OOC Discussions

No word from him here. I was wondering what was up myself.

No, nothing from Jonathan here either. Since we have two new players, it would help if they finished their characters - building experienced magi is quite time consuming. Then, we can add them to the mix.

Sometimes life gets busy. Hopefully JL will get back on soon.

I am coming up on some free time for December. I can run an adventure for the apprentices plus any grogs. Someone can play Kara (Thyra's apprentice) if they want. I do agree that the new players should finish their characters

I'm still here. Been very unwell, combined with a serious stall in base concept, and looking for a new job. I think I cracked the base character concept last night, but lassitude is still a serious problem, and gaming is coming a poor third to getting well and looking for another job.

Sorry for dragging my heels with my character. I'm heading out on a trip to Nantes, and I expect I'll find the inspiration (and time) to finish while there. I'd also be up for a story run by jebrick. I could man one of the grogs.

How do you reconcile the Gift with an apprentice story? WIthout Parma Magica, apprentices feel the full effect of the Gift. They ought to have a really, really hard time working together. And to ignore the effects of the Gift, or minimize it to allow them to work together effectively seems to turn its back on one of the major tenets of the game.

Bonisagus changed the world when he developed Parma Magica. Prior to that, magi couldn't work together because of the mistrust that the Gift engendered. Wouldn't that mistrust be central to an adventure involving apprentices?

Putting my hand up for a grog or spare character. Not fussed if Iā€™m a glorified npc.

I would think the apprentice's masters would extend their PM. That is what Thyra would do for her apprentice

I totally agree with that. And doing so works great for when the master and the apprentice are in the same place. But it doesn't do any good for when the apprentice is apart from their master.

The core rules specifically note in their description of Parma Magica that: "You may also protect one other person for each point in Parma Magica, with their consent. You must touch each person to start the protection, and it lasts as long as at least one character can see the other. (ArM Core Rulebook, p. 66, emphasis added.) It's that last bit that gives me concern.

I have little doubt that Thyra will protect Kara when Kara is in sight. But if an adventure were to take place out of Thyra's sight, then Kara would be unprotected by Parma Magica. I wish it were otherwise. I wish that shared Parma lasted until it was withdrawn (or sunrise/sunset) regardless of distance. Alas, that's not the way it works.

That's why I expressed my concern about apprentice stories. Typically such a story would take place away from the respective masters, and therefore away from any protection from Parma Magica. That means that the apprentices will likely have a really hard time working together.

That was my first thought... I think it might be a low crime not to do so...

I've put up a version of my proposed Bjornaer Magus, and have had some communication from thompsja. I would like to get on with advancing him. If anyone has any comments to make, advice to give, errors to expose, please let me know in the near future, so I can build from a solid base rather than a fluid foundation.

I am going to a convention where a couple of hundred gamers will overload a tiny wi-fi network at a holiday resort. I may or may not be able to post.

that will be the fun of the story. When they argue they can split up or not go on the adventure.

Ok, still no sightings of our storyguide. Has anyone received a PM or anything from Jonathan?

Not a dickie bird.

I'm still hoping that the saga will get off the ground, and have been working on my character, at gauntlet, and about 30 years later. I hope to finish him before christmas, but it might be a case of, "Troops home before..."

I like the idea of an apprentice story in the mean time, but have yet to decide whether haihs will have one. Looks likely, but that's another project. I'm leaving London tonight, and will be (without my books) in Sydney, Australia, on Thursday, in a state of considerable disarray, followed by about 2 weeks of little or no internet access, then: christmas, a wedding, and new year, without time to draw breath between the events.

Good luck to all for the silly season. Catch you on t'other side.


And I have two more seasons of advancement for my magus to figure out, as well as aging rolls and BP expenditure. I will finish these items up in the next week or two; sooner if the story picks back up before then.

What I have so far is in my character thread.

Just a reminder, we have a google spreadsheet with the details of BP expenditure, plus all spells known to members of the covenant.


Thanks, that's useful!

Salve sodales,
it has now been 58 days since we last heard from Jonathan. How should we proceed? Should we continue waiting and maybe have a small side adventure that won't make any lasting difference to the game? Should we decide to operate a fully troupe style game, and take turns running adventures for each other and reaching a consensus as to what is the truth behind our situation? Should we have someone be our Beta storyguide, taking Jonathan's place until he returns? Or should we call it a day and retire this to the great list of ideas that sounded good but fell by the wayside once the SG became too busy?

Sorry for disappearing guys. I was crazy busy for October and November. My wife also had knee replacement surgery the week of Thanksgiving, and she's doing great, now. At this time, I don't think I can commit to moving anything forward in this game for a while (probably the end of January).