General Table Talk

Yah. I want to make sure I play him right. I’m going to go with the he is worried about being killed while corporeal, maybe he wonders whether it would kill him permanently. Because he’s Brave, I need to ascertain what would cause him fear. At what point does he feel concerned for his own safety? Maybe I’m just being too insecure about playing him, lol.

I am looking at Roger on the wiki...
Lance Corporal Roger Ghostington
I has updated the character a few months ago using the ideas we set forth for Minor Companions. My conclusion that he is not the cocky sort comes from the Low Self Esteem Flaw. But he has Ferocity twice,once triggered by Protecting Others and again triggered when he is in his Duty.
This does count as Duty I do believe.

Another interesting fact I noticed. Roger is one of the few survivors of the Massacre of 1230. He managed to save old Moe (who has passed from olld age since) and a few others.

Feel free to build upon and tweak things as suits you. You are doing a fine job. Doing a fake cockney accent is half the battle ! :smiley:

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I have no idea why Artur's speech turned out green instead of red.

Never mind. Fixed it. New computer.

I keep thinking of the absurdity of a ghost popping by a dragon’s cabin in the middle of no where and saying “Can I borrow a cup of sugar? I’m making cookies and seem to have run out.”

Too bad, I mean a good thing Roger is serious +3

First : good luck, xavi, if you're reading this. I hope you'll be okay. Please, be okay

Second, I'm like reverse Xavi : ok, but working despite confinement. Hope I'll only get sick once the worst of the crisis is over. Can't really connect from work, since all available bandwidth is supposed to be “work only”, mainly for the people at home who are supposed to... Well, sit before their computers, actually (some are so bored they called us to know if we had work for them XD). Plus my mom is at the hospital (she's okay) and i will have to take care of my brother, and an elderly friend (which I fear I may kill if I'm not careful enough). So I'll connect when I can, I just don't know when I'll be able to.

Take care, stay at home if you can, keep your distances, and treat everything outside your home as a cursed item whose malediction can only be cleansed by the Sacred Ritual of Handwashing, provided you didn't attract the attention of the evil Covid Demon by doing a Forbidden Gesture (bringing your hand to your face).


I don’t want to hold down the story progression with small talk between Roger and Simon, despite being a fun role playing opportunity/experience. I’m sure the other players are itching to get involved :0)

Also I don’t want to take up the spotlight.

@The_Fixer Take care and be well.

@Brin Don't worry about it. Following the story is quite entertaining. :slight_smile:

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First time I've seen that abbreviation outside of work emails. (I work remotely from where I used to work in Austin, and every now and again my coworkers will send an email with the header "WWRD?" (What Would Ray Do?)

Yes. The six-year-old boy is the saga's new Moriarty.

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it could have been Rilcheaux...

Edith was thinking "what would Roberto do" :laughing:

I know what Roberto would do and charging into the cabin and telling Simon to stop with the owlbears and how being a kind of vegan is not right and to get a hold of his life. All in a very confident manor :slight_smile:

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Younger Roberto would probably do something like that. I don't think he would have a problem with vegetarians though. He was an almogavar, and not eating meat was a common custom amongst them. They would eat fish though. Fish didn't count as meat. Also note that Simon isn't quite a vegetarian. He has forsaken eating things that eat meat. So no bears or owls or owlbears. But goats are fine.
I don't know if "vegan" was a thing back then.

Now, what would old (54) Roberto do? Probably the same thing as young Roberto. He would just maybe be more introspective about it, just as confrontational but less hostile. I have been trying to play him as grown weary of violence. He has always thought of violence as a tool, not a toy. As he has matured, he has gotten better at finding alternatives.

But even younger Roberto would not care if vegetarian is a thing if it is not his thing and he would let you know. All a part of being a better person and a better Roberto :slight_smile:

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Don't worry about it
Just continue, it's all good

Artur sounds like my nephew, lol. I love him to death, but he’s always up to something. He’s just like my sister was. That’s what happens when you’re a hellion, you’re cursed to have a child just like you by your parents.

I sometimes ‘accidentally’ encourage him to drive my sister up the wall lol. :grimacing:

Sorry for the delay. Busy couple of days. I'll try to post tomorrow.

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I haven’t seen any posts the last few days. Given everything going on in the world I’m worried. I hope everyone is still healthy and safe. That’s more important than the game :heart:

Guys I’ve been lurking, but haven’t had any time to play with stuff going on irl. I should be good soon.


I have been hearting things to signall people that I have read your posts. I may need to think of a response (a feature I love about PbP gaming), but I want to let you guys know I am reading and I appreciate your participation :slight_smile:

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I just realized something creepy. Artur, Vibria's son, is technically cousins with Vibria's familiar. Maurice is the deadbeat dad of the draco kittens that Fleur's familiar gave birth to, which is where Vibria's familiar came from. I am a dope and cannot remember the names of either familiar at the moment.