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@OneShot I tend to ignore such things, but if you fancy these (it seems you are really gouing into the religious aspect of your character, something quite cool actually), you can use the Julian calendar as it was modified 45 BC. The level of historical accuracy of each participant in the saga is left to the player.

julian calendar 1218

Easter 1218. 22nd of April, so it is still somewhat off as we are at the start of March. let's say March the 6th, tuesday.

I can do well without historical calendars - but I'd rather play Frère Sulpice as a true Frère, who sticks to his religion.
So I don't want him to forgo his holidays and devotions - or the times to reapply his orations.

How widely would peasants observe Lent in 1200 while having to work in the fields? Sophie is Christian, but she also grew up as a peasant and lives more that way.

It's a social obligation and the priests make sure to inform them of feast days and such.

The lent before Easter is certainly also observed by the Catholic working peasants in the 13th century: it means refraining from red meat, eggs, milk, products from these, and alcoholic beverages beyond beer.
But peasants partake of most of these foods rarely anyway. Wayfarers and warriors are customarily exempt from these rules.
Calendars are the responsibility of the clergy, who typically inform of upcoming feast days, customs and obligations after service.

Why did Sulpice request bread and water? People don't generally observe Lent that strictly!

Consider that:
(a) You generally don't eat before noon. The food offered by Triamore was extraordinary and meant to occupy the guests, not to feed them. Observing Lent wrt in-between snacks requires special moderation in particular by clergy and people with Monastic Vows.
(b) Frère Sulpice is a Franciscan friar. We know no Franciscan rule from 1218. But strictly observing Lent is already in the 1221 non-bullated rule, apostolic poverty is the guiding concept of the early friars, and Sulpice will have to hold Lent service with following exhortations to penance in the covenant chapel.
(c) After equinox Frère Sulpice will recite his Ars Notoria orations for several rings. Getting into the right mindset for them certainly requires devout observation of Lent.

In general, especially Franciscans are not meant to be sourpusses during Lent, but to observe it cheeerfully and with little explanation. Frère Sulpice's knowledge of Medicine will keep him from excesses.

Something I made for another game

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Ranges are still in ArM4 terms, but appart from that it seems solid. The only thing I see is that it is more important quickness and dexterity to have a lot of knots and untie them than the level of your Arts. To cast incantation of lightning you at emuch better with Dexterity 4 and long ropes with knots than rising your Summoning Art, since it is a difficult art and each extra knot untied is +5. In current ArM5 terms I think I would make the wind wizard Arts normal. This way it is worthwhile to rise them.

Tulen traansi seems extremely benign. Maybe acquiring flaws when in tulen traansi for more than a week should be a thing. Otherwise it is just a vacation, especially if the wind wizard can actually teach students (he can speak) when in tulen traansi.

Besides that, a great tradition :slight_smile:

I already added the good/bad reactions to it

Also, edited the Reach to Near duration.

So you think they should be raised as normal Arts? Each of the Chants is a TeFo Art.

Yes, each is a Te+Fo combination in a single package, so rising it is more difficult than in the case that they were 2 Arts.

Basically an expert in summoning (ability 6) is not significantly better than a total noob (ability 1) that can untie an extra knot. And if you go for the relevant effects (levels 25-40) right now untying extra knots is way more relevant than your Art scores.

This is why I suggested normal Arts here. If you are a noob with art 3 (6 px) you are much weaker than a competent wizard with Art 14 (105 XP). Same xp expenditure than in the previous example with diffult arts at 1 and 6.

Tonight I will reply

Hi, sorry I haven't contributed a character yet.
I'm struggling with Folk Witch inspiration at the moment, and keep ending up with a character very similar to one I've done before.
Is it OK if I'm lazy and re-skin a character I've done on paper before? I've a few vitkir and a couple of folk witches on my blog at wordpress and I think I can find one that can be adapted to Triamore.

Nobody would mind a re-skin I think. My character is a variation of a theme, though unique in application

Reskinning Greta from your blog might be straightforward and fit the saga nicely.

It took some time to find a link referencing her from this forum, though.

Greta looks good. Since you didn't sayu anything for some time I have ezzelino interested in playing a vitki as well.

If you take Greta you might want to consider that the folk witches in Triamore (a small coven of Remi, Marie and Little Mathilde) have a variant tradition that has Mythic Herbalism, Hex and skinchanger instead of Healing, Cursing and Shapeshifter. Only Remi is Gifted, apparently. You can come from the standard or a variant tradition at your own volition. I will adjust the coven to suit your character if you take a folk witch.

I thought Yannis had sworn the Code already. My bad.
The situation of conflicting loyalties among the characters can be interesting.

Yannis made Sulpice believe that as well: see here.

Yannis knows of the Order and the Code. He was never Initiated in it becase the Coven of Reims cut short his apprenticeship. (He does have OoH Lore and Folk Witch Lore after all)

Minor thing: I added to Daria's invitation the fact that Yannis is not a member of the Order, and edited Sophie's invitation as well to acknowledge that neither her not Yannis are members.


I don't know where taking the Oath of Hermes fits with Sophie. I (the player) hadn't realized the oath itself had changed. I thought the oath was the same and was incorporated as a portion of the initiation into Parma Magica, rather than the oath being the initiation itself, or at least the major part of it. Sophie is not Gifted, so she cannot learn the Parma Magica.