Table talk (Bibracte)

This is me...activiating his lecherous personality flaw. :smiley:

Dammed spell checker :slight_smile:

It is more of what I decided that the female Redcaps might be aggressive and so he responded. Just going with the flow. But I think she has the major Lecherous flaw.

Well, her lecherous nature is over the top. Talia taught me all I need to know about how to do that. But she's like Talia squared. Being the wife of a magus for 50 years... Her debauchery knows no bounds. But she has a heart of gold, and does love her husband.
Give me an F. :smiley:

Oh, and Redcaps will tend to mate with magi those who can give them a baby. Until they get an LR, and then they are more indiscriminate... :smiley:

She's not bad...she's just drawn that way.

I've invited the magi of Laurus Argenti to the Tribunal.

If they participate it might give it more of a big Tribunally[1] feeling...

[1] Yeah, I said it, whatcha gonna do about it?!?

I actually got a pm from the chap, apparently a blog post he wrote went viral, which has garnered him a lot of attention, which in turn has kept him hopping and has led to two teaching opportunities. Which is keeping him busier than the proverbial one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest. So, he's good, just incredibly busy.

That's some great news! :smiley:

I received the same word from him just today :smiley:

Weird day yesterday, sorry I didn't post. I ended up flying into Canada to do a hand courier job and was gone all day. I'll catch up on the posts today hopefully.

Boy, it's a good thing you put that "courier" in there.

Well with some of the stuff that's been posted on these threads lately I doubt it'd raise any...eyebrows.

Saw the movie Lincoln this morning. I would highly recommend it. It is a powerful movie.

The one where he kills vampires or the less realistic one?

The one where he kills the cast from Twilight :slight_smile:

But it turned into a political movie

So Oliver Stone was involved?

Not unless they burned him in effigy.

Wife and I saw Flight Friday night. That was a pretty powerful move, too.

I'll even go so far as to say that the character doesn't need to spend the rest of the season recovering, like would be necessary in a regular aging crisis, much the same would apply to a CrCo ritual that would resolve the aging crisis (spending the season in recovery). In the case of a spent LR, the LR was "used up" and healed the character, resolving the crisis.

Just injecting some drama, i figure this is the *bird in the canary telling him to get a new ritual.

*I was going to come back and correct this, but nah...