just note what needs to be rolled and I will roll it at home and post the results, not necessarily numerically (especially if there are factors you are unaware of)
This is the first time I've ever actually seen someone cast Eyes of the Eons, and I am super excited that I found a reasonable use for it.
@silveroak It was unclear to me if the pixie Mimi was still around or if they stayed in the quieter gallery, away from other magi. Whether or not Mimi actually followed him, however, Plasmatoris would still have talked to her if she was following him. Since she hasn't responded ot a few of Plasmatoris's questions now, I'll assume as a player that she is not following him around visibly.
the only question I have seen asked since you stepped outside was about noting people's names. Also should note that a muse is not a secretary...
Oh yes, I (the player) certainly didn't actually expect her to answer my tirade of questions - but she was the first creature who Plasmatoris saw - now his attention moved to someone new to harass with questions.
@silveroak I assume the Monocerus is able to enter Okeannetis' quarters, and lab, right?
Yes, the lab has a large door the monocerous can enter through.
Silas will go to library.
Also wasnt it Lares asking questions to the scribe boys?
yes- my glitch
Does the Aegis need to penetrate in our saga?
@silveroak Question on investigating enchantments in the scenario we're in here.
In ArM 5e p 100 the "Investigating Enchantments" it states, "If you wish to determine the powers of someone else’s enchantment, you must investigate it in your lab."
Is our future self considered someone else?
Thinking about how I got about figuring out those rings.
yes your alt future self is considered someone else.
@Whaler Hey, are Silas and the scribes still in the Library?
@Bartomeus I think you could easily run into us coming there.
Yea. You can chip in at any point.
Is Tastheus still looking through his correspondence, or can he rejoin another group (i.e. in the library?)
Can I please confirm that Zarkut's Comprehend Magic wasn't able to detect anything in terms of effects on the covenant as a whole or the aura? (From when he looked at the courtyard, fountains, wooden people, etc.)
While I don't expect much to be found in Plasmatoris Lab, I didn't receive a response if there was anything. Either way, he'll be heading to the library to meet people after the search.
Zarkut is able to recognize that the majority of the covenant is a level 5 aura, though the labs are congregated within a level 8 aura, and that the aura has an allinment of hungry, which will double it's value for spells of PeCo, PeHe, PeAn and PeAq, but also tends to make people require more sustenance, as well as to make things break down, rot, or be consumed by natural forces more easilly. This, in addition to the dry heat is what is causing the fountain to evaporate mid air.
@silveroak For the covenant founding, did you intend for an 1133 founding or did you mean 1233?
Trying to piece together the process and the reference from Nicole to Argentius that he helped establish/set up the Covenant.
Tribunal of Africa defined and established in 1228?
Covenant in 1133?