a security measure.
Fuego is settling in. He is waiting for Antonio (who is late because he went to Greece on a side trip first that side tracks him). With him are two younger Flambeau magi, to be played by my two new recruits Arwan and Gremlin44. They are posting sheets in the Development thread for examination, and if the troupe approves, they can join our story.
Inigo lets the council settle into more private and smaller discussions rather than reconvening a formal meeting, since the issues that concern us all seem to be resolved.
What do I know about this sword? Anything I don’t that I probably should (where’s it from, etc), I ask Rodrigo.
[color=red] I agree, ridding ourselves of this bothersome spirit should be first priority. I’ll have to speak to our visiting Titanoi at his… earliest convenience.. Inigo’s lips are pressed into a thin line, and his eyes flash. He clearly is not a fan of House Tytalus.
[color=red] You know Dimir Taar, of course. He seems like a prime candidate to help with the investigation…
Is it OK to turn the sword over to Dimir Taar to look into or should this stay strictly within the Knights? Or is it a judgement call on my part – if so, I’ll delegate it to DT.
[color=blue]I’m going on vacation with little to no internet for a week, so if you need Inigo for something, feel free to NPC him. I probably won’t be posting much until next Saturday. Feel free to jump in to any conversation I’m in with impunity as well, Inigo doesn’t mind being interrupted (much).
[color=red]Now I am intrigued please tell me about the other vault. Is there any more information about the Mercere quarter that I should know about? I take it that you do not revere the old gods then, I will continue my worship in my sancta. If you have the time then please give me the tour of the vault beneath or at least give me directions. I got the impression that it where unhealthy to venture in the vaults beneath the tower without proper knowledge. I am thankful that you support my membership of this covenant.
Yes, Dimir Taar is the one to turn it over too. He is one of the Knights of Seneca of the line of Valdarius. This is the same Valdarius who constructed our grand Vault, and this very sword, hundreds of years ago (During the Schism War). It has a number of commonly known powers that can be used with little effort if the sword likes you; Sword of the Avernger/Blade of Virulent Flame, Pilium of Fire, Arc of Fiery Ribbons, , and more. It can transfer and store vis. It can heal injury and disease, it is a weapon of phenominal quality, and Rodrigo has lerned that it can be summoned to hand from short distances.
The sword has a grand history. It has been weilded by Julius filius Delendos, Francisco of Flambeau, Antonio, and others. When Rodrigo spontaneously developed the Gift twenty-seven years ago, Antonio gave him the Phoenix Sword so that he could look more impressively magical than he really was, and then went on to create his own magical sword. Rodrigo is now passing it on to one of you. It was on temporary loan from the Knights of Seneca, and it should be passed on to one of you know. Fuego is making Knights out of the two new recruits, and I am encouraging them to design themselves slightly younger than the rest of you. Perhaps it should be given to the youngest of you all.
I have an Idea.
[color=blue]I’m going on vacation with little to no internet for a week, so if you need Inigo for something, feel free to NPC him. I probably won’t be posting much until next Saturday. Feel free to jump in to any conversation I’m in with impunity as well, Inigo doesn’t mind being interrupted (much).
Don't sweat it. I am letting everyone catch up a bit right now.
[color=green]Rodrigo: [color=red] You can worship whatever way you want I suppose. I mean, most of us here are Christians. We have allowed Jews and Moslems to use a reserved portion of our chapel, I guess you can do the same if you want. It's all the same anyways, isn't it?
Now, the Vis totals you designed, that is what you have been guarenteed is there. The clerks showed you the paperwork, they showed you the area where they carefully handle vis, measuring it and storing it, and InVi magic will confirm that you have at least that amount. But Rodrigo tells you that, if you watch closely, a lot of vis goes in and out of the handling room and main vault. But more is coming in than going out. He shows you Where they put the profits...
Carmen seeks out Marie and brings her to meet Viola in the council chamber. [color=red]Viola has a serious problem, she cant't talk right at all! Everything comes out gibberish. We need to help her somehow. But how can we do that when she can't even tell us what's wrong?
[color=red]I thank you for giving me such information though I think not that I will join you in your chapel. There is little understanding for the old ways I’m afraid. I will retreat now to my chambers. If there is anything just ask. Decimus prepares to leave and walk back to the council chamber to see if there will be any new meeting, otherwise he walks to his sanctum.
OOC: I didn't really intend that to be a glare, but it might not be an entirely inaccurate description.
Here Ludo seems to take a most serious pause, nodding slightly. [color=red]"I've heard of that affair. It did not touch, nor have much affect on the relative civility or merits, of the affairs of Rome to any degree that I am aware of. Indeed the whole affair transpired far indeed from Rome, and Venice. I'd quite forgotten it until you mentioned that unfortunate business. I would agree those who participated, to whatever degree they were able, should be commended however. If you should, in the fulfilling of your office's duties, find my expertise useful I gladly volunteer it."
[color=red]"Nonsense. I'm kind only when I decide to be, and so far you good Sir have yet to warrant it, and though I do that often enough that isn't what most people seem to think of as kindness. I counter that most people do not think, and thus decide, on much at all... and a similar lack of decision and thought can hardly be argued to have a moral merit. But I digress."
Ludo inclines his head towards his host and seats himself opposite Octavian. [color=red]"Come, you hardly expected my arrival or that I should have a matter to discuss with you. Do not be over harsh on yourself or your hospitality. I like your mirrors by the way. They certainly... add to the room."
"I will be certain to remember the pledge of assistance." he says softly. "Our hermetic society is a pool. When disharmony causes ripples they are felt more strongly the closer one is to the origin. Just because Master Ludovico did not perceive it doesn't mean the consequences weren't felt elsewhere."
"Forgive my interruption, but I feel I may have misled you. I do not seek out kindness. Allow me to rephrase and thank you for your civility."
Octavian remains aloof in the face of the pun, acknowledging the remark with a mild smirk more out of propriety than any feeling of mirth. "You are most generous but I regret I must correct you. I was well aware that Master Ludovico would seek me out eventually. The circumstances were unclear. I would ask then the exact nature of your intentions to reach a mutual level of understanding on the topic we are to pursue our conversation."
[color=red]"Yeees. Well. I actually then have two matters to put to you. Firstly, I have recently come from an expedition that went, ah, other than planned in Val-Negra. I found it. Someone I thought an ally at the time took my memories of the place and all that transpired there. I intend to go back and repay them for their hospitality, and I've been told you were a man uniquely positioned to render aid.
Second. I have been considering this for some time, ever since I met your Archmagus Antonio and came to know of your covenant here. It's position, relative affluence, and indeed it's general social and political position are in all ways foreseeable advantageous to me. I shall be forthright and frank. I would like to join this covenant, and I am amiable to your concerns and interests, and indeed possible reservations. How can I secure your vote?"
The man chuckles softly to himself, thrumming his fingers on the table slightly before nodding as he begins. He starts slow, then builds steam with more animation and verve. When at last he finishes, he has one leg crossed over the other, hands folded in his lap.
Octavian listens patiently his eyes half closed, never interrupting until it is clear his guest has finished speaking. "Erasing the memory of another magus is a very serious crime that will require my full attention." He seems unconcerned or unsurprised about the discovery of Val-Negra. "This former ally answers to the name Abaddon if I am not mistaken." He opens his eyes suddenly to gauge the reaction. Ludovico can feel a certain discomfort as they bore into him.
((If it's clear by his body language, tone or what have you through a perception + awareness check Octavian continues))
"As far as your second request Master Ludovico, it will depend on the results of the first."