Table Talk (OOC)

Undoubtedly NOT your fault, or at least, not only yours. I can be very... well, I'll refrain from calling names.

I think it makes sense to revert to core guidelines, given the circunstances. But at this point I'd rather focus on playing than seeking new players, if it's all the same to you. At least for a while.

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I said that I would finish my character before them and they were getting very close to finish their characters, so it was totally necessary :smiling_imp: So if anyone is to blame, it's me. Don't try to steal my achievements.

On a more serious tone, i don't think that anybody is in fault here.

  • The advancement process is very long, yes. But if you aren't searching to completely optimize and microcontrol all the numbers and find the best way to develop the character, and you just stick into a more organic approach, even if its less efficient, its very fun and works wonders to create a good background (and hooks) for the character. So even if i understand your reasons, i think that would be a shame if we lose this advancement mode (maybe reducing it in max years, or do it half and half?).
  • Before Rafael call names (to himself i suppose), no, you aren't at fault either. Everybody here will be SG at one point, and we all here the right to comment if we find that something is not right for our taste or just want to express any opinion. I was a lot more vocal and i was even called bore for being insistent. But if people feels like that into a saga with multiple SGs its not my fault either :man_shrugging:
  • I still think that they were searching for a saga with a more high level approach. If thats the case, its a shame, but there is nothing to do. Now they will return to their own saga, and i wish them a lot of luck, tbh. Better if they leave now than when they are already intertwined in the history of the saga.
  • Even if im wrong and its not the case, i've played roleplaying games in forums before, and this is perfectly normal -__- Even if the character is finished inside the first week, the players tend to dissapear inside the first month / month and half. Either they get bored and find another project to do, or real life gets in the way... So its not a surprise :frowning:

Now, I would stop looking for faults where there are none. As Rafael said, i also think that we should focus on playing. I wouldn't stop anything to seek new players. If there is still players, the only killing blow a saga can receive is to pause it for an indefinite amount of time. Updating the recruit thread, so its clear that we are still searching for new players, should be enough imho.
Meanwhile, the saga shouldn't ever stop. A forum saga is slow enough that it shouldn't be a big issue to post in-character and still be able to help any new player that arrives meanwhile.


And here you have another stupidly long post from my part :clown_face:


I like the organic approach, but it is a heavy upfront investiment... that can go sideways (for example, I'm not sure Regulus would have left Thebes if he didn't "had" to join Tugurium). Trying to organically fit the character to a frame is hard.

But well.... moving forward?

Does it seem like 4 of us will be able to handle things in each story (1 running the show, 1 magus, 1 companion (or magus), 1 playing assorted grogs)?

The story I had in mind (Blooming Alpine Weather - BAW) is not suitable for our current magi. So I'm thinking about putting BAW in the back burner and bringing something suitable for Alba, how does it sound? Perhaps related to Dankmar?

But I confess I'm still lost in regards to which direction to drive that, so I accept suggestions from @Gaxxian and others... And I would also be perfectly fine with someone else stepping ahead to run something. =]

I don't think Alba is well suited for Dankmar, if only for their enchantment, unless you plan to downplay it. Dankmar isn't really welcoming to magi or companions, or grogs

I don't think anyone is well suited for Dankmar (not only in our group, I'm saying anyone at all XD). That's the reason I'm a bit lost, actually.

I would say yes.

Well, first of all, i would like to play the arrival of Celeste and Alba to Tugurium :stuck_out_tongue: Those interpersonal stories are very important to link the magi between them :slight_smile:
Then, since Alba has a very special Sanctum in mind, and surely will need more than a year to be built, maybe some seasons could be played (that would be cool).
We have to search for our last sponsorships too. We talked about faeries at the Alps too. Idk if when you talk about Dankmar you talk about this or about my Major Flaw.
And last but not least, we still have a hunting to go :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep, i cannot approach that place with the spell. If im correct, only Regulus can avoid the spell.

Looking intensely to Regulus

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Yes, I'm just planning ahead. The enemies won't design themselves without help. =9

That's why I was thinking of Dankmar. Or, well... we have already invested some energy on that, but we can always pivot and decide to join the Alps or Normandy if Rhine proves to be too dificult (or tiresome?).

I was thinking either to have Alba, as a Merinita, as a possible envoy to Dankmar (trying to get them to vote for us) or possibly tying your Major Flaw to Dankmar somehow (if you are willing)... or both.

This one is better left for after the Tribunal.

Dang. Dropping the cursed covenant on me, eh? Saddly, Regulus' MR against Mentem is 21, so you are right.
(I had forgotten about Dankmar's Shrouded Glen.)

If anyone wants to run that story for Regulus, be my guest. I'll think of something else for Alba. =]

I left that completely open so you all can think into whatever you want :smiley: Im willing to whatever you thought :stuck_out_tongue:

You dont need to go alone tho... You are able to resist the spell, so you can guide more persons with you (Alba, for example).

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Celeste's Mentem MR is 21 or higher as well. She is Mentem specialist

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So that settles it. If we go to Dankmar, Regulus and Celeste go together.

Gaxxian and Arthur, decide who will run the story and who will control the grogs. XD

Question: Would it be possible to adjust Alba and Celeste's background so that they would arrive at Tugurium shortly after the others? Because otherwise the timeline for the Tribunal is just too tight to run much in the way of stories.

Also, I have a vis source story I'd like to run before Tribunal, which can accomodate 2-3 magi. It would be a good opportunity for the magi to get to know each other. It would have made sense for that story to have happened not too long after the magi's arrival, as this is a major vis source for the covenant.

When would you like Alba and Celeste to have arrived?

First decide when and the road that you will use. So we can know HOW we will kill those grogs :innocent:

From a background perspective i dont have any issues if its just a year change and not a season change.
If its not weird that Alba was there when some things happened without actually being... im ok with it :stuck_out_tongue:

Summer or Autunm 1205 would be fine.

At the covenant? We can just say that she was busy doing something else.

Could we just adjust the years so it's one year early, and then work out two more seasons into the timeline, so we arrive in Autumn 1205? Would be easier, in my mind.

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I would add those seasons before we go to Durenmar, i dont want to be stuck in a place where we cannot do anything :frowning:

Which would be the purpose of it? If its to be able to make more travels and contacts for Tugurium, we can do 2 or 3 travels each season, so we still have time.

If its for the vis source story, we can move all the Spring 1206 stories to early, and then we can do it as soon as we arrive :stuck_out_tongue: Its also a possibility.

That would work. Just trying to synchronize things.

The purpose is multifold. First, to give you respective magi time to settle down and get to know each other before they go off on individual missions to secure votes for the Tribunal. Second, the vis story is tied to the day of the summer solstice. The source is important enough that the magi wouldn't have waited any more than necessary to secure and harvest it.

Travel in the mountains valleys is difficult during the winter, and even in early spring. So you magi wouldn't be arriving in early spring anyway, unless they have means of magical travel for themselves and any mundanes they have with.

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Sounds good :slight_smile:

Then, coming in Autumn would help? It would be better if we could do it in Summer 1205 instead of waiting to Summer 1206 anyways...

Then i think that we should just move 1 year early our background. Its far easier to do since we dont need to think motives to come later, and then we just came with the same early wave of magis.

Regulus would do 2 vis adventures in Summer, but... well, thats all the "issue" and i dont see an issue with it if everybody else is okay with it. If you think that the timeline is ok, i mean.

Then in Fall 1205 Celeste and Regulus could go to Dankmar already if they want, iirc only Clusius went to the travel with the Telsberg.

What do you think?

This might not be the most palatable suggestion, but wouldn't it be easier to change Celeste's and Alba's last seasons instead of shifting everything 1 year back? Mostly it would just be reframing how things happened, or the order, not what happened.

1205, Spring - Clusius answer arrives in early spring, Celeste and Alba leave Durenmar for Tugurium (study changed to use books in Tugurium, or copies of what they were reading are gifted to them when leaving Durenmar)
1205, Summer - Celeste and Alba in Tugurium (Vis collection story, replacing the faerie Oak???). Otherwise, study from library.
1205, Autumn - If the vis collection story happens here, it replaces the story with the faerie Oak. If it happened last season, this one is study.
1205, Winter - Invent spells in your own labs in Tugurium (from what I can see your lab total is enough to pull the spells off even with a partial lab).

I'd like to avoid this, because depending on what happens it could result in 1205 Autumn/Winter and 1206 Spring being completely rewritten for Regulus, and he had an adventure in 1206 Spring as consequence of experimentation while inventing a spell.

Unless you meant Autumn of 1206? In that case, I think it would make sense. I intended for Regulus to spend the Summer in Durenmar perusing tribunal records (hopefully this would allow us to present ourselves as allies to the right people and forge the best connections to ensure maximum votes towards joining Rhine?), and as soon as it becomes clear that we will need to send a delegation to Dankmar he could go back to Tugurium, reunite with Celeste (assuming she was still there) and go together.

Of course, this also assumes we have someone willing to run that story. Are you volunteering? :wink:

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Coming us in Spring would be what i proposed :slight_smile:

If i understood correctly, the vis recolection must be done at the summer solstice, so it cannot be done in Autumn but only in Summer. Thats why im telling that we should be in Tugurium in Spring 1205 or we will end doing it in 1206 anyway, so we will not win time D:

True, i didnt think about this... your proposal would be better :slight_smile:

I would be ok with it, but idk if Arthur has some idea planned already.