Table talk (Bibracte)

Yes. Grogs and companions are generated as per RAW. If they've been played a bit in Novus Mane they can either come over intact or get aged a bit, per RAW.

I think both would work, but I find myself leaning more torwards the earth elementals - both because it's more high fantasy, and also because it's just cooler 8)
Don't we have someone in Mons Electi that deals with elementals? Might be a conversational point.

I think I've found Ulrich's bedroom.


Scroll down the page and look at his sheet. For some reason it doesn't have a direct link to the post...

Roberto shall be accomanied by five grogs; Carlos, Pedro, Junior, Allen, and Albert.
Carlos and Pedro are the two men he brought with him from Spain. Their xp are at an aven 15/yr, but I forgot to age them back in the day. I'll fix that and change some abilities (such as changing NM Lore to Netherlands lore).
The others are new characters I would like to create using rules from Grogs. Johan Junior is the son of a pirate family Warped by Magic. The other two will be armed bruisers, Almogavars of the Vibria Company with Hermetic Experience. One is Spanish and the other is French.

I also noticed the letters section and the small meeting concerning Roberto. I was thinking to start play by writing a letter to Santiago, then posting a scene wherin Roberto packs up his stuff and heads out.

I promise I will get all the scattered pieces sewn together and post his grogs soon enough.

Still waiting for a response...

I thought what we'd do is once we hash out a few things in the Flambeau Council thread we'd send letters to Ariel, Santiago and Roberto. I don't want it to be a long thread, just some things worth considering.

I don't understand what the question is. The letter sounds fine.

Permission to write a letter is what I was seeking :slight_smile:

I'm an ask for forgiveness kind of guy. I'm not sure I can give Santiago the right voice, though, so do you think you could write Santiago's reply? I could establish some things that Santiago knows...

Dramatic prose is my specialty :slight_smile:
I would desire, and only require, the information Santiago would incorporate in the letter. But I also support the policy of open disclosure amongst participants in a troupe style game. I like the idea of being on a secret mission for Santiago and using tribunal politics as a cover and excuse to get me into the covenant. It is with a heavy heart that Roberto leaves NM. But there are matters of duty and obligation, and Loyalty, which take precedence.

So let's go with Santiago not knowing about a Guernicus conspiracy, that Ariel has informed him that he and his protégé's services are required, and additional details will be forthcoming. Ariel has suggested that Roberto will be tested first, and then may reveal more of what's going on. This gives a possible student becomes the master element to be used at some point later on, if you should so desire.

Ariel and Lucius were the final candidates for Primus of the House. I glossed over the whole selection process, but it is conceivable that Ariel became Santiago's choice when it became clear that he wouldn't be elected Primus. Santiago probably never trusted Lucius, and that the horn to call the Milites was never sounded when Garus was killed always struck Santiago as being odd. Santiago may have even been a candidate with considerable support behind him, just not as much as Lucius and Ariel. Ariel basically had the support of everyone outside of Iberia and Provence. While Santiago and Lucius split the votes from Iberian and Provence.
Good enough?

RIP, Entil'Zha.

Always wanted to say that! :smiley:

It'll cost me I'm sure.

Information logged and noted. I am putting it in the percolator, and when it's time for the percolator (lame inside joke), I shall put it all together. I am planning on Wednessday for a trip to the library w/my laptop.

I ruminate... The processes are similar. :smiley:

Gah! I can't really post again tonight! I'll hopefully get one in later. Did not see this coming.

Is that a good thing or bad thing?

i would have told you that we were going to the local crusade based on the hints that JL gave out in the thread. I even said it in the OOC thread several weeks ago. What was interesting was that Valerian was in the room.

Roll with the punches and enjoy the story. I am. :stuck_out_tongue: