General Table Talk

I saw the same thing about a month ago - my direct bookmark to this forum worked but all the links on the forum index page went to spam. Seems to have cleared up now.

I've not had any problems with the site lately.

Hmm. I cleared my cache and ctrl+F5 refreshed, and this was the only site doing it... strange.

I did not have problems either.

I finally got Pere's background written and posted. I'm planning to make his physician (Shalev) as a companion, which will cause some overlap with Scarecrow's magus concept. I don't think this will cause problems, since I'm planning to explore the 'natural philosophy' options from A&A with him and these are nowhere near as powerful as Hermetic magic. Shalev would also be available as a teaching resource for Guillame if Scarecrow wants to continue his medical training. I haven't decided if Shalev will have any Kabbalistic abilities, but I'm leaning toward making him completely mundane.

That's interesting. Why? Well, the companion I'm working up is going to be a mendicant friar, who likes to have conversations about divine vs. magical healing. Throw in your companion's technical background in traditional medicine, and I can see the three of these characters sitting up late into the night each putting forth his/her arguments about which method is best.

Perfect from me, since, save when I'm squatting, there's no posting on WE :smiley:

Gonna be rare and erratic, though. Work work work is coming


Quick question: Andorra is a Mercer House, right?
I ask because I had an idea of an estranged Mercere, but the flaw says that he does not have contact with a mercer house (and hence no items for him), so it might sound strange. ... Maybe a mercere wannabe (applying to be mercere, but not accepted yet) would work better...


We are not a Mercere House per se. We have a Mercere House (Lodge & Vault) that rents and occupies a portion of the covenant. A deal set up by a previous generation and not part of the original covenant. Trying to maintain & expand this arrangement is part of a current storythread, Covention of Redcaps.
If the idea is for a Redcap, then go for it all out :smiley:
But there is an overabundance of Mercere magi in this saga already. I will give you a pass if you stick with one concept and play it out through the end. No more shifting around and changing ideas :slight_smile:
I will not give a pass for another random idea that will be discarded quickly. What happened to the Fire Caster guy? I liked that concept.

I find the fact that there is an over-abundance of Mercere magi in the saga interesting. Why? Because there aren't supposed to be so damned many of them to begin with.

I can always change my house, if that will make things easier to digest?

I think he's talking about a redcap, and not a Merceris magus.

Me too

Now, that is interesting, and something new.

No, no. He means after he is sworn in posing as Sigismund the Burgundian Fire-Caster. He did admit to posing as a magus before, at least two centuries ago. What was omitted is that he was not sworn in at the time. He just posed as a magus in his scholar form and went about his business. It was easier back then (in my imagination), for the Order was still recovering from the Schism Wars. if at any point in the future he is asked about it, he will say he did not participate or witness the war, he was part of the reconstruction.

The fire guy had something that was nagging me. I am still working around him, but have not nailed what bothers me about him, and so are considering alternatives. I think my problem is that I am trying to cram too many V&F on him :mrgreen: I have not given up, since it allows me to play a flamboyant glorious madman (I always enjoy those) and I think I can make it work, but requires work.

The redcap would be a Companion redcap, so no mercere magus at al. I am working around with companions, not magi. The Fire Caster is a companion character as well, after all. Will keep working around both to see what I can come up with in the end.

Maybe that's the problem. You are trying to create him as a Gifted Companion instead of a Magus Level Hedge Wizard.
You can also scale back to a solid core concept and limit yourself to the necessities. I like the Firecasting, I like the Hex power. Do you really need Nightwalker? I don't think it fits, I think you are looking for the munchkiny crunch of being able to being a stealthy infiltrator/spy/assassin. If you want to be a do-it-all kinda guy, be a Hermetic Magus and learn a variety of spells :smiley:

Yes, you might be right. Actually, the concept is a minor magician that has connections in the mundane realm. The link to the old story of flambeau is what appeals to me. However, I prefer him having some skills that are not just torching about everything :slight_smile: A couple hours ago I came up with a combo that I liked for virtues (flaws to be decided yet) and ended up being FIRE CASTER + Life linked magic, WEALTHY + Mercenary captain, Fly (as per the witches, broom et al) and veteran. THat fits quite well what I was trying to achieve with the guy. Sure flaws are Difficult Longevity (burn twice as bright and life half as long), only being able to fly at night (restricted power), deleterious circumstances when wet and Lame as an initiation to learn to fly. Later developments can include social contacts and well travelled if the XP allow me to do that after the rewrite. The concept is quite clear and I like it. Posting the updated character in brief.


Awesomeness :smiley:

Sounds very good for RP opportunities. I'm not as sure about stories, but we can figure something out.

Ok, I've read this several times and can't figure out what it means. Is he saying we need to forgive his obligation in the sense that we can no longer hold him to his offer of free copying, or is he saying we need to forgive him for obligating (forcing) us to copy books for free?

I was also confused by his "Let me sweeten the deal by reneging on our previous agreement." (What happened to being bound by his word?)