I actually like the idea. With the suggested confidence awards its pretty much the case anyway. Reduces bookkeeping
While I'm thinking about it, if I'm going to get involved in the library (yay!), do you think we should work out a few details? I'm still feeling my way around things, so having an idea of where we'd be going would help me.
Fundamentally I have two programs in mind, both involving the education of a gang of scribes in addition to the scribes we have- I'm wanting to first make copies of the books we can copy for trade. Secondly I want some of the scribes educated to the point they can generate tracti in some abilities which do not require opening.(Magic theory, Finesse,philosophae, artes liberals...) both to add to the library and for trade. Finally I would like to get copies of our books, starting with the most valuable, to place in a secondary location for preservation. It may require clarification of cow and calf if we can make a copy that is not for sale...
It often works best if the player and character are working on the same project. Fightmaster kept better track of the stacks than i ever did and kept the wiki updated. in game, Vocis was the librarian and set forth the vision. Fightmaster figured out what our copy rate was, set the pace, and made the trades. So, whichever character takes over as prime assistant, it is that player who gains both the power and responsability.
that is why I reccomend that Silveroak take over and Cannonball works to assist and learn the ropes. Much as Silveroak worked under Fightmaster.
Silveroak is the only dissenting opinion. But this is significant because Silveroak is one of the prime storytellers of this saga.
But I have an idea.
A good idea!
One that rewards players directly instead of characters.
At the conclusion of each story, each player (regardless of what character they were playing) recieves an award of Fortune. The SG is a player too, so the other players should award them for enjoyable stories.
The award rate is 1 to 3 points, just like Confidence. It is the player that keeps track of them and has use of them for whatever Character they are playing.
You can spend them as Confidence on that character (if they can use it). It can be used to replace or regain a level of Fatigue. The can cancel zeros when you roll a pool of botch dice. They can be spent as vis or silver you were "fortunate" to have discovered in your satchel.
I like the idea. Needs some work, but I think this is an awesome and innovative concept. It is of course intended to work with the proposed Confidence HR.
I would definitely go for this.
Hmm. I'm against one specific part of it, at least - the removal of zeros from a botch pool. Botching is already a pretty rare occurrence; only 1 in 100 stressed rolls is a botch, assuming one botch die. If we allow players to spend story rewards to cancel them, then they will probably never happen. Now, obviously, one's character never wants a botch, but I'm pretty sure they usually make good stories.

Finally I would like to get copies of our books, starting with the most valuable, to place in a secondary location for preservation.
Arachné will heartily support this.
She wanted us to establish one or more hidden safehouses in which the survivors could retreat, should Andorra fall again. This was one of the reasons she was interested in Sa Dragonera, although, with Barcelona in the know, it's probably out of the question.

Hmm. I'm against one specific part of it, at least - the removal of zeros from a botch pool. Botching is already a pretty rare occurrence; only 1 in 100 stressed rolls is a botch, assuming one botch die. If we allow players to spend story rewards to cancel them, then they will probably never happen. Now, obviously, one's character never wants a botch, but I'm pretty sure they usually make good stories.
This has merit, yes.
I'd say keep these slightly inferior as confidence, and more as a vis analog.
Like vis, they must be spend before the action.
Like vis, they can be spend in multiples
Like vis, each point spend gives +2 to a roll
Like vis, they can be spend to power a ritual spell or artifact: This is extra vis you had forgotten/miscounted, extra magical energy that pours from the aura, whatever (I like the later because, in-character, this makes magic a little random and impredictable, but for the best)
Unlike vis, they can remove botch dices (not zeroes), to no less than 1.
Just been updating Antoine's planned activities on the Magi Planner. He's occupied up to and including Summer 1236 (including making the lose-training ring for Arachné).
At the end of Autumn 1236, he will officially be eligible for Journeyman status; at which stage, he's going to start trying to arrange his wedding to Isolde, in-covenant. If anyone wants to use that as a story hook, please just shout (I don't really feel confident enough to SG anything yet; but I'll happily consult with you by PM).
Otherwise, he's going to start reading in earnest. Again, I lack experience - would you recommend a crafting mage read up on Arts? Or magic abilities, like MT, Philo, AL, Penetration?
I also have inklings that Antoine might want to start looking for a familiar in the next few years...
There's a lot of library talk in Meeting with Master Vocis thread, so I need to ask: when it comes to writing, are any of the rules in Covenants being used? Or is writing done strictly by the core book?
MT is useful in crafting work. It also lets you claim a higher shape bonus. Although it can make for some weirdly shape composite items. "I attached this chair to a closet."
I should make some companions/grogs.
So some random ideas I've had:
Some sort of Scribe/Learned Type. Copies and writes for the covenant while sounding all learned.
Some sort of Faerie Wizard type or Hedgie Type. For when the covenant wants a mystical boost, but is too cheap to use a magus.
A mad scientist. A.K.A. A Natural Philosopher in medieval speak. Works best if Art and Acedeme is in play.
Some sort of craftswoman with mystical aspirations. Probably a mason so she can help found the Masons. Even though that is horribly historically inaccurate. Inspired by Silveroaks idea of the crafts mystery cult.
Dragon! We have dragons right. I bet one would have all sorts of fun at the covenant adventuring with magi. Plus she might learn something with access to good books.
Some sort of explorer or ruins and such. Probably a redcap just to give an excuse to travel and be attached to the covenant. Only partially inspired by the recent tomb raider.
Any comments, suggestions or probably most usefully vetoes to help me narrow it down? Okay most of those just work for companions.

There's a lot of library talk in Meeting with Master Vocis thread, so I need to ask: when it comes to writing, are any of the rules in Covenants being used? Or is writing done strictly by the core book?
A copy of our library can be found here. The simplified stats only version is here. Not sure if they match 100%.
We use some of the rules from Covenants, but not all. It is presumed every book has all three of the "Well (somethingwhatever)" features. So Quality is a simple matter of 6+ Communication, as adjusted by Virtues of the author and/or lowering the level of a summa. Some books have/had damage that reduces quality. Clarification and Gloss and Commentaries still apply.
I beg you, please, I do not want to get into the micro management of additional professionals and their skills. Just write the book and presume everything is fine.
... some random ideas I've had:
Some sort of Scribe/Learned Type. Copies and writes for the covenant while sounding all learned.
Some sort of Faerie Wizard type or Hedgie Type. For when the covenant wants a mystical boost, but is too cheap to use a magus.
A mad scientist. A.K.A. A Natural Philosopher in medieval speak. Works best if Art and Acedeme is in play.
Some sort of craftswoman with mystical aspirations. Probably a mason so she can help found the Masons. Even though that is horribly historically inaccurate. Inspired by Silveroaks idea of the crafts mystery cult.
Dragon! We have dragons right. I bet one would have all sorts of fun at the covenant adventuring with magi. Plus she might learn something with access to good books.
Some sort of explorer or ruins and such. Probably a redcap just to give an excuse to travel and be attached to the covenant. Only partially inspired by the recent tomb raider.
The Scribe/Scholar would be functional, but it sounds boring.
Mad Scientist is best as a Bonisagus magus. I do not have A&A, and I am not keen on lessers stealing the show from magi
Mystical craftswoman, maybe. But women cannot be Masons. And I just so happen to be a Free Mason (proof we don't control $#!+ ), and it is our belief that we are likely descended from the Knights Templar.
Yes we have Dragons. Three firedrakes are in the region and are cousins of a maga. There is also an elder dragon who poses as a magus.
Redcap adventurers are cool! We need more Redcaps.
"...I would like to make you an offer. I invite you to pledge for membership at Andorra Covenant. We have a strong aura and a powerful Aegis, and you will be provided a lab. Or if you desire the fast track option, we offer instant Journeyman status to those willing to serve duty at Sa Dragonera. Our chapterhouse. The aura is weaker and you have no Aegis, but you receive an annual stipend."
Frederika feels like the sort of person who'd relish the chance to be important. So in a vacuum, I'm leaning toward picking Sa Dragonera.
But two things:
- I have no idea what serving duty will entail. Or if it's actually a good idea to pick Sa Dragonera in the first place!
- I do want to get involved with Silveroak on the library stuff. Will going to the islands interfere with that at all?
Silveroak is also in the Balearic islands. Which include Majorica, Minorica, Fontenera, Ibiza, and Sa Dragonera.
I have so many questions. I feel kind of bad about it @ . @
Anyway! The boons & hooks rules in the Chapter House of Sa Dragonera sticky: how do they interact with the Laboratory stuff in the House Rules sticky? Do I use both, or just the things in the Sa Dragonera thread?
And while I'm here, in the Meeting with Master Vocis thread, I was thinking of wrapping up the dinner and hashing out the letters and, after that, making a move to Dragonera. Are there any more plans or plot to go through there before I move things forward?
First Vocis will need to introduce you to the Council and they interview you. They will put you to the Interragatory and ask that you voluntarilly submit to an Intellego lie detector spell. Then they vote and it must be unanimous.
Metagame, so far everyone passes because the players here are cool like that, but role play like it is a serious interview.
As for Sa Dragonera, allow me some time to reread what whe set up. That was written a while ago for what we had going then and plans that kinda floated nowhere yet are still there.
The idea is kind of like setting up your own "mini covenant", and your lab would be part of that and use Refinement rules as normal. There are some automatics, for instance everyone must take Regio. Every quarter of the chapter is linked together by a Regio network.
Just a heads-up. I'll be moving next weekend (the 20th-22nd or so), and I don't know what my internet situation is going to be yet. So I may be incommunicado for a few days. Don't send the rescue dogs for me until it's been a week.
Good luck and God bless!
If needed, I will send rescue dragons.

If I need to roll anything, I'll angle for Intrigue: Frederika's treating this as a transaction: she has things she can offer, and is willing to prove she's an agreeable person to sell her part of the 'deal'!
Are you sure you're not meaning Bargain instead?

Otherwise, he's going to start reading in earnest. Again, I lack experience - would you recommend a crafting mage read up on Arts? Or magic abilities, like MT, Philo, AL, Penetration?
For a verditius, MT is great, as it adds to all your lab totals. Your Craft Ability is a good choice too, as well as philosophiaie.
Some sort of Faerie Wizard type or Hedgie Type. For when the covenant wants a mystical boost, but is too cheap to use a magus.
A mad scientist. A.K.A. A Natural Philosopher in medieval speak. Works best if Art and Acedeme is in play.
I've been wanting to do one of these for ages, but have not really the time to play one. I'd like Andorra to have one, this seems to me like the kind of minor practicionner a covenant could use. Arachné would love a Natural Philosopher.

Frederika feels like the sort of person who'd relish the chance to be important. So in a vacuum, I'm leaning toward picking Sa Dragonera.
Been wanting to run something there for ages T-T