yearly planning chart

Scribe availability works first around the needs of the magi, then their tasks- this is one of the reasons I want magi to plan ahead since his is one aspect of grog life which reflects the schedule for magi. Currently the scribe is only available 2 seasons a year, and getting copies from Harco is something that falls between scribing books that Magi write, but he does have an apprentice now who will hopefully be able to make the position much more productive soon.

I want to make sure I am clear about how we are using the Scribe ...
If we want to write a book, we don't need a Scribe.
If we want to make copies of the book to distribute/trade, we should use the Scribe, rather than our own precious time.
If we want to copy a book from somewhere else, we should use the Scribe.
Do I have this right?

When you write a book you need to have the scribe available in order to have the +1 to quality for a scribe- he can work on multiple books at once and it can be in a later season, but his work is necessary.

It is past time for 1104 to be filled out. I would request that you consider filling out 1105 as well to reduce the delays in starting new adventures.

Taurus and Gabriele have plans through the end of 1104.
I won't have much time for posting more until the weekend.

Put in Aurthor and Pazzino for 1104 and 1105. Aurthor's tract he writes in 1105 may change depending on the request of whoever helps him with a longevity ritual.

Aurthor is making sure Anna gets Gentle Gift 1104, then two seasons of arts instruction in 1105 to keep her Arts education on track.

Does Camilla have access to the library? Do apprentices in general get to use it? Since her Latin is <4 I believe she can't learn from Hermetic tomes, but she can from other Latin language books, right?

Unless Camilla had instructions on Magic Theory before her apprenticeship (I don't see a Virtue for this in her sheet), I think her totals are off. For Ouragan's LR, she would have had 153 xp in it, granting +7MT+1Creo spec. +2 Puissant+3 Int= +13 assistance to Lab Total, don't know if that extra +1 helps Ouragan. Also there was another season being taught MT that indicated she reached her teacher's skill level, but that can't be, as she would have, after teaching, 206 xp, short of the 225 needed for skill level 9. I will edit her character sheet and the Praesidium Orae advancement chart to reflect this.

silveroak, can she do something with the season when she was going to be taught Affinity with Creo in 1102, but her Parens adventures kept him away, (Summer 1102)? Or is it completely wasted, 0 xp? Immersion in Latin perhaps, at least, like in the season after the Opening of the Arts?

Also, let me ask again, I don't think I saw an answer: What is the refreshment rate, if any, for Confidence points?


Edited to also ask if Apprentices can take a regular Latin class with the other children, or is that simply too disruptive because of the Gift. Looking to get taught, but Markus is teaching a bunch of people in his 2 teaching seasons of 1104. Still, it might be a good idea to get people exposed to Camilla's Gift. Maybe. Or perhaps that lowers he other attendees SQ.

Edited to correct that, while Camilla has Latin <4, it's +1 Hermetic, so she can learn from the books of the Order

Quite Possibly a Cat: I see Evandrus has lined up 3 seasons to search for a familiar, is that 1 season for story + 2 seasons of binding/enchanting it? To reserve those two latter seasons for lab rat duties.


The extra seasons are there in case it takes multiple adventures. Or they can be used to bind the familiar I suppose as well.

Camilla has some confusion over notation. Her SQ for learning MT was 33, plus 5 for apt student, for a total of 38, and then *1.5 for affinity with magic theory. In my at home records this is recorded as being 38 and is then multiplied for calculating the score. In any case this is effectively 57xp in a season, which for some inexplicable reason Callen recorded as being +50xp/season on the seasonal planning sheet. add to this the 2(3) xp she received during the opening of her arts and her score would be 154 raw xp or 231 with affinity, for a score of 9+2 in magic theory.
Currently the rules of the covenant allow Camilla to bump all the grogs scheduled for a class, which is why I want PCs to fill out the sheet early so other schedules can be adjusted according to their plans. If you were to simply be added to a class of 3 or more it would not lower their SQ, but they would be lowering yours- as the schedule currently sits I would need to cancel on of the grog-seasons of teaching to schedule a class for Camilla in one of the remaining seasons. If you want to do this please do it soon so I can reschedule the rest of the covenant sooner and we can move on to rolling the next set of adventures.
Confidence points do not reset or regenerate, they have to be earned, then spent once. Every adventure results in some confidence being awarded.

The Source Quality was including the apt student. The source quality starts at 9. Add 5 for good teacher, add 5 for apt student, add 3 for com, 8 for the teaching ability score and 3 for the lab spec. That's 9+5+5+3+8+3=33. Multiply that by 1.5 to get 49.5 and round up for a nice even 50.

You should only round up every other time...

No problem, I shall keep this in mind, and edit accordingly. But Quite Possibly a Cat has the right of it, SQ 33 is with everything, including Apt Student.

As for lowering Camilla's SQ on Latin, I have no problem with that in this particular season, she has 33 points accumulated and can't possibly reach 75 with that teacher (or any likely other!), even 1 on 1, in that season. She'll take the 21 SQ they generate together, without bumping the grogs. This time :smiling_imp: Class is in session! Spring of 1104

silveroak, can I get your ruling on this?
What happens to apprentices' lost seasons? If the parens has something planned, but is called away for adventures, can the apprentice (if not going to the adventure) start doing something else so as not to waste the season entirely? Currently Camilla has an empty season in 1102. Even if she takes some penalty to SQ, I'd rather she do something with the season. Immersion in Latin perhaps, at least, anything other than zero.

Should I declare a fallback option every time?

Does Camilla have full/some/no access to the library?

Also her parens may have specific rules/prohibitions for her, Quite Possibly a Cat?


He's super neglectful when not trying to inject healing power into her, or having her assist in lab. No experimenting in his lab. Don't break anything important.

Thanks! Then, pending silveroak's ruling on whether she can access books from the library, I will plan ahead. I will fill in 2 seasons/year with her wishes, Evandrus can override them anyway to pour knowledge into her or to compel her aid in the lab.

Is Evandrus neglectful about returning books to the library? Even if she is not strictly allowed to borrow books, she could certainly try to read whatever he has at hand! 8) I'm assuming she is quartered in some cot or corner of his sanctum.

Don't know how many seasons Evandrus is going to dedicate to teaching Camilla, but by the book, she has 11 seasons due, 1/year (11 years left in apprenticeship with no teaching season yet filled in). He has put many seasons already into her development, so I will not expect more than those (but would love them, amazing SQ!). Her wishes for those 11 seasons are:
•1 season: Be taught Puissant Creo
•1 season: Be taught Puissant Corpus
•1 season: Be taught Mercurian magic, get stuck with the Blatant gift
•1 season: be taught Magic theory to the limit (9+2 overflow)
•1 seasons: Be taught Corpus
•2 seasons: be taught Creo
•1 season: be taught spells, I’d imagine a full bag of Creo Corpus
•1 season: be taught spells, Creo based
•1 season: be initiated into Faerie magic (last virtue taught/initiated, so that it doesn't raise the SQ of the others
•1 season: Taught parma magica

any other season is a bonus, but
•1 season: be taught House Merinita Lore
•1 season: be taught Faerie magic skill
seem appropriate

Again, if this is not the appropriate place to post this, please point me in the right direction.


If the parens is called away on adventure then the student may declare a secondary activity- immersion in Latin, reading a book, etc. so long as it does not require anyone else to change their plans. After the adventure is resolved then experience can come from either source depending on how long the adventure is- for example is the student was assisting I the lab and then decided to read a book, the adventure takes 15 days reducing the lab score by 1/3, the student may then take 1/3 of the SQ of the book from reading, while if the parens had been teaching they would have a choice between 1/3 of the book or 2/3 of the teaching.

Question about this yearly planning chart: The yellow section is the year we're currently resolving, correct? I'm eyeballing Aurthor and trying to figure out what was already handled. Similarly, I noticed he's listed as wanting to read the Deft Spellcaster at L5 Q15, but the wiki lists it as Q20. Should I update this on the spreadsheet?

Picking up Aurthor mid-adventure, I'm going to assume he's going to start becoming very focused on particular tasks for a time due to his personality trait. I filled in some studies for next year just to make sure I have a backup plan if I don't come up with a better one.

That Finesse summae is definitely Q20, maybe do a strike thru so that it's clear what you changed? 1119 had been completed, then we had the hiccup where Aurthor's old player could not continue. I'm not sure if Aurthor was advanced for 1119, this is a case where silveroak should weigh in.

The last update on his character wiki is 118, and his finesse is 2, so he hasn't read 46 xp of it from that book (book learner, +2 seasons of reading)