General Table Talk

That's two more than I know.

Per RoP:M, a size 15 giant would be 220' - 280' tall and weigh 5000 - 10,800 tons. The 200' estimate for Sigmundo sounds pretty reasonable.

Allow me to enlighten you...

1st Place - Jormungandr : aka The Midgard Serpent, child of Loki, the world serpent that is coiled around the whole of the Earth
2nd Place - SuGarr : Basque Mythology, SuGarr is the legendary Great Serpent of the Pyrenees. He was/is a chthonic god and a dragon, consort of the goddess Mari, father of many of her children and many of his own
3rd - Pan Caudrax : Pan Caudrax is pure fiction, form ArM4 "Land of Fire & Ice" and "The Icelandic Wars" PDF.
4th - Fafnir* - Fafnir is from the Volsung saga. Fafnir was a giant who put on the ring of Rhinegold and was twisted and changed into a dragon by his greed. The hero Sigfried killed the dragon by hiding in a ditch, waiting for it to crawl over his location, then stabbed into its soft underside. The original Fafnir was a giant and thus would be disqualified. That and he is dead. But the tales have given rise to an incognizant Faerie duplicate, and it has always been a dragon, so it qualifies for the list.
5th - Sigmungandr (aka Sigmundo) : Sigmundo is our dragon, Vibria's grandfather and our benefactor
6th - Crom Cruach : Crom Crauch is from Irish Mythology, his name means "Bloddy Bent One". This was the inspiration for Crom in the Conan books. Anyway, waaaay back in the 80's, there was this comic book called Mage, a tale of modern fantasy and adventure (long predating WW). In it, the bad guy gathered his monsters, one of them happened to be a dragon that could take on the human form of this obese guy in an overcoat. I am basing this dragon on that character.
7th - Smok Wawelski* : I only know this one because my baby mamma be Polish :mrgreen: . Around the time of King Krak and the foundation of the kingdom of the Polonians, there is the story of the Vavel dragon (the dragon of Vavel, Smok is Polish fro Dragon). Vavel is this castle in Krackow (the city built by King Krack). The legend is that a little boy fed it balloons full of tar and it exploded from indigestion. This was hundreds of years ago, and this would again be a faerie copy based on circulated stories. Yet still, to dragons this still counts. In Poland today, this dragon is a tourist attraction. There is an ancient statue, the cave entrance leading under Vavel is enshrined and gated off, they sell stuffed dragon toys and hold an annual festival, there are t-shirts and shot glasses and more.
8th - Nihelgromundr : I made that up because I was running out of authentic dragons I could get info on. In my ancient old AD&D game, Nilgelgormundr was an incredibly long dragon coiled around a mountain peak
9th - Wyrmy : comes from the old-old-old Dragon Magazine cartoons. Wyrmy is the gamer dragon, always painting miniatures.
10th - Spot Munster : The old TV show, The Munsters, the had a pet dragon living under the stairs. I wanted to include one of the famous Transylvanian dragons, but I could not find a name. So I went with Spot :smiley:

Small correction: PAn Caudarax is SECOND edition. Adventure "trial by fire". :slight_smile:

Well then, I got to gem me ahold of that one :smiley:

I dug up some links on backgrounds for some of the dragons I named :mrgreen:




Smok Wawelski


Spot Munster

Good call. Cheers!

Random question - can the shape/material bonuses of a sword be applied to a dagger?

Also not-so-random question: is Father Gonzoles still around?

♫Going to the chapel
And we're going to get married ♫

Thanks marko, that was enlightening :smiley:

Good question.

I think so: a small sword can benefit from the shape, and a dagger is, in a way, a small sword.
The material only depends on the material.

Vulcanus, that was fast!!! Where's Las Vegas when you need it?

We have the example of the wand-staff combo providing the same bonuses, so it might be the case here as well.
My gut feeling says that a dagger should get a smaller bonus than a sword for harming bodies and parrying, but the RAW seems to indicate that they can. in fact a drawing of a sword has the same bonuses than a real longsword (can you get your "block an attack" bonus with your pencil with a painted sword? hell yeah!) so yes, I think it is RAW to say it gets it. :slight_smile:

Unless we determine that a dagger is completely separated concept from that of a sword and should get different bonuses.

Wow. There really is no situation so bad that Vulcanus can't make it worse. :slight_smile:

The dagger does have its own shape bonus. So, you're effectively adding more bonuses to an existing item.

I just want to say, from experience, the reaction Vulcanus had is actually kind of typical. The two buxom redheads part, that is pure fantasy. How to put this delicately? Usually the morning after is not so, shall we say, not as pretty. But replace buxom redheads with a disgruntled married chick cheating on her husband with the first despondent lonely man she grabs a hold of, and I have been there and know how really "not good" you feel about yourself.
On the other hand, now that I remember, that feels better than I feel now. maybe that's not a half bad idea...
Just kidding. I know better. I do need to move on to something new, and will do so that is healthy and wise. But I am just saying, as much of an ass as Vulcanus is being, I understand why from an emotional point of view, and the Markoko of a dozen years ago did something stupid quite similar to this, and it messed everything up and was unsalvageable.
But then again, two buxom red heads? C'mon! How did he pull that off having the gift and not using mind control magic?

I thought he had a mighty sword...

He may give mundanes the creeps, but I know a lot of women who like to sleep with really good-looking creeps.

The Gift isn't that kinda creeps. I know what you mean, but the Gift is always the kind of creeps that works against you. You scare little children, but adults instead hate and distrust you. The dog will never come near you if you are trying to pet him, unless you want him to run away, in which case he attacks you.
Just sayin'...
I think a more likely scenario would be two average looking girls that spend hours making themselves appear to be buxom wenches, who daddy issues and an alcohol problem and are trying to get even with the boyfriend of one of the two girls (and the other girl is someone he cheated on the other with yet it is still a secret and now she has a counter secret incase $#!+ hits the fat). The decked was stacked in your favor, it was a once in a lifetime event, the die you didn't roll came up 1, 1, 1, 5.
And there were locusts.

Or, they are covenfolk and they want to marry a magus for prestige and/or wealth.

Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.


Also... really good looking. Are we forgetting about the part where I'm really really good looking and have a big muscular body?

(Putting the "high" in "high fantasy"...)