I admit to nothing!
Hypothetically, if someone had done something wrong (and had lived for a very long time in Italy, nearer to the Pope than here) and the Inquisition were to turn up...what should this hypothetical person do?
I admit to nothing!
Hypothetically, if someone had done something wrong (and had lived for a very long time in Italy, nearer to the Pope than here) and the Inquisition were to turn up...what should this hypothetical person do?
Any good Christian would turn themselves in to the Inquisition and beg for mercy.
The church didn't legalize torture for the inquisition until 1252, and right now the inquisition should be based out of France. At first guess I would assume they are here for Adan.
Oh, well, that's alright then :mrgreen:
The Shrounded Glen, and variants thereof. Really.
IMO, this is just an awesome ritual.
Sure they are more, but I'm in a hurry now. Mebbe later.
Yes, she even has an embroidered spider on her robe
Or I suppose they could be here to talk with Bernat about the bishop...
Trogdor, I know QPaC was trying to get Gunvarra into the mix, which was why I threw that out there in the Bellaquin thread. I probably should have made that more obvious, I just didn't figure Solomon would know her well (if at all yet), and didn't want to be presumptuous.
Ah, I guess I grabbed the wrong end of the stick there.
All we have to do is have Solomon say a Redcap is fine and we can easily say that Gunvarra was the Redcap on call.
Problem solved.
It's all good. And I really don't have a preference either way, I just remembered QPaC mentioning something about it previously.
I notice no one has asked about or even mentioned the recent vis gift. A rook of Ignem for everyone and seven Creo for each Master. Basically, I have been working on the accounting of our sources and stocks, and discovered a large excess in those two Arts. I wanted to bleed the reserves a bit to bring us to a reasonable level. Also, I wanted to enable the vis poor to be able to work on projects.
We have a much larger excess in Vim, but I think it wise to hold on too this.
The Ignem cam from the ransom story of 1226 and was discovered in the vault in 1231 (whem Solmon found the Tablet of Iron). The Creo came from Antonio's Awesome Orange Tree (which I will write up and post soon). The tree yields 6 to 8 fruits per year, each with 6 to 8 Creo seeds. The minimum possible yield, 36, goes to the covenant. The rest is kept in reserve by the pontifici. Carmen does not like privilege so spread it around.
Our single largest source is the 60 Vim from Sa Dragonera, which we do not own. With our Mercere deal, a lot of Vim is traded to even out Forms, and Creo is traded to even the Techniques.
Thoughts? Comments?
I definitely need to post something acknowledging that gift.
I noted the gift on my sheet, but the thread where it was mentioned didn't seem to be the right one to post in and the Chapter IV thread is currently handling the meeting.
Chapter 4 is a sandbox for anything and everything. But anyway, it is not important. As long as the gift is noted. OOC questions and comments about it can be handled here.
To reveal why it is called Chapter IV...
I was the ArM4 game I ran in in the 90's, based here at Andorra, featuring characters no longer with us except Carmen and a few NPC's.
II began when I started this game up online with ArM5.
III represents when I restarted this saga a few years ago and we have been going strong ever since.
IV came about when I bumped u along a few years.
V will come about when I can finally get us bumped to 1242, Tribunal years for Iberia and Provencal.
I seem to remember conversation shortly after Covenant of Dopplegangers and around the time of the meeting about Guiverna moving into Lucas's old digs.
Is it safe for me to start planning on remodeling? (I have a couple of ideas for what to do with a couple of the rooms.)
I've no qualms about Guiverna taking over Lucas's house, though I'll be sorry to see it go. Lucas and Cecelia will have to get a cottage on Majorca to vacation at.
The only rub is that I'm trying to squeeze in a few more seasons of spell research before leaving, since the lab is optimized for that. Lucas has Mutantes Magic, and I'd like to get a few of those spells available to the covenant before giving up the lab. (I've been stuck in a lot of adventures lately and haven't had the opportunity to do that all too much.)
I had totally forgotten about Pere Vilaro. Character is amicably gone (and the player's not logged on since January). What if Guiverna moves into his old digs, tweak the Regio cost (I'll have to track down the Mallorca-building rules) and rejigger the lab, but that way no one's having to make anyone wait while they finish their projects or kick anyone out before they're ready. Sound good?
I think Pere's old place (the one with the portal connection) was offered to Frederika, if I'm not mistaken.
Depending on what Guiverna intends to do, perhaps we could share the quarters for a time. If she's looking to read more than do lab work, it might work out just fine. I would like to see my old quarters used, given all the effort I made to research them.
looks at magi planner Um..wow.
Or, I could build a new quarter from scratch. I don't know where I got it in my fuzzy little head that she had to move into a pre-existing quarter.
Vocis has a plan he is soon to announce. He doesn't trust Guiverna at the portal. He had ideas of putting a new recruit of his choosing there or taking the spot himself.
He could use his influence to back you in proposing that as the best possible place for you.
That still leaved Guiverna to the small manor or on her own to find a regio.
I notice no one has asked about or even mentioned the recent vis gift. A rook of Ignem for everyone and seven Creo for each Master
What when where? Oh, cool!
I really need to get back to planning for Arachné and Vocis (since we agreed I'd do his advancment while Silveroak and you would do both the library and RP), but I'm still trying to get back on the threads...