general ooc

Animus was in Fengheld (you probably knew that already).

He probably received it not that long before the meeting was planned, otherwise he would have been sent to inform Daria of the letter, after Stentorius saw it and recognized that this was not Daria's handwriting.

Menatia probably recieved her letter at Florum in Ghent.

Hildegarde was in Fengheld

Adele was still at Durenmar.

Ah, I've got it. Adele will remain at Triamore much of the time. She'll bring food to Animus each evening, using The Leap of Homecoming to join him shortly after sunset. If he is not yet to his location, she will return to Triamore until the next evening. If he has gotten there, she will join him for the duration there. That way he won't be overly burdened carrying supplies and she won't be left waiting around.

I assume you have enough money to live like a member of the lower nobility, e.g. you can swap horses, afford expensive food and good lodgings, you can bribe the city watch, but you can't buy a castle.

Eduardo and his master were mostly itinerant, but their mail box is set up with the red caps at Waddenzee.

As an automatic correction to Menatia, the English dictionary of my web browser proposed Tienanmen, I guess thats definitely a Tytalus Name :mrgreen:

It means "the Gate of Heavenly Peace" in Chinese. Not sure that's a proper Tytalus name. :mrgreen:

it could be sarcastic!

what do you mean ?

Just a quaesitorial quirk. Stylistic Device.

I'm trying to ascertain the timing:
So, the fast group is doing their tour of covenants.
The slow group travels back to Triamore or Fengheld or Westerwald? I do have an idea for the slow group, if the fast group is still busy.

In my understanding we go to Westerwald and leave a message to the fast group at Harco so they can find us.

Durenmar may be on our road between Harco and Westerwald so we could stop there and leave a message. Maybe the fast group will travel through Durenmar before going to Harco which will save them some travelling at least.

Ah, looks like Arthur and I should speed things up as only two days have passed in-character. I think we're done at Fengheld.

Agreed. If Pralix wants us to rejoin the slow group earlier, we can fast-forward (pun intended) through what we learn at the other covenants. On the other hand, if Pralix has something planned for the slow group, then we can roleplay through some or all of the covenants being visited.

Things that we may learn, based on the informations we have so far, might be:

  • The fact that there used to be a covenant in Westerwald. That would be Oakdell, as per GotF, a Diedne-dominated covenant that was destroyed in 1008.
  • Something about the faerie courts of the region (Winter Court and Summer Court), also as per GotF.
  • Some additional information about 'Felix'.

The first item might be given to us either in Fengheld or perhaps more probably at Durenmar, while we might learn something of the faeries there in Irencillia (though any covenant might have something about that).

I need a day or two to deal with bothwork and a local holiday. I may not post before Sunday.

So you meet at Triamore. The slow group extra plans are completely optional. I think I prefer a swift reunion.

@fast group: Oakdell may or may not exist in this game. Don't take it for granted.
Which covenants are the fast group visiting before that reunion? Which questions do you want to ask where? Which skills/promises can/do you want to you use to improve your chances of getting a good answer. Are you telling all that you know at the covenants you visit or do you want to hold back information? Please answer ooc, so I can put the information in the first of the reunion posts.

OK. Arthur, let's write a little summary in our thread of things that happen over the few weeks. After a few posts so we can bounce ideas off each other, one of us can construct a final OOC post that summarizes things for SG so we can move forward and so that we know what our characters have experienced. Sound good?