5.5 Chapter Art - Stories

Please post your chapter art ideas for the Stories here!

Visit our announcement page for more details on what we are looking for.

What do you want this chapter's introductory art to look like? Please list the thematic elements, mood, characters, setting, visual style, details, etc. that you would like to see for the Stories.

Links to all the chapter art threads:

Intro, Order of Hermes, Characters, Virtues & Flaws, Abilities, Covenants, Hermetic Magic, Laboratory, Spells, Long-Term Events, Obstacles, Realms, Bestiary, Mythic Europe, Stories, Sagas

We can't wait to see what you come up with!

A cozy scene showing a diverse group of travellers is gathered around a fireplace enjoying the performance of a troubadour. Through the window in the darkness outside, faery creatures can be seen plotting mischief.

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