Character Creation for callen (OOC)

Slogging Onward (spring 1196, 4th season after apprenticeship)

Yet one more season studying Genesis Magica by Yannis ex Jerbiton (Creo Summa L14 Q15). If it weren't for her the combination of her ambition and her preference for order, leading her to like well-laid-out schedules, she would probably have wanted to go another route. But she pushed forward through the dense tome.

Celerius departed early in the spring, leaving a bit of a void compared to past seasons. Though he hung around just long enough for a great celebration of Mariana's 28th birthday. With the arrival of spring Mariana's children were excited to get back outdoors. So they occupied more of her time than they had the last two seasons. Watching and helping them grow and frolic nicely filled the remainder of her time.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Creo +15 β†’ Creo 12 (12)


Finishing Her Creo Studies (summer 1196, 5th season after apprenticeship)

The end was in sight. Only the last few chapters of Genesis Magica by Yannis ex Jerbiton (Creo Summa L14 Q15) remained. That added a little excitement to the year-long task she'd been assigned by proxy. Soon she was able to return the summa to Midius, task accomplished. She neither expected nor received congratulations; this was the job and it had been done - the effort was respected, and that was the end of it. Unfortunately she'd been spending a lot of time on Cult business and not in tournaments nor similar, so the tiny bit of acclaim she'd earned in her gauntlet and competing at the Grand Tribunal was starting to slip away.

Elena's eighth birthday arrived toward the end of the season. Ophilio and the Redcaps were paying a lot of attention to her. No Gift had yet emerged, though, so it was likely Elena would go on to be trained as a Redcap like her older brothers before her. Mariana spent more time with Rolando than she did with Elena, allowing Elena to receive some tutoring in advance of whatever sorts of studies she would soon begin.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Creo +15 β†’ Creo 14


Dreary Covenant Service (autumn 1196, 6th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana was asked to extract vis from the covenant's aura. Clearly the leaders knew what they'd planned, asking her to do this only after she'd studied Creo intensely rather than the other way around.

Overall, the work was quite boring and more intensive than studying Creo had been. But it kept her around the covenant rather than traveling about dealing with vis sources, which made more time for her children.


Mechanical bits:

Extract Vim vis: Int 3 + Creo 14 + Vim 9 + MT 4 + lab/aura 3 = 33 β†’ 4 pawns for the covenant

Exposure: Magic Theory +2 β†’ Magic Theory 4 (3) (Spells)


Back to the Books (winter 1196, 7th season after apprenticeship)

Midius brought her another book, Minds Easily Manipulated by Invictus of Tremere (Mentem Summa L13 Q 15). It was not quite as thorough a book as Yannis's, and Mentem came easily to Mariana, so this would not take nearly so long to get through. Knowing the next steps would be upon her soon and seeking to capitalize on her studies of Creo and Mentem, Mariana asked the Redcaps to procure copies of several known, lower-level CrMe lab texts and a few other lower-level lab texts for her, spending the pawn of Vim vis she had just received from covenant dues, notably less than she'd extracted for the covenant not long ago.

The winter was brutal, especially as Mariana's bed was noticeably cooler than it had been last year. But being cooped up with her children was nice; knowing she did not have many years left with her little ones, Mariana spent what time she could with them. Rolando's seventh birthday didn't bring a lot more height for him, but that didn't stop him from celebrating his growth.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Mentem +23 β†’ Mentem 11+3 (2)
Vis: +1 Vi (dues) - 2 Vi (for 75 levels of lab texts, plus Recap bonus) β†’ 0

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Finishing Her Mentem Studies (spring 1197, 8th season after apprenticeship)

As anticipated, Minds Easily Manipulated by Invictus of Tremere (Mentem Summa L13 Q 15) ended up being a rather short read. Toward the end of it Mariana decided that she could probably write something like this eventually. Actually, she should be able to do better... She should write a new branch for Mentem. But that would have to wait for a while; there remained a lot more Mentem to study before she could sit down to write a new branch.

Outside of her studies, most of her time was spent with her children and her parents. They celebrated her 29th birthday together, and the little ones loved the chance to get outdoors again after long days chased the winter's cold away.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Mentem +23 β†’ Mentem 13+3


Instruction in Natural Philosophy (summer 1197, 9th season after apprenticeship)

Beside being able to learn the spells they wanted her to learn, Mariana was going to have to be able to cast them with a certain amount of ease, too. To help guarantee this, a baccalaureus was hired to teach Mariana Philosophiae, being able to teach in Latin and costing much less to hire for a season than a Magister in Artibus. The biggest difference for her between this and instruction during apprenticeship was that she used her Parma Magica to protect the instructor rather than her parens protecting her.

She played hostess to her instructor, and picked up on little tidbits about the world outside of a covenant. So used to a covenant, it surprised her that women trained at nearly no universities. She heard about Hildegard of Bingen and Trotula of Salerno, who she logged in her mind alongside though definitely below Elaine and Cindrallon.

At the end of the season Mariana celebrated Elena's ninth birthday with her family, what might turn out to be their final birthday celebration together the five of them. That would depend on when a Redcap came calling to collect Elena. Mariana simultaneously looked forward to and dreaded that day. And she didn't really have that much longer with Rolando.


Mechanical bits:

Teacher: Philosophiae +9+6=+15 β†’ Philosophiae 2 (Ritual Magic)


Her First Genuinely Free Season (autumn 1197, 10th season after apprenticeship)

Ophilio informed Mariana that this would be the one season she could do as she pleased. The next couple years had already been planned out, including Ophilio scheduling his once-every-seven -years season of Redcap duties around those plans. So Mariana should make the best of this season. Noting that she was already 29 and knowing she might be busy several more years with the Cults, Mariana considered her Longevity Ritual. While Ophilio was certainly near at hand, there was no way she would be able to afford his prices in the near future; he was the premier among the Mercere and was himself ancient, surely commanding vast sums for his service. Mariana would be better off making her own, meaning she should study Corpus, and the covenant, being an established one, had a good Corpus Root (L6 Q21). With her meticulous nature, that made the plan easy for Mariana.

Another bonus to studying a book now was that it kept Mariana near her children with a fair amount of free time before she would be kept very busy on Cult of Mercury and Cult of Heroes business. It also wouldn't be that long until Elena was taken as an apprentice, and even Rolando was getting there; so Mariana cherished the time they could spend together this season perhaps more than any other.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Corpus +21 β†’ Corpus 6


Walking the Roman Roads (winter 1197, 11th season after apprenticeship)

Ophilio gave Mariana plenty of warning at the end of the autumn to prepare for a long journey. So she said goodbye to her children and her parents. She'd never been apart from any of them for very long; this would be quite a change. At least she had confidence her mother would look after her children well as she'd been doing for so many years.

Ophilio led Mariana along the paths of the ancient Roman roads as he made a number of his stops to carry out his duties as a Redcap. He pointed out various features and how they connected to the Cult of Mercury and Mercurian magic. While Mariana had grown up knowing about ancient Rome, she had been fairly sheltered at Aedes Mercurii; this was her first time really spending time away from the covenant. It was eye-opening in many ways. First, the Roman roads and ruins were not cared for in general, but they were still marvelous. Second, the lifestyles she observed while passing through were so different than within her covenant. Third, it really struck her how poorly women were treated, especially compared to at the covenant. That she wasn't expected to have much influence bugged her; even if Ophilio really was her superior, those they encountered didn't know it. Yes, the Gift made it worse, but there was still the comparable difference between her and Ophilio. Additionally, the women she viewed were always subservient, the men always in charge. By the end of the season it was really starting to piss her off, and they weren't even home yet. Missing Rolando's eighth birthday didn't help her mood, either. But Ophilio kept her in check when she would have let her Flambeau training kick in, his job made all that much easier because he had to translate most of what was said anywhere and so could watch her reactions as he conveyed everything. Secretly she vowed that she would change things, but that would have to wait. It would help if she could communicate better, too; perhaps her Mentem training could help there?

When they eventually did return to Aedes Mercurii, Mariana would receive her measly single pawn of dues for the year.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Area Lore: Europe +2 β†’ Area Lore: Europe 0 (2), Organization Lore: Cult of Mercury +4 β†’ Organization Lore: Cult of Mercury 1 (4), Magic Lore +1 β†’ Magic Lore 0 (3), Parma Magica +1 β†’ Parma Magica 1+2 (1)
Vis: +1 Co (dues) β†’ 1 Co

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The Return Brings Change (spring 1198, 12th season after apprenticeship)

The delay at the end of winter was a side trip to a shrouded Magical Regio at the site Porta Capena on the Appian Way. Mariana completed a task for a spirit there guarding an ancient Mercurian well, receiving a small amount of water from the well as a reward.

Ophilio and Mariana returned to Aedes Mercurii a little bit into the spring season, but before her 30th birthday. For her birthday Mariana had two big celebrations, one with her family as this might be the last the five of them had together, and one with a bunch of Redcaps in a Roman orgy to also acknowledge the coming ritual.

On May 15th, the date of the ancient festival of Mercuralia the ceremony was conducted. During the ceremony Mariana's head was sprinkled with the water she'd won. She formally forswore any allegiant to other faiths, dedicating herself to the old pagan gods of Rome. In this process she took on the official title of Priestess of Diana.

Separately, Mariana was happy to see that a number of her lab texts had arrived, with a note that the remainder would come soon.


Mechanical bits:

Initiation: Consecration of the Priamitus β†’ Mercurian Magic, Pagan
Exposure: Organization Lore: Cult of Mercury +2 β†’ Organization Lore: Cult of Mercury 1 (6)


Starting to Learn the Rituals (summer 1198, 13th season after apprenticeship)

Now the Cult of Heroes could start training her in the rituals they wanted her to use. They could save some vis by having her cast their Mentem rituals. So Ophilio arranged for several CrMe lab texts to head her direction. The first of them was Communication of the Followers. Examining it cursorily, Mariana decided it wasn't going to be so difficult, so she added one of her own lab texts to her docket: Construct the Memory Palace.

This summer the Redcaps came for Elena, too. The family celebrated quite a bit, as they had for Elena's two older brothers. But Elena's departure saddened Mariana more than even Bernardo's, her first, departure. With her Parma Magica Mariana had been able to spend more quality time with her youngest two children. And Elena was her only daughter, so that bond was special in another way. But becoming a Redcap would put Elena in a great place for the rest of her life, so Mariana accepted in wholeheartedly, even while weeping.

Mechanical bits:

Learn spells: Int 3 + Cr 14 + Me 16 + Foc 14 + MT 5 + Lab/Aura 3 = 55 β‰₯ 20 + 35

New spells: Construct the Memory Palace (CrMe 20 Ritual), Communication of the Followers (CrMe 35 Ritual), Wizard's Vigil (MuVi 20), Wizard's Vigil (MuVi 35)
Exposure: Creo +1 β†’ Creo 14 (1), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 13+3 (2)


Learning a Harder Ritual (autumn 1198, 14th season after apprenticeship)

The ease with which Mariana learned the first ritual pleased Ophilio. It also indicated to him she was ready for harder ones, which would also be more useful to the Cult of Heroes. He had a lab text of Communication of the Heroes sent to her. Glancing at that, Mariana knew it was near her limit. Still, learning a 12th magnitude spell less that four years from gauntlet should impress some and make her value her more. So Mariana set to work.

Family life was subdued this season. The dynamic of the past several years had been shaken up by Elena's departure. Mariana still spent a lot of time with Rolando. There just wasn't the same energy that there had been. Still, getting out and about before the full cold of the winter set in was a good thing.


Mechanical bits:

Learn spells: Int 3 + Cr 14 + Me 16 + Foc 14 + MT 5 + Lab/Aura 3 + Similar 7 = 62 β‰₯ 60

New spells: Communication of the Heroes (CrMe 60 Ritual), Wizards' Vigil (MuVi 60 Ritual)
Exposure: Creo +1 β†’ Creo 14 (2), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 13+3 (4)


Learning a Second Harder Ritual (winter 1198, 15th season after apprenticeship)

After her success with the first of the rituals, Ophilio had a second one, Presence of the Heroes, delivered to her. Most of the season went well, with everyone cooped up for the winter. But things really fell apart at the end of the season for Mariana. First her father died defending Pila of Flambeau as she pursued her hoplite activities. While it was an honorable death, that did little to console Mariana. Meanwhile she tried to do her best with Rolando as his ninth birthday arrived and he mourned the loss of his grandfather. But then the Redcaps came for Rolando to begin his apprenticeship. With only Mariana, her mother, and Rolando there and grieving, his send-off wasn't as celebratory as the other children's had been. Due to all this and in spite of her determined nature, Mariana missed a lot of time from the laboratory and only just managed to salvage her work at the end of the season.

Mechanical bits:

Learn spells: Int 3 + Cr 14 + Me 16 + Foc 14 + MT 5 + Lab/Aura 3 + Similar 12 - Distraction 6 = 61

New spells: Presence of the Heroes (CrMe 60 Ritual)
Exposure: Creo +1 β†’ Creo 14 (3), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 13+3 (6)

I will note that the Pagan flaw will really make it hard for her to perform her role in mundane relationships for the covenant. The description in HoH:TL makes it quite clear that she cannot just pretend to get along.

Well, a Pagan can pretend to get along with the people. They can't pretend to get along with the religion. You can't take part in Mass or a Christian wedding to blend in, for example. But that shouldn't always stop a negotiator for the strange magicians, just like there were foreign ambassadors of different religions. I would think it would open the door for a companion who is Christian to do a lot, too. I don't mind that opening for another player to have available. Also, I'm looking at being able to negotiate with Faeries, hedge magi, etc. well.


Lost a little discussion here, but nothing that needs to be recreated. I did some thinking. I'll abandon the Ritual path. That means she wouldn't get trained to do the Rituals, and she wouldn't be focused on the memory things in the same way. So a few alterations, which align her even more with the core book without Imbued. And I came up with a sigil I like.

At gauntlet, age 27:

Int +3, Per 0, Str -2, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com +1, Dex 0, Qui -1

Personality Traits: Ambitious +5, Hedonistic +1, Organized +3

Affinity with Mentem [1]
Cautious Sorceress [1]
Deft Mentem [1]
The Gift [free]
Hermetic Maga [free]
Minor Magical Focus: Permanent Mental Alteration [free - Schools of Sebastian]
Natural Leader [1]
Personal Vis Source (Mentem) [1]
Puissant Intrigue [1]
Puissant Magic Theory [1]
Puissant Mentem [1]
Puissant Parma Magica [1]
Skilled Parens [1]

Ambitious [-3]
Covenant Upbringing: Aedes Mercurii [-1]
Hermetic Patron: Cult of Heroes [-1]
Small Frame [-1]
Unimaginative Learner [-1]
Weak Elemental Resistance [-3]

Area Lore: Provençal Tribunal 1 (Aedes Mercurii) [5]
Artes Liberales 1 (Ceremonial Casting; Alphabets: Latin) [5]
Athletics 1 (Dancing) [5]
Awareness 1 (Alertness) [5]
Bargain 1 (Books) [5]
Brawl 1 (Evasion) [5]
Charm 1 (Debate) [5]
Concentration 2 (Spells) [15]
Etiquette 1 (Nobility) [5]
Finesse 1 (Certamen) [5]
Folk Ken 2 (Debate) [15]
Guile 1 (Debate) [5]
Intrigue 2+2 (Debate) [15]
Language: Latin 4 (Hermetic) [50]
Language: Basque 5 (Basque) [75-75=0]
Magic Theory 4+2 (Spells) [50]
Organization Lore: Cult of Mercury 1 (Cult of Heroes) [5]
Organization Lore: Order of Hermes 1 (Certamen) [5]
Parma Magica 1+2 (Certamen) [5]
Penetration 1 (Certamen) [5]
Profession: Scribe 1 (Latin) [5]
Stealth 1 (Natural Areas) [5]
Swim 1 (Underwater) [5]

Rego 12 [78]
Mentem 12+3 (1) [78/1.5=52]
Vim 10 [55]

Casting Sigil: The environment gets a touch quieter (not silent). E.g. the conversation in a room seems to subside a little, or there is a slight lull in the crickets chirping at night.
Certamen School: Hoplomachus

Repel the Unwanted Attention (Repulse the Unwanted Attention @ Touch) (ReCo 20)
Stop the Piercing Shafts (Halt the Piercing Shafts @ Concentration) (ReHe(Te) 25)
In the Sight of Somnus (The Call to Slumber @ Sight) (ReMe 15), Mastery 1: Multiple Casting
Unraveling the Threads of Vim (PeVi 15), Mastery 2: Quiet Casting, Unraveling
Cloak of Metaphysical Iron (Wrappings of Metaphysical Iron @ Concentration) (ReVi 25)
Sustaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 35), Mastery 2: Imperturbable Casting, Quiet Casting

End of Apprenticeship (spring 1195)

Being one of the few to swear the Oath of Hermes at a Grand Tribunal was an honor not lost on Mariana. She enjoyed her status and freedom and got to know as many magi as possible. On top of the general socializing, Mariana was able to reunite with the Redcap parents of her children, most of whom she had not seen in several years.

Unlike most the other apprentices just promoted, Mariana was not looking for a new home. She knew she would remain at Aedes Mercurii for quite a while and was happy about that. But she would also have to work for the covenant to earn her junior membership there.

The Mercere Portal made returning from the Grand Tribunal trivial and gave her enough time to move into one of Aedes Mercurii's many abandoned labs. Mariana chose one that appealed to her, as it was well-organized, even if it had been partially gutted to move supplies to other labs (Aura 5, -3 Basic, +1 Highly Organized = +3, just flavor on how it comes about).


Serving the Covenant (summer 1195, 1st season after apprenticeship)

Right away Mariana was put to work for the covenant to earn her keep. In her first seasons she was slower with the vis sources and stores, as she had to familiarize herself with them as well as maintaining them. The difficulty varied for her. Her skill with Rego made for some easier spontaneous telekinetic magic to get things from hard-to-reach places. But milking a special Pyrenean ibex proved tricky because it reacted poorly to her Gift and she lacked specific training with Animal to help her deal with the situation.

While all this kept her busy, it also left plenty of room in her schedule to look after her two youngest children, including celebrating Elena's seventh birthday just before the end of the season. Fortunately she was naturally talented enough with Parma Magica that she was able to shield both of her children from the Gift's effects already, making for much better family time.

And now that she was starting to have some vis of her own, rather than collected by the covenant or her parens, she asked the Redcaps to procure copies of a few lab texts for her. The ones she requested were Whispering Winds (InAu 15), Wizard's Leap (ReCo 15), Mercury's Winged Sandals (ReCo 20), The Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 35), Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15), Perceive the Eyes of Knives (InMe 20), Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20), Reveal the Lingering Spirit (InMe 20), The Miner's Keen Eye (InTe 20), Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 25), and Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi 25). She would owe the Redcaps 5 p.v.f., 4 for the purchases and 1 for them, due when the first text arrived.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Magic Lore +1 β†’ Magic Lore 0 (2), Terram +1 β†’ Terram 1
Vis: Personal +1 Me β†’ 1 Me


Reading from Gregory of Tours (autumn 1195, 2nd season after apprenticeship)

Mariana spent her first truly free season as a maga reading the covenant's copy of Decem Libri Historiarum, studying Magic Lore. She was particularly interested in learning about the natural magical properties of materials for later consideration for a Talisman. Afterward she let the Redcaps know of objects or rumors of objects she would be interested in hearing about.

As studying didn't take her abroad so much, Mariana had notably more time at the covenant. Mostly that allowed her to dote on her two youngest children. But the covenant had an interesting, long-term visitor as well. Celerius of Mercere had spent most of his time in Iberia, but he was currently moving things between Iberia and the rest of the Tribunal. Being on the edge of the Provençal Tribunal and having a Mercere Portal made Aedes Mercurii an ideal location to be based at. To Mariana he was a handsome man with some flare and stories from exotic lands. Thus began a hot and heavy affair that would never lead to more children, as Celerius had received his first Longevity Ritual four years earlier.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Magic Lore +12 β†’ Magic Lore 1 (8) (Objects of Virtue)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 3 Me


Continuing Her Studies (winter 1195, 3rd season after apprenticeship)

Next Mariana studied the covenant's excellent Intellego root (L6 Q21). She could readily see how Intellego would be valuable with both her Mentem and Vim skills, and it seemed like both those mergers would serve her well in the future. So Intellego seemed like an ideal choice to further her ends.

Mariana continued to spend time with her family, celebrating Rolando's sixth birthday. Her steamy affair with Celerius continued as well. Mariana received her first pawn of covenant disbursement at the end of the year, only one pawn because she was so low ranking. Overall these felt like very good times, advancing herself while having time to be a mother and being able to enjoy life's pleasures.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Intellego +21 β†’ Intellego 6
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 Me, 1 Vi


A Little More Study (spring 1196, 4th season after apprenticeship)

No lab texts had yet arrived, so Mariana studied the covenant's Corpus primer (L6 Q18). It was a good book, though not quite as well written as the Intellego root. Several of the lab texts she had requested were for ReCo spells, so it would be best to train a little bit in Corpus.

Reading also provided enough time for several other activities. Celerius departed early in the spring, leaving a bit of a void compared to past seasons. Though he hung around just long enough for a great celebration of Mariana's 28th birthday. Mariana also took part in Mercuralia, a standard for her, having grown up in the Cult of Mercury. With the arrival of spring Mariana's children were excited to get back outdoors. So they occupied more of her time than they had the last two seasons. Watching and helping them grow and frolic nicely filled the remainder of her time. At the end of the season she competed in the tournament at Castra Solis, being quickly eliminated from Certamen. She fought mostly defensively and lasted fairly well for one just under a year out of apprenticeship. She would have to make a better showing in four years.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Corpus +18 β†’ Corpus 5 (3)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 6 Me, 1 Vi


The First Texts Arrive (summer 1196, 5th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana returned from Castra Solis at the beginning of the season to discover the text for The Miner's Keen Eye had arrived. Mariana finally owned her first lab text written by another. She paid the Redcaps 5 pawns of Mentem vis, which she knew would be appreciated by the Cult of Heroes. Then she set to work on her first new spell. Later in the season the ReCo texts all arrived. She still had to wait on the remainder of the books.

Elena's eighth birthday arrived toward the end of the season. Ophilio and the Redcaps were paying a lot of attention to her. No Gift had yet emerged, though, so it was likely Elena would go on to be trained as a Redcap like her older brothers before her. Mariana spent more time with Rolando than she did with Elena, allowing Elena to receive some tutoring in advance of whatever sorts of studies she would soon begin.


Mechanical bits:

Lab Total: Int 3 + In 6 + Te 1 + MT 7 + Lab/Aura 3 = 20 β‰₯ 20.
New Formulaic Spells: The Miner's Keen Eye (InTe 20)
Exposure: Magic Theory +2 β†’ Magic Theory 4+2 (2)
Vis: Personal +1 Me, Paying the Redcaps -5 Me β†’ 2 Me, 1 Vi
New Items: Lab texts for Wizard's Leap (ReCo 15), Mercury's Winged Sandals (ReCo 20), The Leap of Homecoming (ReCo 35), The Miner's Keen Eye (InTe 20)


Preparing to Explore (autumn 1196, 6th season after apprenticeship)

Now that Mariana had some more lab texts at had, she could work on more spells to prepare her to explore Europe and hunt for items she would eventually use for a Talisman. Transportation was the most important thing to get a handle on, so she decided to learn to fly. She worked on Mercury's Winged Sandals and The Perfectly-Groomed Maga.

Overall, the work was exciting in its own way. Not only was she gaining a key capability, whether for exploring or for combat, but she was also developing the first spell of her own. It kept her around the covenant, too, which made more time for her children.


Mechanical bits:

Lab Total: Int 3 + Re 12 + Co 5 + MT 7 + Lab/Aura 3 = 30 β‰₯ 20 + 2x5.
New Formulaic Spells: The Perfectly-Groomed Maga (ReCo 5), Mercury's Winged Sandals (ReCo 20)
Exposure: Corpus +2 β†’ Corpus 5 (5)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 Me, 1 Vi

Spell Description:

The Perfectly-Groomed Maga (ReCo 5)
R: Personal, D: Momentary, T: Individual
Adjusts the caster's appearance to any that she could naturally have, shortening or lengthening her hair, nails, etc., as well as combing, braiding or otherwise arrange it. This does not change the target's age in any way, nor her build or coloration, but greatly enhances her ability to disguise herself (providing a +3 bonus to such rolls). After the spell has been cast, the appearance remains as set, and changes naturally from this point on. Casting requisites may be added to allow small props (such as ribbons) to be intertwined into the hair or used to hold braids.
(Base 2, +3 complexity)


More Covenant Service (winter 1196, 7th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana spent another season dealing with the covenant's vis sources and other things as necessary. Being able to fly made traveling about simpler and made things like catching the mountain-peak wind in a bottle for Auram vis fairly straightforward. She had to use several simple wards to protect herself from the chill and the wind, too.

The winter was brutal, especially as Mariana's bed was noticeably cooler than it had been last year. Being cooped up with her children when not out and about was nice; knowing she did not have many years left with her little ones, Mariana spent what time she could with them. Rolando's seventh birthday didn't bring a lot more height for him, but that didn't stop him from celebrating his growth.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Magic Lore +2 β†’ Magic Lore 2
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 5 Me, 2 Vi

Her First Adventure (spring 1197, 8th season after apprenticeship)

Once her covenant service was complete, Mariana set about preparing for a long journey. After celebrating her 29th birthday with her family and enjoying a little time outdoors with her children again after long days chased the winter's cold away, Mariana set out to search for magical stones. Her first target would be only slightly to the east, where there were a great many known basalt formations. Flight made the travel quite easy, and her recent InTe spell made finding basalt that much easier, even when it might have been hidden. But she wasn't just looking for any random piece of basalt, but one of particular quality, so she armed herself with an InVi spell to detect vis as well. Even if travel was easy, scouring the countryside while avoiding people was still tiring and took at great deal of time. She came across a few false leads, but at least she came away with a little bit of vis in the process. At one point she came across a woman being accosted by several men and decided to intervene. Keeping herself safe from the men was laughable with her wards and flight, and putting them to sleep was even easier. She took the little money she could find from the men and gave it to their victim, who seems as scared of Mariana as she'd been of the men. The experience disheartened Mariana a bit. She'd spent her life in a covenant, but out in the rest of Europe women were not treated nearly as well. Yet her Gift made it hard to help those women when she tried to do so. Her mood perked up, though, when after several more weeks she found a special basalt stone, this one a basalt Thunderbolt of Virtue. Upon its discovery she headed back to Aedes Mercurii to store what she'd found and to resupply herself to continue her journey in the summer.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Area Lore: Europe +1 β†’ Area Lore: Europe 0 (1), Awareness +1 β†’ Awareness 1 (1), Parma Magica +3 β†’ Parma Magica 1+2 (3), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 12+3 (2), Spell Mastery: Sustaining the Demanding Spell +2 β†’ Spell Mastery: Sustaining the Demanding Spell 2 (2)
Vis: Adventure +2 Te +2 Vi +1 Au (in Thunderbolt), Personal +2 Me β†’ 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 7 Me, 2 Te, 4 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point β†’ Warping Score 0 (1)


Her Search Continues (summer 1197, 9th season after apprenticeship)

While resupplying Mariana spoke to Ophilio about making a Longevity Ritual for her. It would be expensive, she knew. But it would take her ages of study to manage anything vaguely close to what he could do. She also knew his schedule could be busy, so she would have to make arrangements well in advance. Fortunately, as the head of the Cult of Heroes, he looked favorably on her and made sure he fit her in; not favorably enough for a discount off the 20 p.v.f., though - too bad.

Mariana spent unfortunately little time with her family while resupplying. Then she was off again, this time to hunt through the marble mines of Europe. This took her all over the place, and made her that much happier that she could fly. At one point she happened across a woman who had been robbed and left by the side of the road. Mariana helped her to her family's place - even the Gift wasn't enough for the woman to turn away the help. This added to Mariana's feelings from the prior season's experience. A lot of the search proved fruitless, but she knew she was looking for the rare stone that already had vis in it. She was determined, as always, and continued on, mine after mine, searching when people were away. She found four by the end of the season, but she knew she would have to return home to examine them more closely. Three of the stones each contained a pawn of vis, but one of them held two pawns of dedicated vis, something special.

Mariana's return at the end of the season was also just in time to celebrate Elena's ninth birthday with her family, what might turn out to be their final birthday celebration together the five of them. That would depend on when a Redcap came calling to collect Elena. Mariana simultaneously looked forward to and dreaded that day. And she didn't really have that much longer with Rolando.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Area Lore: Europe +1 β†’ Area Lore: Europe 0 (2), Awareness +1 β†’ Awareness 1 (2), Parma Magica +3 β†’ Parma Magica 1+2 (6), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 12+3 (4), Spell Mastery: Sustaining the Demanding Spell +2 β†’ Spell Mastery: Sustaining the Demanding Spell 2 (4)
Vis: Adventure +1 Te +2 Vi +2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), Personal +1 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 8 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point β†’ Warping Score 0 (2)


A Quieter Season at Home (autumn 1197, 10th season after apprenticeship)

Having been away so long, Mariana took the season to study the covenant's Perdo primer (L6 Q18). She kept the big, upcoming Flambeau tournament in mind. It would help a lot to round out her Techniques. Plus, she really wanted to work on PeMe magic soon. That would be the area in which she could make some great strides that might help her earn archmaga status.

Mariana was pleased to see the remaining lab texts she had requested had arrived while she was away. The significantly added to her collection.

A big part of why Mariana chose to study this season was to be near her children before she would have to head out on other business. It also wouldn't be that long until Elena was taken as an apprentice, and even Rolando was getting there; so Mariana cherished the time they could spend together this season perhaps more than any other.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Perdo +18 β†’ Perdo 5 (3)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 10 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi
New Items: Lab texts for Whispering Winds (InAu 15), Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15), Perceive the Eyes of Knives (InMe 20), Posing the Silent Question (InMe 20), Reveal the Lingering Spirit (InMe 20), Opening the Intangible Tunnel (ReVi 25), Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi 25)


A Quiet Season in the Cold (winter 1197, 11th season after apprenticeship)

Still working toward being able to develop some strong Mentem, and particularly PeMe spells, Mariana spent the season studying the covenant's more advanced summa on Mentem, Minds Easily Manipulated by Invictus of Tremere (Mentem Summa L16 Q 12). It was a good book, but it also inspired Mariana to do better. To help earn her status as an archmaga, she should write a new Branch for Mentem.

Again, this kept her near her children so she could enjoy these last seasons they would have the five of them. They celebrated Rolando's eighth birthday together. Mariana continued to try to cherish these remaining seasons.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Mentem +18 β†’ Mentem 13+3 (9)
Vis: Dues +1 Co, Personal +1 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Co, 11 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi


More Reading for Family Time (spring 1198, 12th season after apprenticeship)

For her birthday Mariana had two big celebrations, one with her family as this might be the last the five of them had together, and one with a bunch of Redcaps in a Roman orgy. It was her 30th birthday, after all. Mariana also celebrated Mercuralia, as she typically did.

For her own work, Mariana kept her head buried in Minds Easily Manipulated by Invictus of Tremere (Mentem Summa L16 Q 12). She was progressing quickly through it. The more she read, though, the more she was convinced she could eventually do better.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Mentem +18 β†’ Mentem 14+3 (13)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Co, 13 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi


Another Season of Service (summer 1198, 13th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana was still low in the pecking order, but fundamentally she didn't mind earning her keep. She spent the season collecting vis and taking care of other covenant business. It was easier than it had been a few years ago, with her improved skills and added spells.

This summer the Redcaps came for Elena, too. The family celebrated quite a bit, as they had for Elena's two older brothers. But Elena's departure saddened Mariana more than even Bernardo's, her first, departure. With her Parma Magica Mariana had been able to spend more quality time with her youngest two children. And Elena was her only daughter, so that bond was special in another way. But becoming a Redcap would put Elena in a great place for the rest of her life, so Mariana accepted in wholeheartedly, even while weeping.

Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Parma Magica +1 β†’ Parma Magica 1+2 (7), Perdo +1 β†’ Perdo 5 (4)
Vis: Personal +1 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Co, 14 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi


A Final Season on Mentem (autumn 1198, 14th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana decided to finish studying Minds Easily Manipulated by Invictus of Tremere (Mentem Summa L16 Q 12) before her season with Ophilio arrived. This would keep her around Rolando that much more.

Family life was subdued this season. The dynamic of the past several years had been shaken up by Elena's departure. Mariana still spent a lot of time with Rolando. There just wasn't the same energy that there had been. Still, getting out and about before the full cold of the winter set in was a good thing.


Mechanical bits:

Books: Mentem +18 β†’ Mentem 16+3
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Co, 16 Me, 3 Te, 6 Vi


Her Longevity Ritual with Ophilio (winter 1198, 15th season after apprenticeship)

The season she had arranged with Ophilio was upon her. She had only just barely saved up enough vis to pay him. She would get to see the master at work; he was known for being the longevity expert of House Mercere, after all. And as Mariana was able to assist him well, her ritual would be quite strong.

Most of the season went well, with everyone cooped up for the winter. But things really fell apart at the end of the season for Mariana. First her father died defending Pila of Flambeau as she pursued her hoplite activities. While it was an honorable death, that did little to console Mariana. Meanwhile she tried to do her best with Rolando as his ninth birthday arrived and he mourned the loss of his grandfather. But then the Redcaps came for Rolando to begin his apprenticeship. With only Mariana, her mother, and Rolando there and grieving, his send-off wasn't as celebratory as the other children's had been.

Mechanical bits:

Longevity Ritual: 22nd magnitude
Exposure: Magic Theory +1 β†’ Magic Theory 4+2 (4), Corpus +1 β†’ Corpus 6
Vis: Dues +1 Co, Longevity Ritual -2 Co -4 Vi, Payment -17 Me -3 Te, Personal +1 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 2 Vi

1 Like

Preparing for the Tournament (spring 1199, 16th season after apprenticeship)

Noting that the tournament is only just over a year away, Mariana set to reading An End of Things (Perdo summa L12, Q15). She knows she needs a good back-up to Rego for the tournament, so either Intellego or Perdo would be a good choice.

This spring she also takes part in the Mercuralia, but her heart's just not in it with the loneliness after losing her father and her last child had been led away. She finds a companion in Wolfgang, sharing different sorts of loneliness. As he's quite willing to spar as she prepares for the tournament, this companionship works especially well. If he keeps coming around, this could grow into a good camaraderie.


Books: Perdo +15 β†’ Perdo 7 (6)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 2 Me, 2 Vi


Pursuing a Sighting (summer 1199, 17th season after apprenticeship)

Just before the summer Mariana received word from a Redcap about a sighting of an Owl of Virtue, one of several things she'd mentioned interest in a few years prior. She traded a pawn of vis for silver so she could tip the Redcap the customary pound. Not really wanting to be continue sticking around the covenant right now with her empty nest, she planned to head out. She went through a number of preparations for her journey, mostly setting up what should be reasonable spell effects to manage the journey and help her scouting. She spent many weeks searching through the forest. She came across a little bit of Herbam and Vim vis, which she happily collected, but the target of her hunt was elusive. She probably never would have found it without the guidance the Redcaps had given, but armed with it she had much better odds and finally did come across the raptor. While it became aware of her quickly, its speed was no match for the rate at which she could use sleep spells, and it would have had difficulty penetrating her Parma Magica if it had tried to oppose her. Slitting the bird's throat as it slept was easy, though messy. With her prize Mariana headed back home to have the skull cleaned.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Awareness +2 β†’ Awareness 1 (4), Parma Magica +3 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2, Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 16+3 (2), Perdo +2 β†’ Perdo 8
Vis: Adventure +1 He +1 Vi +4 dedicated InVi (in skull), Exchange -1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 He, 3 Me, 2 Vi
Items: Exchange +10 lb, tip -1 lb β†’ 9 lb
Warping: +1 Warping Point β†’ Warping Score 0 (3)


Searching for Matres and Matrones (autumn 1199, 18th season after apprenticeship)

Even though she'd mostly been in the forest in the summer, Mariana still passed by settled locations, reminding her of the problems she'd seen for women before as well. After returning home, as she no longer had children at home to look after, she started out on another pursuit. She had heard rumor of the Matres and Matrones, so she started searching the tribunal for them. She traveled between covenants in search. Eventually word of her search reached Dama, and Mariana was invited learn how they help women. Mariana spent most of the season working for Matres and Matrones, working under their tutelage to help women in the Pyrenees.


Mechanical bits:

Practice: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +5 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 1 (Initiating Others)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 He, 5 Me, 2 Vi


Working for the Covenant (winter 1199, 19th season after apprenticeship)

Another dreary winter of work. But it kept her busy when the anniversary of her father's death rolled around.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Awareness +1 β†’ Awareness 1 (3), Parma Magica +1 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2 (1)
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 He, 6 Me, 3 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point from Longevity Ritual β†’ Warping Score 0 (4)


Her First Initiation (spring 1200, 20th season after apprenticeship)

Knowing it would help her in both the upcoming tournament and in relation to Matres and Matrones, Mariana paid Ophilio 1 He pawn to cast Presence of the Heroes on her. Wow, earning a pawn in a couple hours is a great rate, but without being a true Mercurian herself she would never be able to manage what Ophilio could do. It was good to have friends in high places, at least.

Then it was off to join the Matres and Matrones for her first initiation. All their initiations centered around Beltane, being a celebration of fertility and the mother goddess. She had already done part of the initiation, having spent a season helping the women in the region. Much of this season was also spent helping women directly and making donations to assist them indirectly. She discovered they used a nearby cave site near Lespugue, a site for the mother goddess apparently dating back millennia. There she took her vow to protect women and became a Sister of the Matres and Matrones.

She had enough flexibility after Beltane itself to return to Aedes Mercurii for Mercuralia. It was good to see Wolfgang there again. But the visit was brief as she had to return to the Matres and Matrones.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +2 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 1 (2)
Vis: Ritual -1 He -6 Me, Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 2 Me, 3 Vi
Ritual: +1 Presence β†’ Presence +2
Initiation: Sacrifice time +1, sacrifice wealth +1, special time/place +3, Ordeal +3, sympathetic bonus +1 = +9 β†’ Vow (Protect Women), Feminine Gift
Warping: +1 Warping Point from the Ritual --> Warping Score 1 (0)


Time for Some Practical Spells (summer 1200, 21st season after apprenticeship)

Mariana traveled to Castra Solis to compete in the tournament. She made a notably better showing in Certamen. It helped that her Arts were stronger overall, that she'd improved in Parma Magica, and that she'd undergone the Ritual last season. Her biggest boost was that she suckered another magus about her age by choosing Vim, which he vetoed to allow her to choose Mentem. But she still couldn't stand up to most the Flambeau and those Tremere who showed.

She returned quickly from the tournament and set to work in the lab. She knew she needed some flexibility in her long-duration magic as well as with some items she intended to work on in the future. So she pulled out one of the lab texts she'd bought and got started.


Mechanical bits:

Lab Total: Int 3 + Re 12 + Vi 10 + MT 7 + Lab/Aura 3 = 35 β‰₯ 25 + 2x5.
New Formulaic Spells: Master of Enchantments (ReVi 5), Suppressing the Wizard's Handiwork (ReVi 25)
Exposure: Vim +2 β†’ Vim 10 (2)
Vis: Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 3 Me, 3 Vi
Items: Donations -1 lb β†’ 8 lb


A Savior of Women (autumn 1200, 22st season after apprenticeship)

With more utility at hand Mariana could now prepare better for journeys, especially the one she was about to undertake. She was set on a quest to rescue women in six different circumstances in three moons. Mariana criss-crossed Europe in her search, keeping an eye out for any potential vis along the way. Fortunately, her magic made dealing with mundane threats rather easy. If women were always shouting for help, her search would have been much simpler, though. Different than before was her Feminine Gift, which made women much more accepting of her help. Mariana found one woman being robbed, the assailant put to sleep trivially. Another was in trouble in child birth, but Mariana's magic could turn the child to save them both. A third had been cast onto the streets and Mariana led brought her to a nunnery. A fourth was in a shipwreck in the Mediterranean, who Mariana saved along with a number of the male sailors. The fifth was being raped, and Mariana cut the sleeping man's neck rather than just leaving him - to her this was an atrocity so far beyond robbery or similar. For her final rescue Mariana happened upon a crowd set to hang two young women as witches. Not having a place of their own to return to, Mariana brought the two home with her. They could be trained to be her servants and have a new, much safer home.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Area Lore: Europe +2 β†’ Area Lore: Europe 0 (4), Awareness +2 β†’ Awareness 1 (5), Parma Magica +4 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2 (5), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 16+3 (4)
Vis: Adventure +1 Aq +1 He +1 Te +2 Vi, Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Aq, 1 He, 5 Me, 1 Te, 5 Vi
Warping: +2 Warping Points β†’ Warping Score 1 (2)


Tutoring in the Cult (winter 1200, 23st season after apprenticeship)

After Mariana had set up the two young women in their new home and arranged for some instruction for them, she had to return to her new mystagogue with the Matres and Matrones to be taught more of the ways of the cult. Mariana was getting more used to women who made themselves strong. She was hearing about other strong women throughout Europe, too. She started thinking she would like to make some sort of school or safe haven of some sort for women.


Mechanical bits:

Teaching: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +17 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 2 (9)
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Aq, 1 He, 6 Me, 1 Te, 6 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point from Longevity Ritual β†’ Warping Score 1 (3)

I am wondering what is considered a reasonable price for casting a ritual spell. Is 1 pawn of Herbam enough? Is Mariana getting a preferential price because of their relationship? If so, what would have been the normal price?

If you're not asking a magus to travel or anything, honestly 1 pawn of anything is huge. It only takes about a day to cast the spell and recover the Fatigue. The time for the spell and 1 Fatigue is also not enough to interfere with any work. Even if you lose 2 Fatigue, it's only 1 day off if -1 is too harsh a penalty. You could make a fortune each season without interfering with your own stuff. The economics are such that it should be even cheaper, but you can't really go cheaper than 1 p.v.f. Now, if you're asking a magus to travel, such as to cast Conjuring the Mystic Tower, then you may be eating up their free time. In that case I would expect a surcharge for the travel.

I figured her special connection means she can get the access to get the spell cast, but she still pays full price. There is a decent chance someone this wealthy might turn magi down if he doesn't like them.

Edit: I did forget the Warping Point, though.

I'm simply thinking about the investment in time to learn the ritual, plus the risk of botching (and thus warping) incurred with casting a ritual.

I agree that in Mariana's circumstances, 1 pawn is reasonable. Her special connections and the fact that Ophilio lives at the same covenant explain this.

Now, for the saga in general, what would be the price for casting such rituals? Probably anywhere from 1 pawn to several rooks (over the vis for the ritual itself), depending on the exact circumstances (rarity of the ritual, travel time, secrecy etc.)

I don't want anyone to believe that 1 pawn would be the regular cost.

That's actually really minimal all-considered. Consider a Mercurian of House Mercere (a common situation in this case), who if they're doing these CrMe/CrCo Rituals is already likely doing Longevity Rituals. They've got lab texts for the Rituals. Once you've got a 7th magnitude one, that gives you a big boost toward a later one, too. As for the time required for mastery, that's a single season. You get Mastery 1 with Adaptive Casting. With a Gold Cord and that Mastery 1 you've reduced the 7 botch dice to almost nothing even if you disregard David Chart's comment that there is nothing forcing this toward a potential botch if done under calm circumstances when mastered. Add on to this that they're already learning the Rituals for the cult anyway in addition to being good at CrCo for Longevity Rituals. So what is the added cost to cast these Rituals on someone? It's essentially nothing.

Meanwhile, consider PC economics, PC's because players will tend to try to get the best deal. I would happily cast these Rituals repeatedly for 1 pawn per casting because I know I'd rake in a fortune, and if I go higher I'll get undercut by another magus. For the travel factor, being good at Corpus I'd also use Leap of Homecoming and similar magic. I'd probably also combine it with healing Rituals also at the price of 1 p.v.f. apiece. Cash in on Rituals while also cashing in on Longevity Rituals. Rich!

I'm inclined to say that the Cult of Heroes doesn't make them available to people outside the Cult (including general Mercurians). For sure they don't share the lab texts; I think if they did share the rituals it would be at a much higher price, to fund the Cult's activities.

On a macro scale across the order, unless we're running a low-vis saga, 1 pawn means most magi can have pretty superior stats.

Yes, funding the cult's activities is handy. And they certainly could try to monopolize for this reason. Of course, that's where I had a PC years ago who made a fortune. That character developed T: Circle versions and sold them for 3 pawns a casting or so. Get half a dozen interested magi together, spend 12 pawns casting the ritual, earn 6 pawns. This made if very affordable, even for a magus to pay for their Familiar.

You still have to pay for the Ritual, though. It costs a lot of vis each time. And the Circle version blows this away as it drastically reduces costs.

Her Second Initiation (spring 1201, 24th season after apprenticeship)

Seeking to further improve, especially with the potential for teaching on the horizon, Mariana paid Ophilio 1 He pawn to cast Communication of the Heroes on her. This was starting to look like an annual visit. Between the Longevity Ritual and these Rituals, Ophilio was making a fortune from her alone; he must be one of the wealthiest magi in the Order.

Then it was off to join the Matres and Matrones for her second initiation. As always, the initiation centered around Beltane, being a celebration of fertility and the mother goddess. She had already done a few parts of the initiation, having spent a season rescuing women and another being taught by her mystagogue. Much of this season was also spent helping women directly and making donations to assist them indirectly. They again used the cave near Lespugue. There she took her sacrificed her Feminine Gift to gain the stronger version.

She had enough flexibility after Beltane itself to return to Aedes Mercurii for Mercuralia. No Wolfgang this year, though; maybe she'd run into him next year.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +2 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 2 (11)
Vis: Ritual -1 He -6 Me, Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Aq, 2 Me, 1 Te, 6 Vi
Items: Donations -1 lb β†’ 7 lb
Ritual: +1 Communication β†’ Communication +2
Initiation: Quest +3, sacrifice wealth +1, special time/place +3, mystagogue's time +3, Ordeal +3, prior Ordeal effective +3, sympathetic bonus +1 = +17 β†’ lose Feminine Gift, gain Gentle Gift
Warping: +1 Warping Point from CrMe Ritual β†’ Warping Score 1 (4)


Working for the Covenant (summer 1201, 25th season after apprenticeship)

At least working for the covenant in the summer was much more pleasant than doing so in the winter. Still, the dues were quite small. But it was her home. Mariana liked the long-term plan, though. Becoming a great maga would require more than being low on the ladder at a winter covenant. She would probably have to establish her own at some point, or rejuvenate one or similar. And doing that should get her notably more income than what she received now. That thought would stick to her mind for a long time.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Awareness +1 β†’ Awareness 1 (6), Parma Magica +1 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2 (6)
Vis: Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 Aq, 3 Me, 1 Te, 6 Vi


Visiting the Faeries (autumn 1201, 26th season after apprenticeship)

Finally! The Redcaps brought word of another thing she was searching for. Unfortunately, the walnut tree was in a faerie forest, so she would need to deal with the fae to manage this. Mariana knew this would be trickier because she couldn't just use sleep magic on the faeries. But she was getting better socially, especially with her now Gentle Gift. She could protect herself quite well from faeries, too, between her Parma Magica and her wards.

Mariana headed to the indicated faerie court near the Atlantic coast well north of the covenant, around the northern border of the Tribunal. Getting into the regio was easy enough using the instructions from the Redcaps. Once inside Mariana was careful to keep her time short and to consume nothing. She asked the court for one walnut tree. The court knew the tree was special, but they cut a deal with her. They were losing land to farmers who had recently discovered the especially lush faerie land. If Mariana could stop them from raiding the land, at least for sufficient time that the faeries could hide it again, they would let her have her choice of wood from the one walnut tree. Mariana was sure to make sure there would be no killing of the farmers on her part, and that she would not contribute to helping the faeries kill them. She also got to keep anything she took from the farmers. She set about watching the farmers to figure out which ones knew of the faerie land. She then secretly visited all of them and removed details of those faerie lands from their memories. She found a little vis in things they had brought from the faerie lands, too. With that done she waited to make sure no one else came. After a month the faeries were satisfied and put up new glamours to protect the land. Then Mariana was given wood from the walnut, containing 2 pawns of dedicated ReMe vis.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Faerie Lore +5 β†’ Faerie Lore 1 (Folk Ken), Parma Magica +3 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2 (9), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 16+3 (6)
Vis: Adventure +2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut) +1 An +1 Vi, Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 1 Aq, 5 Me, 1 Te, 7 Vi


Working for Matres and Matrones (winter 1201, 27th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana spent most of the season working for Matres and Matrones. Being more versed in their practices, she no longer worked under a mentor's tutelage. Instead she handled more of the work herself or by leading others now that she was a Sister. It was gratifying work after the things she'd seen.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +2 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 2 (13)
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 1 Aq, 6 Me, 1 Te, 8 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point from Longevity Ritual β†’ Warping Score 1 (5)


Her Third Initiation (spring 1202, 28th season after apprenticeship)

Mariana continued her trend, paying Ophilio 1 Aq pawn to cast Communication of the Heroes on her.

Then it was off to join the Matres and Matrones for her third initiation. As usual, the initiation centered around Beltane, being a celebration of fertility and the mother goddess. She had already done one part of the initiation, having spent a season working for the Matres and Matrones to help women in the Pyrenees. Much of this season was also spent helping women directly and making donations to assist them indirectly. They again used the cave near Lespugue. She gained the final step of the Sister level.

She had enough flexibility after Beltane itself to return to Aedes Mercurii for Mercuralia. She heard from the Redcaps about some promising orange groves in Al Andalus, but that trip would have to wait until her initiation was finished.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones +2 β†’ Organization Lore: Matres and Matrones 3
Vis: Ritual -1 Aq -6 Me, Personal +2 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 2 Me, 1 Te, 8 Vi
Items: Donations -1 lb, tip -1 lb β†’ 5 lb
Ritual: +1 Communication β†’ Communication +3
Initiation: Sacrifice time +1, sacrifice wealth +1, special time/place +3, prior Ordeal effective +3, sympathetic bonus +1 = +9 β†’ Venus's Blessing
Warping: +1 Warping Point from CrMe Ritual β†’ Warping Score 1 (6)


Venturing into Al Andalus (summer 1202, 29th season after apprenticeship)

With her initiation complete Mariana could focus on the last piece she'd been searching for. Last season the Redcaps had let her know about some orange groves within magical auras that seemed promising. So she prepared the spells she needed and set out southward, happy for the warmer weather as she departed but knowing she would soon be notably further south at the peak of summer.

Knowing she would appear more an outsider in Al Andalus with her red hair, Mariana made efforts to avoid people despite now having a Gentle Gift. She traveled from orange grove to orange grove searching with hope and expectation. She found little bits of vis here and there. Eventually she found just the right tree and took the heartwood from it. This had been a long time in the making, but she had finally found the last piece. She could return to Aedes Mercurii and begin building her Talisman.

Mariana spotted a woman about her own small size to help on her way home. The woman had been taken by soldiers, to who knows what end. Mariana was easily able to put the soldiers to sleep and bring the young woman with her, as she had nowhere to return to. As they headed northward, despite the difficulties communicating, Mariana found the woman was educated a bit, certainly enough to know bits of Latin. They also found they were quite compatible, somewhat soulmates, and their close friendship began. By the time they had returned to Aedes Mercurii, Mariana convinced the woman to stay with her as her servant, but first Mariana would send her to Salerno to be further educated, and then provide some more tutoring at Aedes Mercurii.


Mechanical bits:

Adventure: Area Lore: Europe +1 β†’ Area Lore: Europe 1 (Navigation), Awareness +2 β†’ Awareness 1 (8), Parma Magica +4 β†’ Parma Magica 2+2 (13), Mentem +2 β†’ Mentem 16+3 (8)
Vis: Adventure +2 InIm (dedicated, in orange wood) +1 Aq +1 He +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 4 InVi (dedicated, in skull), 2 InIm (dedicated, in orange wood), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 1 Aq, 1 He, 3 Me, 1 Te, 9 Vi
Warping: +2 Warping Points β†’ Warping Score 1 (8)


Starting on Her Talisman (autumn 1202, 30th season after apprenticeship)

Having finally found the last piece for her Talisman, Mariana was excited to get started on the long process of making it. She knew making a Talisman is an important part of the path toward becoming an archmaga, plus she had planned it carefully to enhance her powers as well as possible. She took the owl's skull and boiled it in water with rare oils and sage until no flesh remained. Then she brought it back to the forest where she had slain the owl. There she hung the skull at the highest point on the tallest tree in the forest for the season. She remained to guard it until the process was complete, and then she returned home with the enriched skull.


Mechanical bits:

Enrichment: Int 3 + Magic Lore 3 + Aura 3 = 9
Exposure: Magic Lore +2 β†’ Magic Lore 2 (2)
Vis: Personal +2 Me β†’ 2 InIm (dedicated, in orange wood), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 1 Aq, 1 He, 5 Me, 1 Te, 9 Vi
Items: Enriched skull of an Owl of Virtue


Working for the Covenant (winter 1202, 31st season after apprenticeship)

It may have been a relatively warm winter, but every winter in the Pyrenees was cold even. Mariana labored through it, though she was reminded of her hopes to move elsewhere. She would have to turn those hopes into plans.


Mechanical bits:

Exposure: Parma Magica +2 β†’ Parma Magica 3+2
Vis: Dues +1 Vi, Personal +1 Me β†’ 2 InIm (dedicated, in orange wood), 2 ReMe (dedicated, in walnut), 2 ReVi (dedicated, in marble), 1 Au (in Thunderbolt), 1 An, 1 Aq, 1 He, 6 Me, 1 Te, 10 Vi
Warping: +1 Warping Point from Longevity Ritual β†’ Warping Score 1 (9)

Sorry for bringing it up again, but although my brain's telling me that it makes sense for her to have access to those stat-boosting rituals, I can't help but feel she's getting them awfully cheap compared to most magi.

Because of a well-crafted backstory, she is getting the benefits of Mercurian Magic casting, for rituals described as being thightly limited to a certain branch of House Mercere, for the cost of a minor story flaw (Hermetic Patron).

Getting access to a regular level 60 ritual is already a big benefit. When that's a ritual from a Cult, that's a huge favor. Paying only half the vis (6 pawns) because the magus casting it is a Mercurian is another big benefit.

I went back and reread all of the narrative. Not a single story or seasonal task was related to Hermetic Patron. No "cost" for the flaw, only major benefits. Looks like a one-sided deal, which from a game balance perspective is disturbing, and hardly fair to the other players.

I'm open for suggestions on how to address this issue. I have some possibilities in mind, but I'd like your input first. I'd like to avoid another rework of the narrative.

Yes, I'd delayed them since she wasn't as capable. I was planning a few upcoming seasons devoted to them now that she's actually becoming much more functional.

The awkward planning was somewhat a remnant of dropping Mercurian Magic. I had it figured out how they could reap huge rewards from her. But that fell apart by avoiding Mercurian Magic entirely.

I'm not so sure about this. Every time I look at the economics of it, Mercurians will always be the ones selling Rituals to the Order in general, and there are no shortage of Mercurians due to them being prevalent historically and multiple groups being able to initiate it. Every time I look at it, if you pay full price except for convenience of having the spell yourself (like not wanting someone else to cast your AotH), you're paying a premium for that convenience that no one else would ever pay.

Hmm... Maybe the simplest solution of all to my earlier predicament was to start with Mercurian Magic, if I could just find the things to rearrange. Then I avoid the whole Pagan mess. The Cult of Heroes could still use it's original plan to have her as its main CrMe caster, sending her about to help out Redcaps. I've always figured coordinating with Redcaps would be fitting for a mundane ambassador type.

I would simply note that Story flaws don't wait for you to be "capable". They also trigger when it is inconvenient, or to push characters in directions they may not want (or be ready) to go.