Spell Design: The Thread Before the Grimoire

Is it? Wouldnt range be from the caster rather than the clouds?

I think it's even given as en example in the book.
You'll need the longest range between A)the caster and your target OR B) The caster and your clouds.
After all, the magic pulls the lightning bolt from the clouds, neh?

The interesting part of using existing storm clouds is that you might (noble's parma...) be able to:

a) do it with Rego instead of Creo (if you are better at Rego) and
b) if making it an aimed spell, have a perfectly natural (and thus not magically resisted!) lightning bolt.

The Hyperborean Clay
CrTe 05
R: Touch , D: Ring , T: Ind

A base individual of clay (10 cubic paces) is created with the property of being attracted to light.
This is the same as the attraction iron has to lodestone.
The reverse is not true , however , light is not attracted to the Hyperborean clay.
The stronger the source of light , the more forceful the attraction.
Light from a single candle , starlight , light of the full moon , sunlight at noon in summer on a day without cloud cover.
The Hyperborean clay may be worked in the same manner as normal clay.
Rego Craft magics would be useful , as the clay needs to be worked in the dark or low-light conditions.

Base 01: Create clay , +01 Touch , +02 Ring , +01 unnatural property.

reposted from the Self-Centred Clay thread.

I'd say:

  • A storm going on: base guideline, as this is perfectly natural to have lighting then.
  • Grey to dark clouds without a storm: +1 magnitude (this is "slightly unnatural")
  • Little to no clouds: + 2 magnitudes ("very unnatural")
  • From your hands, in a cave or building: +4 magnitudes ("wholly divorced from its natural context")

There's something to be said about range, but as I'm working from serf's parma, I'm not sure at all. I'd say maybe you'd need to create these in the sky (sight) and redirect them to the earth through Rego, so I'm not sure that'd be more efficient.
Of course, you could probably, with rego and range sight, try to "seize" existing lightning and make it fall on someone, but good luck with the finesse on that.

I'd say:

  • With a storm cloud above, whether it's already raining or not, +0 magnitudes (it's perfectly normal)

  • From clear blue skies, either +0 or +1 magnitudes. Bolts "out of the blue" or "out of clear sky" are sufficiently "normal" that they have become an idiomatic expression in many languages (modern science knows that they are not really out of the blue, and instead arch down from a storm cloud that can be miles away - but this is a different story)

  • in a cave or building, +1 magnitudes (the guidelines specifically give "indoors" as an example for this magnitude modifier).

  • from your fingertips, +4 magnitudes (again, that's what the guidelines say).

+1 at least. It's rare enough to've made an idiom.

Yeah, specifically as an expression of something totally unexpected... How that is supposed to be "normal" is far beyond me.

I can see both sides of it though. It feels as though a cheap way to drop three of four levels of fatigue on someone with a very light weight spell, but then again if someone were to come up with a Level 10 Cr/Ig spell that did +5 or +10 damage and then multicast it four times, the damage would stack.

But there are other examples where multicast would possibly not work, ie. making a animal +1 size (Beast Outlandish Size)... multicast five times and suddenly you have a beagle the size of a small elephant.

While cheap, it feels to be a vindication for getting hit with PoF three times and having to take three damages. Sneak up and zap zap zap... you now are freezing cold and down three fatigues. I am coming off unconvinced on either side... but if I can get away with it, and a penetration of +32, I could easily become a wonk of wonks.

Only one size increase would work , even if all five strike simultaneously , as once the size increases ,
it cannot increase further unless the spell has a built in modifier to affect a greater size beast.
Base Individual for Animal is a creature the size of a pony , Size: +01.

Did not think of it this way. Now this begs the question, if the spell is cast on a Fox -3, roughly... or a large owl -2, roughly, then if multicast you would be able to get a +1 size Fox or Owl? I am really curious about this!

Two newish spells just curious about.

Cr/Te Lvl 15 Conjure the Protective Den

This spell creates a hollowed boulder, that protects the mage from weather, animals, and mundane detection until sunrise or sunset. During this time, the rock simply looks from the outside as a large boulder, hiding the magus +1 inside.

base 3 (create stone), +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 size

R:Touch D:Sun T:Ind +1 size

((I imagine it as simply being a extension of the Wall of Protecting Stone except that it requires a Finess roll, but does not need Voice or the extra +1 size, does it work?))

Re/Co Lvl 3 Purging of the Fleeing Vermin

In much the same fashion of small vile creatures, this spell purges the bowls and blatter of any and all contents, effectively turning the target in a cesspit of smells and vile physical detritus. The mage that developed this spell was an especially vile and disgusting necromancer who often used the spell to discourage conversation or attention from those that annoyed him. Belanor's sigil was the haunting sounds of the dead, which made the spell even more gruesome.

base 2, +1 Touch

R:Touch D:Mom T:Ind

Yes, but a botch would be uuuuuugly. Also, keep in mind this means that you can't get out and can't see out. Easy way to trap yourself. Also suck when you need to go number two.

Its not much more to conjure yourself a small stone house. Use Conjure Mystic Tower as a baseline:

Base 3, + 2 size, + 1 touch + 1 complication + 2 sun = CrTe 25.

All valid observations. The value of this spell however is that it is meant to act as place to sleep for a single night and to be as obfuscated as possible. It will not attract attention, because it simply looks like a boulder, and under duress one could hide within to escape pursuit. (unless of course your pursuers had some innate magic sense to detect you or the new boulder) It is a spell for a magus that tends to rough it alone and desires to sleep undisturbed.

I was thinking of the botches... the word sarcophagus comes to mind. EEP! At least it is only Sun duration.

You know a botch can extend or protract duration, right? Or it could leave no room for breathing air. Or it could collapse.

If you put it into a device, at least then you'd get rid of the botch chances. I'd add one complexity, or add a Mu requisite to allow a "door" to open on command.

While I understand that botches can get bad, I have only botched a spell once in three years or so, and storytellers typically don't let the spell go beyond the limit of the spell level, unless we are sponting. It is only a level 15... would worry a lot more about casting Pilum of Fire, no? If anything my concern would be adding a Au req just to be certain air flowed through, but with Ars physics I figured it was not needed.

((Here comes the discussion about a vacuum again, heh heh))

Or spend one season practicing the spell to master it.

The wizard that uses this spell, routinely does his magic while in the shape of a animal, thus the whole burrowing den flavor. And he did master this spell but I can't decide between fastcast or multicast.

having a covenant is a cave, I built a little village at the entry, before the labyrinth which lead to the real entry of the covenant (which was 200 years ago a Diedne covenant, and now receives a flambeau, a mercere, a jerbiton and a verditius).
That village is protected by a wood wall.
I wanted make something like the wall of thorns, but as a yearly ritual.
My maga is neo mercurian so it costs less and she can use special targets.

The Thorny wall of Protection CrHe20 touch year road
base : 1 (as the wall of thorns)
touch +1
year +4
road +2

this makes a thorny wall along the road specially build to receive that ritual and so makes another protection besides de wood wall.

Herbam being the least of my knowledge as far as Forms go, I wonder would it be possible if you did not want to do it as a ritual, to simply plant a type of bush or hedge that sprouts thorns and then make it grow faster, say a whole year in a day. This way you could prune and shape the hedge and have a giant perfect hedge that is healthy and sturdy and precisely what you desire in about three weeks?

I know it lacks the magical ommph! of the ritual, but the game I play in, our covenant is... well not even a covenant yet so we lack the all important vis to make this a reality.