This is what I have on the Covenant Thread on this site.
Carmen Perez of Flambeau (Pontifex Maxima) *
Arachne Ex-Miscellanea (Pontifex Majore) -
Solomon of Gurnicus (Pontifex Minore) -
Vocis of Tremere (Grand Master) -
Vibria of Flambeau (Mistress) -
Roberto of Flambeau (Master) +
Lucas of Mercere (Master) +
Acutus Ilfwetis of Bjornaer (Journeyman) -
Antoine of Verditius (Journeyman) -
Fleur de Bonisagus (Journeywoman) +
Guiverna Ex-Miscellanea (Journeywoman) *
Cecilio ex Bonisagus, the Younger (Journeywoman) -
(* Blatant Gift, - Normal Gift, + Gentle Gift/No Gift)
In needs to be edited though. Cecilio, Antoine, Acutus, and Solomon do appear to be no longer with us. Maybe Guiverna should go back to Bellaquin so as to not overextend Peregrine.