Grand Tribunal (Board Game)

I convinced myself Grand Tribunal was out yet. I see at the main page it's still a 'coming soon' product. Any news on this item? The troupe I game with meets quarterly and I was wondering if it would be around for the Spring Season Session.

Any info is appreciated.

The game went to press in December, but so far it still hasn't shipped from the manufacturer in China. We're hoping that all three of our at-press board games (Grand Tribunal, Recess, Seismic) will be completed in early May, and ship on the same ocean container together. That gives us an optimistic possible arrival in our warehouse in mid-June -- at this point, we're really hoping we'll have the games for Origins.

We had pre-production approval copies to show off at the GAMA Trade Show last month, and the response from retailers was really positive. I think people were floored by the visual quality and components of Grand Tribunal in particular. (It's really a steal and we probably priced it too low, considering how much is in the box -- cards, board, tokens, etc.) Alex Bradley's artwork for the game is just gorgeous.

I saw it at GAMA, since I was in the booth doing demos of other games a fair bit. I'm definitely going to get one. It looks very cool.


Yeah, I've heard good things about it and look forward to owning it. :wink:
Looks like I won't be playing until our Summer/Fall Session, but I can wait. Thanks for the info!