Looking for an Ars Magica game, or players? Just a quick reminder of the Sagalocator forum. Register and advertise your game, or find players in your vicinity!
What a fabulous idea! I'll make this a point of policy in the future. I'll date the existing entries, and add a link to the Sagalocator forum to the page, when time permits.
Anyone have a current, working link that people are using to find ars games/players? I've moved to virginia this year and so far haven't been able to locate a game to get in.. which sucks big time to be honest.
Where in Virginia are you? I am in Wiliamsburg and would like to get back into playing. Also Mad Irishman is in Northern VA and was looking for a group.
Would love to. My schedule is crazy right now (new home, new baby and lots of work). But we can make plans. Do you live over near Monticello or the gradplex?
over on merrimac.
Send a message to me here as to what times/days would be good for you and we'll narrow down a time to meet and work out some scheduling.
Okay, I've recently moved to Louisville Kentucky. Which puts me far to far away from my friends I was playing with in Williamsburg Virginia (hi guys).
Does anyone know of an Ars magica group in Louisville that would be willing to take on another player short term. (I'm leaving in february or march of 2011).
In the unlikely event that there are any Aussies in NSW reading the Forum.
I have a monthly Ars Magica game at Good Games in Burwood.
Would be happy to run more often if i could get extra players.
Looking for an Ars Magica group in Metro area, Minnesota. I just realized that Atlas is here... fitting since I bought 2nd edition Ars at the Source so many years ago. Regardless, I'm interested in a good group of mature players. I am definitely intrigued by Troupe style since I am the primary GM for my TT group (non-Ars). So I would be open to being a Beta SG but am really interested in playing.
Work regular hours M-F. Available weekend days (some nights depending on frequency) and weekday nights.