Table Talk (OOC)

Yeah, but my version of the story its funnier.

Thats an interesting point :open_mouth:

When i said "a lot more" i meant it as in the type than in the quantity.

... That "XD" makes me scary :open_mouth:

Im more or less divided... while i prefer the background in the Rhine, i see a lot of cool things to do in Normandy too.
I would like to know Itzhak opinion too.

Why its that? :open_mouth:

In Normandy he might get dragged down by bickering between magi instead of legal cases that are actually significant towards making a name for himself. Normandy has a strong presence of quesitores, so he'd be just one more. Rhine lacks quesitores, so he would have room to grow. In Rhine he can also make a name for himself inestigating the existing untapped magic. His Tormenting Master is a quesitor from Normandy, currently residing in Confluensis, and would have more ease bringing him trouble if Regulus lives in Normandy. Tytalus house is likely to oppose his goals.

Of course, this also means that going to Normandy is best if he wants to better solve his conflict with his pater. The Tytalus presence in the Tribunal means Regulus would have a lot of cases of apprentice abuse to deal with and prove that his goals are actually necessary. Rhine is stuck in it's ways and it might be harder to change the code there. And "bickering between covenants" is perhaps an unkind way to put it, solving conflicts between covenants is legitimate and important, and might bring him fame as a mediator that settling things between Gilds and people in Rhine might not. And more important, might bring him more allies, especially if he presents himself as a counterpoint to Confluensis (a "good lawyer vs. bad lawyer" kind of thing).

In the end I can properly frame the decision for or against any Tribunal (including the Alps) in a way that is convenient for Regulus. Each will present it's own opportunities and challenges, but in the end, they are roughly equal . The choice of Tribunal changes the focus of the stories he is involved, only that.

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@RafaelB, a question not related, but meanwhile this conversation continues...
Why did Regulus tried so hard to make light at the "Something Unexpected" adventure? Was it due to an oversight or did you add Second Sight as a last minute addition to your character?

Second Sight does not allow you to see in the dark...

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Rlly? My bad then... I always though that it let you... :open_mouth: Thanks Arthur ^^

You are probably conflating it with faerie eyes from Strong Faerie Blood.

Second, you have faerie eyes. This gives you the Virtue Second Sight (see page 48) at no cost, and you can see normally in darkness or semi-darkness,

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True! From there came my confusion then ^^! Surely i mixed both concepts in my mind :stuck_out_tongue:
Ty :smiley:

Ok, so my (the player) view on the various tribunals, after rereading the Normandy chapter again.

Rhine is ranked first, mostly because it's where Celeste comes from, and where she has the most ties. And yes, the Master and Archmagus situation can be daunting at times, but we could arise to Master rank. The rank of Master isn;t too hard to obtain, unless you have something like Gild Enmity, or you've soured relations with most Gilds or Houses (each sponsor needs to be of a different House/Gild).

Normandy will come second. It's not as bad as I half recalled, on a second, fresh, reading. It would provide a potentially richer canvas for Celeste to weave her political acumen, but a single misstep can cause the Tribunal to choose our covenant to host the next tribunal, and that will, at the very least, put a huge strain on our resources.

The Alps is third if only because we'd need to decide on a lot of things regarding how it's run, since there's no 5e book for it.

So, since the only one to decide clearly its me, i will vote for Rhine too.

While Alba doesnt have a lot of ties with it, the ties of Celeste are hard to ignore...
Also, i want to see Regulus being the first and only Quaesitor of Rhine xD

Then Rhine it is. =]

@Gaxxian what are Alba's plans for 1205 and 1206?

I'm thinking that when we start writting to magi in Rhine communicating our intention to join, the members of the Ash Gild might send a letter to Tugurium asking for our help in exchange for a sponsor? And Alba happens to have some free time on her hands to go on a little adventure? It wouldn't take her too far away from the covenant.
Expect fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miraclesโ€ฆ
(Well, maybe not all of that. At least, not right now.)

And a jolly good time in town, if we want to introduce the Satyr-blood...

Alba doesn't follow plans. She improvises as necessary xD So, expect her being available for any adventure :stuck_out_tongue:
Otherwise, she would want to help building her lab... or teaching Argos to speak Latin... or writing some book while she talks with Adeline... There is plenty thing to do, but nothing "planned" :stuck_out_tongue:

I just created 3 topics for stories as the magi identify and gather support for their move to be accepted as a covenant in the Rhine. Feel free to use them while I'm away to start one or more stories for your magi.

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@Red-Shadow-Claws before giving Regulus reply to Javier I wanted to make sure on the time frame (since Regulus actions until Spring of 1206 are somehow fixed (culminating on lab work on Spring) and I wanted to avoid messing them too much). The story runs on Summer of 1206?

@Gaxxian, are we going to see Onfroi joining for this one? Would he already have joined the covenant, or Regulus meets him on the road?

Yes, the letter arrives in the last week of Spring 1206, so most of the season is already done.

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Renamed that topic to reflect that timeline.

I'll wait for @Gaxxian to see when and where Onfroi joins.

Sorry for the delay. I had some issues irl :open_mouth:

So... @Red-Shadow-Claws, you still didnt say if Onfroi's concept worked with Celeste or not or if he needed some changes to you. Also, was everything accepted into his sheet? I remember a lot of points raised... and i still need to change bear for boar into Onfroi's sheet xD

Now, from an in-game perspective. It has logic than Onfroi can be found during the travel to Durenmar? Yeah, that can happen, albeit technically he was protecting travelers at dangerous places (like black forest or similar places) and not exactly there, he could be traveling there and so, be found by Regulus. But it will be harder to find a reason for him to join the magus at all.
But i dont find a reason at all to Onfroi to know about the Order of Hermes. He doesn't have any virtue, flaw or skill that justify knowing about it, and if he knew, he probably would be already living into some covenant.
So, he can appear now, or when you travel into Dankmar (there he could have easy reasons to travel with the magis, since he would want to help), as you prefer :slight_smile: But i wouldn't make him knowing about the magis at all beforehand.

Im seeing that both sponsorings are starting at 1206 Summer. To space out the adventures a bit, does it seem good to you that the trip to Dankmar can take place in 1206 Fall? Even if the letter giving you green light to travel to there came before, Regulus will be busy anyways. So its ok with you?

What reason would he have to join Celeste?